More on March for England

Staying with the subject of nationalist protests (supposedly) against Islamic extremism, there has been an interesting exchange of views between a couple of commentators to this blog. One is Dave Smeeton, who organises “March for England” and is an associate of anti-Muslim blogger “Lionheart”, or Paul Ray. As I’ve blogged before, Smeeton has been keen to insist that March for England, despite a somewhat aggressive appearance, is peaceful and not anti-Muslim. When I noted that his Facebook profile shows an English flag advertising a football hooligan group (the “6.57 Crew”), he complained that it was of no significance:

March for England has members from all over the country. It has no links now or ever with the 6.57 crew. It fact March for England was started by a couple of Spurs supporters over 2 years ago. We are run by a commitee of 12 people who live in various parts of the country ranging from Blackpool in the North to the West Country London and Brighton etc.
we have have a broad cross section of members including ex srvicemen housewifes buisness men and yes god forbid football fans.
I hope this clears up the fact once and for all


Speaking for March for England we have had no problems in London or Brighton in putting on our marches. It has at times been made very difficult by the authorities. I repeat that there has never been one arrest on our marches.
What we all need to know is why when you go through proper channels why are you refused or why are hurdles put in our way? Also why are proscribed organisations allowed to march without permission and alowed to wear clothing promoting a proscribed organisation and flying the flags of this proscribed group. No arrests made? All we ask for is a level playing field. One law for all.
Untill these questions are answered by the authorities it looks like this will rumble on and on. There is a principle at stake that needs to be resolved one way or another.
We have sat back so far over the issue in Luton despite the cock and bull stories on here. I have even phoned Bedfordshire Police and refuted that we where going into Luton.
We need answers as to why Radical Islam can stage a protest that to any ones eyes is a threat to public
order. To many times the law is being waved in favour of extremist groups as in Luton,London ( Tamil Tigers} and the parade in Ulster by the C I.R.A The last two being banned groups. Is this a level playing field?

However, Smeeton was then asked some questions by another commentator:

On your Facebook site, why have you got a photo of a mock Dr Martens advert with skinheads kicking a man on the floor in the head ? The top of the photo says “Kicking the fuck out of you since 1960?. Underneath that you have written “those were the days.” Why have you written that if you, as you say you have, left violence behind you

Why have you got a poster also on Facebook with the words “Its the evil of our time – ISLAM – lets not leave it for our children.” Why do you display a poster that attacks all Islam and not Islamic extremists – the same line that Paul Ray folows ? How are you going to ensure Islam is not “left for your children?”

Luton has a significant muslim community. Now can you understand the reason why some people oppose March for England in this town ?



Smeeton’s response:

As for my facebook you realy dont have a clue do you. I was a Skin head in the 70s. The caption says those WHERE the days. Got it yet? The 70s where the days. This is 2009 and i am an old man.
As for the picture of Islam. I will do i can within in the law to make sure Sharia law does not creep any further into our system. It is after all one law for one .one law for all. Am i not entitled to an opinion on religion? I thought we had freedom of thought and speach?

Whew, I was worried there for a moment…

10 Responses

  1. Funny, the more he protests innocence the further he paints himself as a bigot.

    I find it odd how some people with prejudiced views refuse to acknowledge they are prejudice, they want their cake and eat it.

  2. Bartholomew, you are a truly amazingly well informed person. I stand in awe. If you think, instead, I should be in awe of someone else, please tell me and I will check it out.

    In the meantime, I’m wondering if you aren’t belittled by addressing these people. Maybe I don’t understand. Maybe their popularity in Britannia is equal to that of the (pretend-we-aren’t-racist) Minutemen here in the States. And, since you aren’t as widely known, it makes sense.

    Anywho, always like what I read here…

  3. Seeing as you have had my replys… would younot like to do a peace on me.. or you finding it easier to pull someones passt, which has no relevance to the present and future…. let him that cast the first stone.. if thats a good motto to use….

    good to dig.. but does it prove anything by using folks past to say that is them now… cannot people change… when you was a teenager or so,.. led or had fun with at the time was not really good.. do you continue it today.. maybe if i had your real name we could dig up some old bits about yourself.. but of course… what relevance would it have of the person you are today… correct.. nothing…. just like all the rest here sheeping along…

    as for islam.. islam is a name given to the muslim religion… of course every religion has a manual.. yet how some use it is different to the next person… it just seems when the few that make heeadlines like choudary, the mcb that has links with extremists e.t.c… they of course speeak for the rest as idiots say.. but that is not the case… but is it wrong to stand up against these nutters… that are trying to needle the extreme laws into mainstream society… many muslims (and remember the word muslim does not have a colour) do not wish to be governed by sharia.. or they would not livee as a muslim here otherwise… i would like tto see the true muslims stand shoulder to shoulder against these muppets.. but government and media and folk like yourself keep that divide.. by using any means necessary to hold back a future… by living in someones past…

    well good luck on your delving… it does make light of who you really are too

  4. March for England held there St Georges parade in Brighton on Sun.
    Just so you know we where congratulated on our control of the parade by the Police. No arrests.
    You asked once how could we control our parades?
    Once again another event we organise passes off without trouble. Another event done and the arrest figure stands at zero.
    This proves we are a law abiding organisation.

  5. I would also like to point out that you called us heavily set bald headed middle aged men at March for England.
    Please look over our photos of this event on Facebook or our web site. Once again your comments are proved inacurate to say the least!!!!!!!!
    I also find it strange that yourself or others who have slaged us off have not answered any questions we have asked ?????
    This is a bit like a legal trial without being allowed to defend yourself and found guilty before any evidence has been gone over!!!!.

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