Renew America: God Caused Earthquakes in Islamic Crescent Shape

A certain Tom Kovach makes a bid to outdo Walid Shoebat with the most absurd anti-Muslim conspiracy:

Only an all-powerful God could have arranged earthquakes to appear on a map in the shape of an upside-down-and-backwards Islamic crescent. But, wait, there’s more. Islamic flags actually contain two celestial features: a crescent moon and a star. So, where is the star? Remember the mention of the idol worship at the Bohemian Grove?

The author is a “former USAF Blue Beret…an inventor, a horse wrangler, a certified paralegal, and a network talk-radio host.” He has also written a book, entitled Slingshot:

 “This book should be required reading for every American, age 16 and older….” — Charles Jones III (Brigadier General, USAF, Retired; chairman, National Veterans Coalition) “If you want to straighten out America, think of it as a compass.” — Jack Cashill, Ph.D. (author, columnist, documentary producer) “… this guy is like Charlie Daniels with a pen instead of a fiddle.” — Mark Rose (columnist and blogger)

(via Sadly No!)

Workers World Party Backs State-Approved “Living Buddha”

Bill Weinberg at World War 4 Report notes a mind-numbing press release from “FIST” (“Fight Imperialism-Stand Together”), a youth-group for the US-based “Workers World Party” (sic – I suppose apostrophes must be bourgeois and reactionary):

A protest of Washington’s anti-China policies is planned for July 17 when the Dalai Lama will be speaking at Radio City Music Hall here…The twelfth Samding Dorje Phagmo, Tibet’s only living female Buddha, a critic of the Dalai Lama and vice-chairwoman of Tibet’s regional government, says that “Old Tibet was dark and cruel, the serfs lived worse than horses and cattle.” (Reuters)

Bill adds:

If you look up the April 30 Reuters story (which FIST fails to either date or link to), you will find that it cites China’s official Xinhua agency—and that the twelfth Samding Dorje Phagmo is a vice-chair of the Beijing-compliant Tibetan Autonomous Regional People’s Congress!…We’ve already noted some of the surreal politics of the officially atheist Chinese state’s game of divide-and-rule with Tibet’s Buddhists. It is perversely amusing to see FIST (the latest front group for the retro-Stalinist Workers World Party) drawn into the game…

I blogged previously on state-approved Buddhist figures in Tibet here.

Tory MP is Demagogue Shock

I’m a few days late with this one, from the Daily Express‘s “Religious Affairs Staff” (cough, cough):

THE Archbishop of Canterbury was under fire last night after declaring that Christian doctrine is offensive to Muslims.

Tory MP Philip Davies said: “The archbishop has lost the plot. He is supposed to be leading the Church, not apologising for it. What kind of leadership is this?   “People are sick to death of this handwringing about things from long ago. Dr Williams should be proud of his Christian beliefs.”

I blogged on this gross distortion of Williams’ letter to Muslims at the time, although I wasn’t then aware of Davies’ considered theological contribution.

Davies is a long-time rent-a-quote for right-wing tabloids; as Peter Oborne noted earlier this month:

On the morning of 7 October 2006 The Sun newspaper splashed a dramatic story across its front page. The story – billed as exclusive – concerned a callous and cynical crime committed by Muslims. A team of Sun reporters described in graphic detail how what the paper labelled a “Muslim hate mob” had vandalised a house near Windsor. The Sun revealed that “vile yobs hurled bricks through windows and daubed obscenities. A message on the drive spelled out in 4ft-letters: ‘Fuck off ‘.”

One Tory MP, Philip Davies, was quoted venting outrage at this act of vandalism. “If there’s anybody who should fuck off,” Davies was quoted as saying, “it’sthe Muslims who are doing this kind of thing. Police should pull out the stops to track down these vile thugs”…But there was one very big problem with The Sun story. There was no Muslim involvement of any kind.

But it’s not just Islam on which Davies sounds off: a few weeks ago he was quoted in the Mail calling for a company which offers advice on benefit claims to “be prosecuted for aiding and abetting benefit fraud”; interestingly, the article has since been taken down.

