Hypatia Biopic Upsets Spanish Catholic Organisation

From the Catholic News Agency:

Madrid, Spain, Oct 7, 2009 / 10:34 pm (CNA).- Just days before the release of the new movie “Agora” by Spanish director Alejandro Amenabar, civil rights organizations are denouncing the film for promoting hatred of Christians and reinforcing false clichés about the Catholic Church.

The president of the Religious Anti-Defamation Observatory, Antonio Alonso Marcos, has sent an open letter to Amenabar, also know for his pro-euthanasia film “The Sea Inside,” denouncing the film’s anti-Christian bias.

…”your film is going to awaken hatred against Christians in today’s society…”

The film is a biopic of Hypatia, the Alexandrian neo-Platonic philosopher who was famously scraped to death with shells by a Christian mob in the Fifth Century. Judging from the film’s trailer, Agora also takes in the destruction of pagan libraries (a loss later conflated with the earlier destruction of the Library of Alexandria and incorrectly ascribed to the Arab Muslim invaders of a later date).

The “Observatorio Antidifamación Religiosa” (OADIR) has a Spanish-language website here, with categories such as “Denuncias” and “Insultos” – the letter to Amenabar can be seen here. We’re told that the organisation was formed in 2007 by some university professors who are unhappy that the authorities do not enforce laws against offence to religious feeling:

El 9 de mayo de 2007 nos reunimos un grupo de profesores universitarios con el fin de poner freno a tanto escarnio y tanta mofa que padecemos los católicos en este país cuando se hace ofensa gratuita de los sentimientos religiosos.

Esa ofensa está contemplada en el art. 525 del Código Penal, pero los poderes públicos, por motivos que no logramos entender, nunca han intervenido.

Ante la inacción del Estado, la sociedad civil ha tomado la iniciativa y se ha puesto al frente de esta lucha por el respeto a nuestros sentimientos religiosos, que sin duda redundará en una convivencia más pacífica y un mayor logro del bien común.

Además de los miembros fundadores, forman parte de esta Asociación toda aquella persona que vea que esta es una causa justa y necesaria.

Antonio Alonso Marcos’ profile can be seen here; he is a political scientist based at San Pablo-CEU University, and a specialist on Hizb ut Tahrir in Central Asia.

Back in January, Marcos denounced the atheist bus advertisement campaign as illegal – then as now, he complained that the adverts would incite hatred.

In July, as I blogged here, a film which depicts Christians destroying pagan sculpture on the Parthenon provoked the ire of the Greek Orthodox Church.

(Hat tip: The Wild Hunt)

The Tattoo and the Graffiti

Yesterday I blogged on the English Defence League’s use of an image of graffiti scrawled on the side of an Indian restaurant in a video designed to rally the faithful against Islamic extremists. I noted that the image had been taken from Paul Ray’s blog, and added that:

It is a quite remarkable co-incidence that Ray just happened to chance upon a piece of anonymous graffiti  that reflects his particular religious and political perspective and symbolism, but there it is.

Even more remarkably, however, I now see that the cross also looks very much like a tattoo Ray has on his arm. The properties in the original of the left-hand picture say that it was taken in January 2007, which predates his discovery of the graffiti.

Paul Ray Cross Tattoo Coincidence

Astonishing. Must be divine providence.

English Defence League: War on Indian Cuisine

A screenshot from a video on the EDL website:, telling us that “The Beacon is Alight”:

The Beacon is Alight:

So much for the claim that the EDL is peaceful and law-abiding. And just where did this graffiti – obviously intended to stir up communalist tension – appear? Erm… on the side of an Indian restaurant, in 2007:

War on Indian Cuisine

The picture appeared on Paul Ray’s blog, in a posting from the time. Ray had a justification:

This Indian restaurant is owned by Pakistani Moslems connected to the Jihad army of Bury Park Luton and is probably the furthest outpost they have which is deep into Our countryside. This building used to be a local pub selling the usual home cooked food and serving local ale, now it is an Indian Restaurant owned by Luton Pakistani Moslems…The restaurant sits at the ‘Heart’ of Our local countryside …I personally look forward to the day that we are posting news of acts of war against the Moslem community and not just graffiti.

Over the past few months, Ray has had his wish. It is a quite remarkable co-incidence that Ray just happened to chance upon a piece of anonymous graffiti  that reflects his particular religious and political perspective and symbolism, but there it is.

The rhetoric is ,of course, clunkily obvious: an indigenous business has closed, and an immigrant business appears to be succeeding. Does this not therefore prove that the failure of the indigenous business is because of the immigrants? This is also Ray’s story – he blames the failure of his computer business (“Zion Computers”, no less) on “Pakistani Moslems”.

As I’ve noted before, while on his blog Ray is careful to write about “Pakistani Moslems”, on American radio he is happy to rail against “Paki Muslims”.

Bootleg Blaney Bows to Injunction

Donal Blaney has some good news:

The hitherto anonymous individual who infringed my intellectual property rights and set up the fake @blaneyblarney account on Twitter has, on service of the injunction requiring him to stop and to reveal his identity, agreed to comply with the order.

