The latest from Pamela Geller:
Notice how [Daisy Khan] no longer calls it “Cordoba Initiative” but park51 — now that we know that Cordoba is symbolic of Islamic conquest over the West… In the book Anti-Semitism: myth and hate from antiquity to the present, Frederick Schweitzer and Marvin Perry point out that the rosy view of Muslim Spain has been used since 1948 as “an Arab-Islamist weapon in what is primarily an ideological and political struggle against Israel.” This misuse of history ignores “a catalog of lesser-known hatred and massacres,” including the pogroms in Cordoba in 1011 and Granada in 1066 — both perpetrated by Muslims.
“An Iberian and Roman city in ancient times, in the Middle Ages it was capital of the Islamic caliphate which conquered and occupied Spain for nearly 800 years. During this time Cordoba was one of the largest cities in the world whose name continues to represent a symbol of Islamic conquest to many faithful Muslims around the world.”
Clearly, Geller is implying that the indented quote has come from the Schweitzer and Perry book – but there’s no sign of it in the Amazon book search function, and it does not reflect the book’s main concern. The quote has, though, been spammed around various web-discussions in recent weeks, with several sites giving Wikipedia as the source.
Geller’s use of Schweitzer and Perry is also a vulgar misappropriation. Their discussion of Cordoba (p. 267) is derived from Bernard Lewis, who indeed suggests that Cordoba as a “golden age” of inter-religious harmony is a “myth” which has been used polemically in the context of modern Israel – but Lewis also tells us that this simplification was created by nineteenth-century Jewish historians as “a reproach to Christians”.
We know that the idea of “Cordoba” is used by Muslims to evoke the notion of a harmonious Islam – the fact that the ideal may not reflect the historical reality does not therefore indicate that the word is being used in bad faith. If there is any evidence of another meaning – a symbolic meaning of “Islamic conquest over the West” – then why doesn’t Geller point us to a proper source, rather than dressing up Wikipedia as scholarship? Are there any Arabic sayings which point to such a meaning? Literary references? Sermons? Of course, Al-Qaeda and various Islamist groups sometimes mention “Al Andalus”, but there’s no indication that it is has a wider symbolic resonance.
Geller is shameless in her lies and misrepresentations – I recently noted her claim that Elena Kagan is actually a Nazi.
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It is simply a fact that Cordoba was the capital city of an Islamic theocracy.
It is also a fact that the Cordoba Initiative founded an international group called “The Shariah Project” at a meeting in Kuala Lumpur in August 2006. You can read about it on their website.
Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaysia, a country where Sharia Courts sentence “apostates” to years in prison — which is considered lenient since many Islamic scholars insist that apostates be put to death.
Thank you for pointing out these “facts”. Now how about giving me the actual “fact” which would support Geller’s contention about why the word “Cordoba” was used?
Geller is a moron. And an evil lying moron at that.
How about instead of taking on mental midgets like Geller, though, you apply a little critical thinking to the very real question of what kind of Islam is promoted by the Cordoba Initiative?
If you think that Feisal Abdul Rauf and Daisy Khan & Co. are “moderates” then please provide some evidence, unless this is a “faith based” conclusion that you have drawn?
Daisy Khan herself says that Islam has been “hijacked” by extremists. How are we to know that the Cordoba Initiative are not in collusion with the hijackers, or possibly among the hijacked?
I’m not interested in “defending Islam” – what I am interested in is accurate information and a free society. Of course it can’t be proven that Khan is not secretly a militant (how could it?), but the hysteria being whipped up around this subject is unedifying – and a corrosive danger to civil society in the USA.
I want to ask you if the other lesser known killings and porgroms reffered to against the Jews took place or not and don’t let us get hung up on the said lies.
The reality today is that Muslim’s aim is to take over Jerusalem and they are poised to do this as an act of their faith and this makes it very dangerous. Do I need to make refrences to any historical records or you look at the stark reality now developing in Islamic nations that border Israel?
Whatever lies this lady may have stated by her quotation, pales in comparison to what is happening now and this should be of a great concern to all lovers of Jerusalem. A day earlier rockets come in from Egyptian side and the next day a senior Israel soldier gets killed right inside Israel territory without any provocation. What does this mean for the safety of Israel and Jerusalem in particular?