Shoebat, Davies, and Silver

One of the websites I have come across while researching Walid Shoebat is this one, which puts forward a conspiracy theory that Shoebat and his handler Keith Davies may in fact be the same person. Two pictures are provided, showing that the men are of a similar build, and have similar tastes in hairstyles, facial hair, and clothing:

Good fun, but the idea that one of them is other in disguise was always far-fetched, and can be put to bed with this picture:

Lance Silver, on the left, founded the “Forum for Middle East Understanding”, which Shoebat claims was set up as a non-profit for donations to the Walid Shoebat Foundation (although curiously he mistakenly calls this the “Foundation for Middle East Understanding”). The FFMU is run from the same address in Philadelphia as Silver’s real estate business, and its website appears to be defunct. Some of Silver’s thoughts on the Arab-Israeli conflict (and, strangely, his own agreement with those thoughts) can be seen here, and he also sits on the board of the Philadelphia-based “Interfaith Taskforce for America and Israel” (ITAI). This organisation does not appear to have a website, and it holds events with thuddingly predictable titles such as “The Jihadist Islamic Threat to the Judeo-Christian Way of Life” (Shoebat was involved with that one; this notice – which spells him as “Shubat” – claims he is a “professor”!). The director of ITAI is a certain Joseph Puder, and a conservative Episcopal priest named Peter T. Manzo is also involved. Whether they share Shoebat’s view that the Book of Revelation refers to Islam is not known.

Puder and Silver are also on the board of the America-Kurdistan Friendship League (AKLF), alongside the likes of billionaire conservative Christian Foster Friess and none other than the famous “Indiana Jones of the Right”, Jack Wheeler, who (among much else) back in the 1980s helped Jack Abramoff organise a conference in Angola for Nicaraguan Contras, Afghanistan Mujahideen and South African Security police (see my blog entries here and here for further details).

Davies, meanwhile, left a comment on this blog just a few days ago. He is of the view that

Obviously Mr. Shoebat is such a threat to your liberal diseased minds that you need to smear him and call him names…

Jews on First on Hagee: “Ignorance to the Point of Disrespect”

Just in time for the Christians United for Israel “Washington-Israel Summit”, Jews on First has a produced a video (narrated by Ed Asner) highlighting and debunking the farrago of nonsense that makes up John Hagee’s teachings. This is a shortened version:

Meanwhile, Frederick Clarkson survey’s Hagee’s woes – and his attempts to re-position himself in the wake of media scrutiny and his repudiation by John McCain – here.

Question over Money Raised by Mike Evans for Olmert Charity Foundation

The New York Jewish Week has a report on the financial scandals currently enveloping Ehud Olmert, and noting the significant discrepancy in the amount of money which US evangelist Mike Evans is now claiming that he raised for for Olmert’s New Jerusalem Foundation in 2002, when the two of them travelled around evangelical churches in the American South:

In Irving, a suburb of Dallas, The Jerusalem Post reported, Rev. Evans exulted that the evening raised some $400,000. The Dallas Jewish Week, citing Rev. Evans and Raviv, reported a take of at least $326,000. Anyone donating $350 or more received a copy of Rev. Evans’ book, “Jerusalem Betrayed,” the Dallas weekly noted. In it, Rev. Evans predicts an imminent End Time that will see a war in Israel so terrible that blood “will flow down the Jordan River Valley, down the length of the Dead Sea, and thence . . . the entire length of the Negev to Eilat.”

Today, Rev. Evans claims to have raised only $65,000 for the foundation in 2002, notwithstanding his statements to the press at the time. In a brief e-mail exchange via his secretary, Rev. Evans ignored a question asking if he received a share of the money raised for his work on the tour and, if so, how much. He adamantly denied that contributions were collected in cash.

But the senior staff member of Mount Paran Church North wrote in an e-mail to The Jewish Week: “Mike Evans cannot support his claims as regarding checks only at this venue, nor his total [$65,000] estimate for the tour — unless he received nothing at the other locations, which is very, very doubtful!”