…As I said on Thursday, the injunction has nothing to do with free speech. As a libertarian I have blogged on that topic here many, many times. The injunction was, instead, all about the protection of my intellectual property rights, relying on breach of copyright and passing off.

We may cough at some of the actual issues here: Blaney does not always champion “free speech”, and last year he sent Tim Ireland a legal threat on behalf of Paul Staines…after Tim mentioned Staines’ use of copyrighted images on his blog. But the principle is a good one – some people have reason to remain anonymous on-line, but those who do so in order to bully, harass, threaten, or deceive deserve to be called to account. There have been a couple of fake blogs in my name, and I recently received a fake email impersonating someone else, for reasons that remain unclear. Ironically, the legal precedent may be of use Tim Ireland, who has just in the past few weeks been the victim of a threatening campaign on Twitter.

As a legal first, Blaney’s injunction has been reported widely:

A testület úgy véli, hogy a blaneysblarney címen szerepl? profil jogtalanul bitorolja Donal Blaney személyiségét…???? ???????????? ????? ????? ?? ????? ??????? ?????? ?????? (Donal Blaney), ????????? ??????????? ????? Griffin Law, ??????? ? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ???…???(Donal Blaney)??????????????????@blaneysblarney??????Twitter??

In 2007 Peter Hitchens’ name was used by a commentator on Paul Staines’ website, annoying the real Peter Hitchens. According to the New Statesman:

The scuffle had reached a climax with the real PH visiting the fake PH, who, in a state of panic, phoned [Staines] to say that “Peter Hitchens has just cycled up my drive”. He didn’t answer the door.

Telegraph Gets Benny Hinn Quote from Satirical Video

From the Telegraph:

Christian evangelist Benny Hinn, from Texas, has been refused entry to Britain after falling foul of new rules drawn up to combat hate crimes and extremism.

…Among the “miracles” the Texan preacher performs is one in which he instructs participants to “let the bodies hit the floor”. Videos of the services show the devout falling down backwards, “slain in spirit”.

If you Google “Benny Hinn”, the number four result is a YouTube video called “Benny Hinn: Let the Bodies Hit the Floor”. However, this is actually a satirical compilation of Hinn clips, mashed together with a song called “Let the Bodies Hit the Floor” by a rock band called Drowning Pool. The phrase is not Hinn’s, and usually he has helpers to catch those he puts into a religious trance before they “hit the floor”.

More on the Cheerleaders



Tim Ireland has posted more details about our dealings with Dominic Wightman and with the Cheerleaders, a group of persons who have been sending Tim threatening messages and trying to cause trouble for his family by posting his private details to hostile websites.

I wrote a blog entry about the Cheerleaders back in February, as part of an investigation into Glen Jenvey and the “VIGIL Network“; this was after I had received the following comment (on 25 December 2008):

Richard- maybe you’d like an update from someone who works with [VIGIL]? (i.e. me)

drop us a line at the email I sent you and I’ll fill you in on the latest.

The commentator used the name “Lil’ Goat”, although the email address belonged to “Ludas Matyi” – that’s “Charlie the Goose-Boy” in a Hungarian folk-tale, and also the stage name of Charlie Flowers, the leader of a music band called “The Fighting Cocks” (interview here). “Lil’ Goat” is a reference to one of their songs, “The Little Goats’ Big Night Out.”

I did not give this much consideration, but the next month, when Tim revealed that the Sun had relied on a bogus posting by Glen Jenvey to create a front page splash about Islamic extremists, both Tim and I started to receive various comments and private messages from pseudonymous persons claiming to be “the Cheerleaders” or “the Hur al-Ayn”, containing boasts of having caused annoyance to Islamic extremists in various ways. These Cheerleaders overlap with the Fighting Cocks, as explained further below.

As well as messages, there was also some more creepy behaviour – a package for me was hand-delivered at a former workplace, and there was an attempt to join all my Facebook contacts. Tim also received some “I know where you live” type hints. However, there is no evidence that their efforts to disrupt Islamists were ever any more than trivial (such as winding up Asghar Bukhari). More recently, though, things have taken a more sinister turn. This came on 6 September, from “Charlie Wadia”:

Hello Richard, I’m authorised to tell you this- in nine days time, the Cheerleaders are going to war, and there will be bloodshed… we’re after [snip] and everyone around him, and when we find them, we’re going to kill them.

The named person is a notorious Islamist extremist who has served time in prison; even so, I was still obliged to spend time reporting this foolishness to the police. An associate of the Cheerleaders who calls himself Matthew Edwards emailed me a few days later to tell me that “Wadia is Matyi’s cousin”. And since then, we’ve seen the campaign against Tim Ireland, which includes comments such as “machete to your throat” on a now-suspended Twitter feed.

On the one hand, the Fighting Cocks claims to have some distance from the Cheerleaders. A message previously posted on a Facebook site read:

The Fighting Cocks would like to state that they have no links whatsoever with the Cheerleaders, and while they cannot condone their methods, they support their right to take direct action :)

However, “Matyi” has written to me from the Fighting Cocks email address, saying that:

I see you’ve been in correspondence with our little Valkyries; Shooter [Hadchiti], Fayruz and so on.