I want to ask you if the other lesser known killings and porgroms reffered to against the Jews took place or not and don’t let us get hung up on the said lies.
That’s right – let’s not “get hung up” on the point I was actually making! Let’s talk about something else you’d prefer instead!
I do not mean to negate the point you are trying to make but what is the importance of that point, if greater evil is taking place even as we speak? Are you living in another planet or this one? Don’t you hear about muslims killing other people of other religions such as in Nigeria on an ongoing basis. Do we need to go how far back in time to figure out what this fictitious religion’s major occupation, has been the annihilation of those that do not follow with their teachings and dogmas.
If you want to know where it is all happening, please regardless of the fact that the rest of the world do not care seriously about happenings in Africa, please pay particular attention to what Islam is doing in Nigeria. That Nigeria’s break-up is imminent is all directly connected with Islam’s bloody history in that land since the entrance of the Ottoman empire with Islam riding on its back.
Consider that of all religions, there is only one that goes out in defence of its deity or so called prophet Mohammed which actually did never happen. Mohammed never regarded himself as a prophet and he never did most of what is ascribed to him. What sort of religion encourages it followers to go kill others to prove their beliefs?
At all times in the history of Islam, it has been very bloody and there is no letting up even now. It is the religion of the adversary and will ever remain adversarial until crushed. I have not referenced all the suicide bombs in Iraq, Afghanistan and Israel as you know too well about them. Some of them are said to be political but the underlying motivation is Islamic religion and that is what binds all together not tribe or race.
The Western countries have consistently ignored all the religiously inspired killings in Nigeria over the past fifty years and gradually it is once again shifting toward Europe and North America. the more you try to ignore the obvious, the stronger it gets and the closer it gets to where you are.
In “actually existing Jerusalem” it’s the Jews driving the Muslims out, not the other way around.
Are you jealous? Surely looks that way.
I’m certainly jealous of Robert Spencer’s paycheck. But – once again – I see the focus appears to be on my character, rather than on the question I’ve raised.
I like how she goes back as far as 1066 to ‘prove’ how evil Islam is in comparison to Christianity, I imagine that if you look at the actions of other religious groups during this time period then nobody is going to come up smelling of roses.
Don’t you hear about muslims killing other people of other religions such as in Nigeria on an ongoing basis.
I also hear about Hindu extremists killing people of other religions on a regular basis, I don’t hear people like you condemning Hindus (or cowering in terror before a non-existent Hindu threat).
I hear of the crimes of Christian fundamentalists in Africa, yet…..
Consider that of all religions, there is only one that goes out in defence of its deity or so called prophet Mohammed which actually did never happen. Mohammed never regarded himself as a prophet and he never did most of what is ascribed to him.
Please show me the irrefutable evidence that Jesus did what the gospels claim he did or that he even existed, after you’ve done this please explain all the violence done in the name of Christ.
Please show me the irrefutable evidence of Siddhartha Gautama, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
What sort of religion encourages it followers to go kill others to prove their beliefs?
Your more than welcome to argue you case from the “I just think it’s right” point of view, just don’t expect to be taken seriously.
You actually missed the best part of Stephen CE’s post, where he claimed that Nigeria was part of the Ottoman Empire. We’re dealing with a real expert here.
If I was a Christian fundamentalist hoping to prove that Christianisty has some inherent property of tolerance (and an ability to ally with Judaism at will), and that it’s _Islam _which is the odd one out owing to its inherent lack of tolerance, I really, really, wouldn’t be making any references at all to the history of Spain. Nor would I be mentioning pogroms.
Once we go back to the eleventh century, we can find an example of pretty much any ethnic-religious group attempting to massacre pretty much any other (although Jewish people were rather more likely to be on the receiving end). But does (say) the St Brice’s Day Massacre prove that the English and the Danes have an inherent antipathy which can never be overcome? Perhaps not.
“Of course it can’t be proven that Khan is not secretly a militant (how could it?), but the hysteria being whipped up around this subject is unedifying – and a corrosive danger to civil society in the USA.”
Daisy Khan and Feisal Abdul Rauf claim that they are moderates. In fact the whole raison d’etre of the Ground Zero Mosque is that it will contribute to pushing back the more radical and extremist elements of Islam.