I noticed this discrepancy here.

The money was raised on behalf of Israeli survivors of terror attacks, but apparently far less has been spent than was raised. According to the current director of the Foundation, this is because all needs have been met already. The Jewish Week acidly comments on this:

That might be news to Israeli victims in need of long-term counseling for post-traumatic stress, amputees with ongoing medical needs or even recent victims of rocket attacks in Sderot, near the Gaza border.

Evans has of recent months become a bitter critic of Olmert, and he has pledged to “do everything in my power” to wreck the Annapolis peace-process. Perhaps his prayers in this regard will be answered, but not in quite the way he had hoped.

Evans was profiled by Bill Berkowitz for Talk to Action a year ago; like John Hagee, he is a prominent advocate of attacking Iran. In the early days of this blog I noted his suggestion that Franklin D. Roosevelt had been struck dead by God for failing to support Zionism. The Jewish Week adds the incidental detail that

Rev. Evans…had been strongly criticized for setting up a “Holocaust museum” that purported to give visitors the experience of being “herded into a boxcar [and] shocked beyond your wildest imagination as you find yourself right in the middle of a German concentration camp.” The enterprise included appeals for financial support to proselytize Israeli Jews or, as Evans’ fundraising literature puts it, “to share the message of God’s love with every Jewish home in the entire nation of Israel.”

Sai Baba Tips Us the Wink

The Times of India reports:

BANGALORE: Hundreds of people descended on a merchant’s house in Bangalore on Friday to witness what they believe is a miracle – the Shirdi Sai Baba idol is purported to have opened its left eye.

…The devotee couple Babu (45) and his wife Lakshmi took the marble idol to clean on Wednesday evening to prepare for the Thursday puja.

The idol had some black mark on its left chin and the couple’s son Dhrupad, who was cleaning the eye, suddenly felt some change in the idol – the eyelash seemed moving. The devotees were astounded and stopped the cleaning work.

On Thursday morning, they found the left eye of Baba had opened.

Via Sathya Sai Baba

Texas Attorney General and JINSA to Promote Walid Shoebat at “Homeland Security” Conference

From a press release:

Former PLO terrorist, Walid Shoebat will join Counter-Terrorism experts from Israel in a Changing World Symposium: Preparing Law Enforcement Executives for the Future, a homeland security conference, being held in Austin, Texas at the Renaissance Austin Hotel (9721 Arboretum Boulevard) on July 21-22, 2008. Attending will be some 300 senior law enforcement officials from across Texas…Over the past decade, Shoebat has been on a mission of peace, traveling the country educating students, the public and law enforcement agencies on the mind set and dangers of Fundamentalist Islam.

The conference is being co-sponsored by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott and is organised by JINSA, the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs.

Shoebat’s “message of peace”, of course, is anything but: he is a virulent Christian Zionist fundamentalist who believes that Muslims are under the direction of the anti-Christ. Here’s Shoebat’s “expertise” at its finest:

I discussed this preposterous and ignorant exegesis at more length than it deserved here.

Shoebat’s website also includes a video produced by his son Theodore that expresses absolute hatred of Islam and science (Charles Darwin, naturally), and his belief that militarized Christianity is the answer to both (I blogged this here). The Jerusalem Post, among others, has also raised questions about Shoebat’s supposed past.

JINSA’s executive director is Thomas Neumann, who has a distinguished background in various high-profile American Jewish organisations. The board of advisers includes Kenneth Blackwell, John Bolton, Richard Pearle, and James Woolsey, among others such as Sheriff Kevin Beary, who featured on this blog a while ago. It may be recalled that someone had written to a local newspaper suggesting that Beary was an enthusiast of tasering because he was too fat to chase criminals; Beary used his official position to find out the writer’s home address, and he sent her a letter accusing her of slander.