“And so on” includes names such as “Princess Calamity” and “Lady Terror”.

There are also some other similarities. The Fighting Cocks website features a link to the “Center on Terrorism and Irregular Warfare” (CTIW), which is part of the US Navy, and  a Cheerleaders Facebook site says: “This group is a live exercise by CTIW.” Also, I’ve had a Cheerleader comment on my blog supposedly from an “ncis.navy.mil” email address, and the Fighting Cocks’ website gives as part of its postal address “NCISRU Building 3” – a reference to a “Naval Criminal Investigative Service Resident Unit”. Perhaps the idea is to play on the paranoia and conspiracy-mongering of Islamic extremists; David T of Harry’s Place tells us that the group consists of “Situationists”. There are also some branding similarities, such as the use of images from manga, a similar logo sticker, and an interest in the novels of Tom Cain; like Cain’s protagonist Sam Carver, the Fighting Cocks boast that they “do bad things to bad people”, and both Cheerleaders and Fighting Cocks members follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

Tim emailed one member of the Fighting Cocks directly asking for information – this was a man named Dan Wilde, who goes by the stage name of “DJ Assassin”. Wilde did not respond, although the email shortly afterwards appeared on the Cheerleaders’ Facebook site, along with the message “IRELAND IS REALLY IN THE CRAP NOW!”, and Tim received Flowers’ promise to come around to his house for a fight. However, while it would seem that Wilde is unwilling to disassociate himself from the on-line harassment of Tim Ireland, he was also quick to step-up the privacy settings on his own Facebook account.

So why are they attacking Tim in this vicious way? Flowers will not explain, but the timing makes it obvious that the intention is to provide cover for Dominic Wightman, who formerly ran VIGIL (under the name “Dominic Whiteman”; VIGIL has now disbanded amidst recriminations over money). As I’ve blogged previously, Tim and I met Wightman in February in relation to the Jenvey investigation; Wightman told us that Jenvey was in cahoots with a third person, a university lecturer, and urged us to expose this connection. In order to chivvy us along, Wightman later claimed to have a discovered a document which he encouraged us to believe had been written by the lecturer and posted on-line by him. In fact, however, the document had been posted on-line by Wightman and, despite his denials, in all likelihood he had concocted it. Certainly, the lecturer did not write it and Wightman has not provided any other explanation. This is, of course, disastrous for someone who wishes to be taken seriously as a researcher who uncovers information about anything; Wightman’s counter-attack has been to claim political persecution, with Tim and I supposedly “lefties” who wish to “smear” him for being a “Tory”. Tim has has some high-profile bitter spats with a number of public figures on the UK Right, such as Iain Dale, Paul Staines, and Nadine Dorries MP, and so Wightman has calculated that if he positions himself as being just another name on Tim’s list of political opponents, Tim will not be taken seriously and, perhaps, he (Wightman) will win the support of these people. The Cheerleaders have gone along with this, suggesting that their threats against Tim are revenge for these public spats, which they seek to frame as “bulllying”.

In another example of providing cover for Wightman, Tim recently received a list of questions the day before Wightman published an attack piece against him; it was obvious that the questions came from the same source. Wightman originally said that Tim had written the questions himself, but when I showed that this was impossible, I received a message from a Cheerleader telling me that she had done it by hacking into Wightman’s computer and reading the attack piece prior to publication. Wightman declined my offer to provide a statement for the police about this and shrugged it off as unimportant. Draw your own conclusions from that. Wightman, however, continues to insist he has had little contact with the Cheerleaders.

But why do the Cheerleaders think their threats and harassment are justified? Wightman has attempted to rationalise his deception by claiming that his attempt to mislead us was actually a ploy to uncover links with radical Islamists; obviously, in order to investigate how far Jenvey’s bogus postings had gone we had to communicate with the forum moderator at Ummah.com. Wightman, while expressing his personal dislike of the site, accepted this, but has since declared that this amounted to some kind of secret conspiracy that he has exposed. This is even though Tim openly posted on Ummah asking for information and I mentioned in a blog entry having received information about IPs Jenvey had used. Perhaps Wightman’s rationalisation for his behaviour also gives the Cheerleaders a spurious sense of righteousness in a course of action that is in reality completely unworthy of adults – and does nothing to oppose Islamic extremism.

And, finally, why do they think they can make threats and harass with impunity? I don’t know the answer to that, although in 2006 Wightman was photographed posing outside New Scotland Yard with Patrick Mercer MP, then the Shadow Minister for Homeland Security, so perhaps they think that attacks on Tim will be indulged due to some secret influence. That would, of course, be very foolish, but it would be helpful if Mercer could do more than simply offer some prevarications followed by ineffectual regrets whenever it turns out that someone he has endorsed should not have been. Alternatively, it may just be the arrogance of fame – the band is apparently well-known in certain circles, and has been reviewed in the media over the years.

Mercer and Wightman

UPDATE: The Fighting Cocks Twitter feed warns Tim of violence if he comes to any of their gigs:

 Fighting Cocks Threat

This, it seems to me, closes down the possibility that individual members of the group might not know about the campaign against Tim.