But there are legitimate questions about the Cordoba Initiatives agenda and who they support and who supports them. There are simple, objective ways for these questions to be answered:
(1) the Cordoba Initiative should publicly and explicitly reject the idea of introducing Sharia Law into the United States.
(2) they should also make clear their views on Hamas, the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, and other extremist groups.
(3) there must be transparency in the funding ($100M+) of the Cordoba Initiative.
These are very real questions. They are not made less real by the stupidity of Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin. Pat Buchanan loudly opposed the invasion of Iraq — that didn’t mean it was the right thing to do just because a prominent right-wing extremist religious bigot opposed it.
These are ridiculous suggestions (except for number 3, which should apply to all investments, not just those made by Muslims) can you imagine the outrage that would occur if a church was asked to explicitly reject the 10 commandments in order to recieve planning permission? or if a church was forced to denounce extremist sects of christianity before it could open? This kind of Stalinism is racist and illiberal, you can’t have a free society if some ethnic and/or religious minority is forced to reject the beliefs of their religion in order to participate in that society.
Thank you for pointing out these “facts”. Now how about giving me the actual “fact” which would support Geller’s contention about why the word “Cordoba” was used?
Geller is pure boilerplate, but then seeings the circumstances, that’s about the only way to go.
To pretend the use of the word “Cordoba” is but an innocent choice on the part of the G.Z. mosque proponents is to demonstrate willful ignorance.
Were a group of Japanese nationalists to construct a Shinto shrine next to the wreck of the USS Arizona and baptise it “Kamikaze”, would you still feign being mystified as to the motives of the shrine’s promoters?
When the Spanish conquistadors built Cathedrals on the sites of ruined temples after having killed 1000s of Aztecs, were those buildings symbols of supremacism and conquest, or were they, on the other hand, merely noble and sincere attempts at ecumenical outreach?
Mayor Bloomberg has given his assent to the G.Z. mosque, invoking noble pieties of “religious freedom” as his guiding motivation.
When given news of the Times Square bomber shortly before he’d been nabbed, mayor Bloomberg assumed, given his infallible leftist credentials, that it was some white neo-nazi redneck clinging to his guns and his religion and opposed to Obama’s healthcare…or something.
Terror experts say that the site chosen and the type of explosive involved were carefully considered. Had the terrorist, a Pakistani Muslim described as a “nice man” by his neighbours, succeeded, the explosion would have blown up not just Times Square, it would have also collapsed the subway tunnels running directly underneath, trapping and perhaps killing at least TEN THOUSAND PEOPLE.
Pam Geller lives in New York.
She uses the subway almost every day.
Neither you nor Charles Johnson do.
Just putting her ‘boilerplate’ into perspective…
So, when I ask for evidence that “Cordoba” is a secret code word for “conquest of the west”, the answer has something to do with Japanese nationalists and Conquistadors.
By the way, I use public transport in London on a regular basis, as do some of my close friends (including around Russell Square, one of the sites targeted on 7/7). However, I don’t think it gives me some sort of moral trump card.
You’d figure if the Muslims were going to pick a city as a symbol of Islamic conquest, they’d pick one they still have.
When the Spanish conquistadors built Cathedrals on the sites of ruined temples after having killed 1000s of Aztecs, were those buildings symbols of supremacism and conquest, or were they, on the other hand, merely noble and sincere attempts at ecumenical outreach?
What??!! You’re mad!
The World Trade Center buildings were temples??
The USA has been conquered by superior weapons and disease and is now subservient to its new masters who plunder its gold, silver and other riches???
First – 1000s of Aztecs? There were an estimated 25 million native Americans in the Mexico area when the conquistadores arrived, 50 years later their numbers were estimated at 3 million.
Second – The Islamic community center is not being built on Ground Zero, no matter what you want to believe.
Tell me, do you support the building of a giant office building on the supposed “sacred” ground of Ground Zero?
How pious, meek and moral of you.
How snide, smug and arrogant of you.
I was once a leftists, and so recognise statements in which cowardice masquerades as piety.
I doubt you were once a leftist, I doubt even more that you know what it means. I am suprised about your claim of cowardice. Given that you’re the one who lives with the ludicrous fear that Muslims are some sort of existential threat to your world, I consider you an ignorant coward.