Greg Abbott, meanwhile, is mainly known for a massive invesigation into “voter fraud” which turned up only a handful of cases (all black and Hispanic Democrats), and for defending the addition of “under God” to the Texas pledge of allegiance.

UPDATE: Keith Davies, Shoebat’s “handler”, has graced us with his presence in the comments section, see below.

Call for Libel Reform in UK and USA

A few days ago the centre-right think-tank Policy Exchange held a seminar on libel tourism, as it explains on its website:

Policy Exchange takes great pleasure in inviting you to a lunchtime seminar entitled “Libel Tourism – Does UK Law Need Reform?”…This growing phenomenon of “libel tourism”, where non-English citizens travel to England in order to press libel charges on US citizens whose work is protected under US law – shows the willingness of courts in this country to extend libel laws well beyond the boundaries of England. This has been seen by many as a great threat to the right of free speech in the West.

The case of Rachel Ehrenfeld and Funding Evil inevitably loomed large. Martin Bright wrote a short report for the New Statesman:

Sean O’Neill of the Times raised the concern that journalists were becoming increasingly cowed by threats from libel lawyers representing rich individuals and Islamists. Others on the panel, including Anthony Julius, were critical of newspapers which failed to take the fight to litigious individuals.

I now believe there needs to be a serious review of the law surrounding freedom of expression in this country. Joanne Cash, the libel barrister and Conservative parliamentary candidate for North Westminster, who was hosting the event, agrees with me. So watch this space.

I’m glad in particular to see Julius taking a stand against “litigious individuals”. Of course, there are some ironies here: in Decemcer Policy Exchange threatened to sue BBC Newsnight for libel – famously declaring it would battle the programme “to trial or capitulation” (although it hasn’t done either so far). And while Ehrenfeld’s British lawyer was denouncing Saudi libel tourism a few years ago, he was quite happy to help an Israeli academic engage in the same practice against an American-Palestinian last month – and I wonder if that more recent case got mentioned at Policy Exchange?

Meanwhile, the daftly-named but useful New York State “Libel Terrorism Protection Bill” looks set to become federal law in the USA, with Arlen Specter and Joseph Liberman  sponsoring the Free Speech Protection Act of 2008. They explain how this would work in an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal:

Our bill bars U.S. courts from enforcing libel judgments issued in foreign courts against U.S. residents, if the speech would not be libelous under American law. The bill also permits American authors and publishers to countersue if the material is protected by the First Amendment. If a jury finds that the foreign suit is part of a scheme to suppress free speech rights, it may award treble damages.

UPDATE: Harry’s Place has more on the Policy Exchange seminar. And in the US, a similar Bill to that of Specter and Lieberman is currently being proposed to counter “religious defamation” claims.

Prayer Meeting Deaths: Generator Fumes or “Mysterious Dwarf”?

From Reuters:

At least 17 people died at a prayer meeting in rural Nigeria after apparently breathing noxious fumes from their power generator while asleep, police and witnesses said on Wednesday…

…One survivor, Linus Abba, said the victims were attacked by the evil spirits they were trying to exorcise.

“I heard strange noises and noticed that the room where we slept was filled with smoke, that is all I can remember because I fainted,” Abba told Reuters. “It was a terrible attack by the forces of darkness that we came to fight.”

From the Nigerian Tribune:

According to one of the survivors, Linus Abba, the prayer had just ended when he left for the toilet. He, however, said he lost consciousness and slipped in the toilet and could not remember any other thing until he later became conscious at a nearby community hospital.

From the Nigerian This Day:

One of the survivors, Linus Abba, recounted that the prayer had just ended when he entered the toilet to answer the call of nature, but lost consciousness after noticing smoke covering the whole room and a mysterious dwarf figure in human form.

He said he must have lost consciousness as he could not remember any other thing until he regained consciousness later at a nearby community hospital.

Across the border in Ghana, a current bestseller is The Revival of Secular Humanism, by two prominent Pentecostal leaders. The authors apparently complain that the goal of humanism is to undermine faith in the Bible, and that placing a priority on reason and science leads to child pornography.