So, when I ask for evidence that “Cordoba” is a secret code word for “conquest of the west”, the answer has something to do with Japanese nationalists and Conquistadors
I was illustrating a point. If you do not understand the point I was illustrating, then please read up on the history of Cordoba ( hint: it’s a city in Spain)
However, I don’t think it gives me some sort of moral trump card.
How pious, meek and moral of you.
I was once a leftists, and so recognise statements in which cowardice masquerades as piety.
I think you missed the point, Cordoba may have been a violent and religiously intolerant place when it was ruled by the Moors but if that is the case then it is fairly esoteric historical knowledge, in the public imagination (well, insofar as the general public is aware of the history of spain) Cordoba is seen as a symbol of tolerance. It may not be technically accurate but that is the common perception and obviously the intention of the name. Its utterly stupid to believe that this is some kind of secret codename, it is at most a PR gaffe caused by a lack of research.
Also, what super secret terrorist organization would be stupid enough to put their intentions of world domination right in the name of their building? Are you living in a Bond film?
Here are two Muslims, one of whom lives under death threats, explaining it all, in terms most islamophobic, for you, Mr Bart. :o)
I read the piece. But again, no evidence is provided – just an appeal to their authority based on their religious background. All I ask for is some poem, sermon, or other literary evidence to show that “Corboda” is a code-word or symbol for “conquest of the West”, and that this was Rauf’s intention when the name was chosen.
Dear Son of Ptolemy, your rave over Got Medieval’s sophistry runs like this:
“Excellent post. Over on my blog, I’ve been asking for some literary evidence which might show that “Cordoba” has a symbolic meaning of “conquest of the west”. Responses so far have been along the lines that I ought to be discussing Islamic attacks on Israel or such instead.”
My response, I trust you realize, doesn’t take into account “Islamic attacks on Israel or such instead.” In fact, it tries to decorticate one very significant ruse employed in the article you admire so much:
“It’s curious how the overwhelming majority of readers rapturing over this “dressing down” of Gingrich accept the author’s blithe “elision”–a term he uses to his great advantage–of the “persecution of the Christians under Abd-ar-Ramman II, which included the martyrdom of St Eulogius.”
Got Medieval: this “little thing” (how I love your rhetorical “flourishes”) called the Catholic Encyclopedia is, as suggested by you, no “little thing” indeed.
NEITHER is persecution.
Neither too is the “little thing” referred to as the Visigoths, the Christian people you give the impression seamlessly “merged” with Islam without a fight.
In fact, another “little thing” you ellide is the uncontrovertible CONQUEST of the Iberian penisula by hordes of invading Moors.
You would like to selectively swamp the reader with dates and names which, subsumed by a majestic “Got Medieval” title, will blind the reader with “science.”
Considering the wealth of names that could be given this mosque at the heart of what Islam (sorry, I realize you’d argue only a teensy number of Islamist “bad apples”)destroyed in the US, “Cordoba House” cannot be justified as anything short of provocative. And comments demeaning the knowledgeability of Americans and especially American politicians in what you’d like to pass off as scholarship, issue principally from scholarly wannabes: essentially sophomoric readers who’d love to be associated with Ivory Tower, not to mention Ivy League, eminences grises.”
In other words, pretending the name “Cordoba House” is harmless, coincidental, or worse, some obscurely poetic luange to a time of interfaith sweetness, love and understanding, is disingenuous or, better put, toxic and underhanded.
You are familiar with how the Visigoths got to Spain? And their cutting-edge, state of the art anti-Semitic policies?
One more thing, why the insistence on etymological roots of “Cordoba” in Arabic?
This is as absurd as demanding etymological meanings of “nazi” as proof that “national” as in “national socialism” bears absolutely no encrypted pejorative within.
Let’s pursue this a bit. Why not say, hmmm, Mr Bartholomew, it appears to me you believe in the concept of nation.
You shouldn’t mind, then, my calling you a “Nazi”–oh, sorry, I like the German use of “nationalist” simply because it is so euphonious, brief, and falls trippingly from the lips.
Should you object, how about a poem from the era where “Nazi” is defined as anything else. God forbid!
All I ask for is some poem, sermon, or other literary evidence to show that “Corboda” is a code-word or symbol for “conquest of the West”,
Let’s try another approach.
I’ dressed entirely in black.
I am wearing a mask on my face.
It is late at night.
I am standing in front of a jewelry shop window, and am holding aloft a large, heavy brick.
Now, I am about to do which of the following:
1) Dance the charleston?
2) Do the macarena?
3) Rob a jewelry store?
Oh! What say ye to the idea of renaming Fort Hood’s main street “Avenue Nidal Hassan” for the sake of ecumenical outreach?
¸in the public imagination (well, insofar as the general public is aware of the history of spain) Cordoba is seen as a symbol of tolerance
Muslim Spain was a hellhole of intolerance.
When the Catholic kings retook Toledo from the Moors, Averroes, Islam’s adalusian star, begged the king to be allowed to stay.
Something else important should be pointed out and it’s this: Isabella didn’t kick the Moors all out in 1492. She had concluded a pact with some sections of the Muslim community, a pact in which the rules of dhimmitude were abrogated leaving the Muslims living as equals before the law. Imagine the affrontery of being asked to live as an equal.
After much conflict, and after the remaining Muslims had broken the pact on numerous occasions ( they appeared incapable of supporting themselves economically and financially through an honest day’s work), and after having been given further chances to blend in as equals, the friction and frustration became such that they were all finally kicked out in 1609.
From what we can glean from the historical record, they had a very poor work ethic, poor discipline and little ambition, and over the centuries they had become so used to living off of the labour of others they simply hadn’t the ability to integrate into the larger society as equals. So for nearly 120 years they were cajoled, mollycoddled and encouraged to integrate by the Christian majority, but just refused to do so.
Let’s try another approach.
No, let’s try my approach, which is to want actual evidence that “Cordoba” is used by Muslims as a codeword for “conquest of the West”. What Isabella of Spain did in 1492 etc. is neither here nor there.
‘cajoled, mollycoddled and encouraged’.
Virtually none of what you write about the historical record is true, with the exception of the fact that there was a Queen Isabella. Please read a serious book on the subject before you pontificate again.
Second – The Islamic community center is not being built on Ground Zero, no matter what you want to believe.
It’s not a “community centre”. It’s a boastful, triumphalist mosque the future head of which is now on a tour of the Mid-East and religious-apartheid Saudi Arabia to obtain funding. 14 of the 19 high-jackers were from Saudi Arabia
If these jokers had any moral decency, they’d erect a monument to those killed, a monument they could use to distance Islam from the murderous acts of 911.
Plans for the Islamic Center do include a memorial for the dead of 9/11. Once again the quality of your research shows through.
This is an article by someone you may already know.
Pretending that a problem does not exist, most times does not make it go away.
None Dare Call It . . . What?
By Cal Thomas
Former Speaker Newt Gingrich may be the most notable public figure in some time to state the obvious: radical Islam is a clear and present danger to America.
In a speech last week at The American Enterprise Institute in Washington, Gingrich said, “this is not a war on terrorism … this is a struggle with radical Islamists.” The problem, he said, is that too many leaders are “sleepwalking” and won’t face the threat.
Ask yourself: if you wanted to infiltrate a country, wouldn’t a grand strategy be to rapidly build mosques from Ground Zero in New York, to Temecula, Calif., and establish beachheads so fanatics could plan and advance their strategies under the cover of religious freedom and that great American virtue known as “tolerance,” which is being used against us?
The best people to consult on such matters are those with the life experiences and knowledge to credibly comment on the subject. After all, we can’t expect those who wish to destroy us to tell the truth, can we? Except that they do tell it by their words and deeds throughout much of the world. The problem isn’t that they’re not telling. The problem is that too many are imprisoned in denial.
One such expert is Yoram Ettinger a former Israeli diplomat and current commentator. He comments on Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons and the West’s feckless response through meaningless sanctions and empty rhetoric, Ettinger writes: “Western policy-makers grow increasingly reconciled to co-existence with a nuclear Iran. They assume that, notwithstanding the radical rhetoric, the Iranian leadership is pragmatic, cognizant of its limitations, unwilling to expose its people to devastating Western retaliation and considering nuclear capabilities as a tool of deterrence — and not as an offensive weapon — against the U.S., NATO and Israel.
“However, a nuclear Iran would constitute a clear and present danger to global security and peace, which must not be tolerated. In order to avert such peril, it is incumbent to disengage from illusions and engage with realism.”
Realism is a quality clearly lacking in much of the rhetoric from this and previous administrations.
Ettinger continues: “Unlike Western leaders, the Iranian revolutionary leadership is driven by ideological and religious conviction, bolstered by ancient imperialist ethos:
“1. Jihad is the permanent state of relations between Moslems and non-Moslems, while peace and ceasefire accords are tenuous.
2. The Shihada commits every Shiite to kill and be killed, in order to advance Shiite Moslem strategy
3.The strategic goal of Shiite Islam — which replaced illegitimate Judaism and Christianity — is to convert humanity to Islam.”
That seems pretty straightforward. Is there anyone who can credibly doubt these stated goals? If not, why are we pretending radical Islamists don’t mean it when they repeatedly prove they do?
Some of the zeal directed toward illegal aliens crossing our southern border might better be focused on securing America from radical Islamists. Instead, they build their mosques with minimal opposition from the squishy politicians and elites who could stand against them if they had any backbone. And so those radical Islamists who would dominate America move forward with plans to subjugate us all to their religion and way of life. If the Nazis or Soviets had been this good at infiltration and neutralizing criticism, we, not they, would be on “the ash heap of history.”
If at that critical moment in our history, Paul Revere had not devised the plan to light signal lanterns in the belfry of Old North Church for fear of being called an “Anglophobe,” Queen Elizabeth’s picture might be on our money today.
Radical Islamists are here. Who else besides Newt Gingrich and too few others will sound the call? Who else has the power to do something while they still can?
J contributor Cal Thomas is co-author with Bob Beckel, a liberal Democratic Party strategist, of “Common Ground: How to Stop the Partisan War That is Destroying America”.
Yes, and who would question the word of a former Israeli diplomat? No way that guy isn’t objective!
“3.The strategic goal of Shiite Islam — which replaced illegitimate Judaism and Christianity — is to convert humanity to Islam.””
I just have to point out that the strategic goal of Christianity–laid out in the Great Commission–is to go forth and make Disciples of all nations.
That there were plenty of Muslim conquests cannot be
denied. They also sacked towns in Europe and captured slaves – even in southern England.
These captives were never seen again and were forcibly converted on pain of death. – Nice ??
That there were plenty of Christian conquests cannot be denied. They sacked towns all over the world and captured slaves. Millions were forcibly converted on pain of death. Nice??
No doubt there is a lot of blood in the hands of the so called catholic church which is more or less the father of Islam. Both of them are very bloody and should not even be considered as religious groups. Both religious groups share a lot in common. The problem though is that Muslims are today doing exactly the things that catholic church along with monarchies did in the past.
There are some who do not care much about citations out of Africa but consider the fact that today Arabs occupy a vast amount of lands in the entire North of Africa reducing the African populations there to zero in some countries. The catholic church carried out slavery in many ways and continues misleading the people by altering their history and cultures. The history of Africa today is being written by Europeans who have done nothing but distort everything that concerns the continent and its rich history.
It appears there are some who do not know the relationship between the Ottoman empire and the Islamic religion. The empire did not set out as Islamic one initially but along the way, it got taken over or they took over Islam and used it to drive their ideas. To this day in Northern Nigeria there is the ruling house hat is related to the Ottoman’s. This can be verified in Sokoto State one of the far northern States in Northern Nigeria.
It is this family in collaboration with other emirs that plan and execute mass killings in the name of spreading Islam across the Niger. It is one of the early States that initiated the application of full blown sharia law in almost all the northern States of Nigeria. The threat is real and this does not make me a right, center or left person it is just stating the obvious.
Truly a fascinating exchange here. As a Muslim living in Brooklyn and attending a mosque just a couple of blocks from the WTC site, this is all really bizarre for me to be reading. If Cordova is a secret code for “my people’s” conquest of the west, it’s news to me. I hadn’t even heard that this was the name they were going with until I got to this web page by way of google. I am embarrassed to admit that I only did so when I read a comment on a story (a guilty pleasure, reading those comments for their comedic value…) that said. “They trying to redo Cordoba! Look it up!” I had heard of the city, but had no idea of the significance it held for my own secret society of terrorists bent on imposing Sharia law in downtown Manhattan!
[…] doubtless more to come – US anti-mosque demagogue Pamela Geller is on the case, predictably opining that The world is descending into madness […]