Among the slew of anti-Muslim screeds published in recent years, one of the more prominent was The Sword of the Prophet, by Serge Trifkovic. Despite Trifokovic’s dubious background as a former spokesman for Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic (although he also spoke against Slobodan Milsoevic), he was embraced by American conservatives – paleo and neo – as yet another expert who dared to tell “the truth” about Muslims and Islam. Here he is on Frontpage, discoursing on the subject with fellow polemicists Robert Spencer and Walid Shoebat. Sites such as Jihad Watch and pundits such as Don Feder toasted his efforts; Brian Mitchell of Investor’s Business Daily gushed over him as
a European historian of broad learning, sound philosophy and keen political insight.
In 2006, Trifkovic demonstrated this “keen political insight” in a cosy interview with the BNP’s Nick Griffin, in which he took at face value Griffin’s denials of racism and failed to ask any questions about either Griffin’s anti-semitic past or the various private comments made by BNP leaders expressing crude racism and praise for Hitler. The BNP has a Jewish town councillor, Patricia Richardson, and this is presented as evidence that the BNP has rejected its past anti-semitism – although in fact Griffin has (by his own admission) merely discarded anti-Jewish politics for anti-Muslim as a matter of strategy.
And as it happens, Richardson and Trifkovic will be meeting at the end of this week at a conference in Baltimore entitled “Preserving Western Civilization”. According to the event’s “statement of purpose“:
We believe that America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and European identity must be defended. Today, our glorious Western civilization is under assault from many directions. Three such threats will be discussed at this conference. First, the massive influx to the United States and Europe of Third-World immigrants who do not share our fundamental political and cultural values. Second, the threat from Islam, a militant ideology that is hostile to our society and, in principle, committed to destroying it. Third, because of the persistent disappointing performance of blacks (which many whites mistakenly blame on themselves) many whites have guilt feelings that undermine Western morale and deter us from dealing sensibly with the other threats.
The same statement on the pdf brochure omits the first sentence and “Today, our glorious”.
The conference is being organised by Dr. Michael H. Hart, an astrophysicist who claims that human history should be interpreted by considering differences in racial IQs; he also argues that the USA should be divided into white, black, and mixed “nations”. Other speakers include Philippe Rushton, the “scientific” racialist who believes that white intellectual superiority over blacks can be inversely correlated to size of genitalia – as I blogged here, in 2006 he spoke on the “biological basis of patriotism” at a Right Now! conference held at Mark Mason’s Hall in central London – and the usual characters from the American Renaissance circuit.
(Hat tip: David Williams, “Richardson goes West”, in Searchlight Magazine, 404, February 2009, p. 23.)
(Name variations: “Preserving Western Civilisation”; Srdja Trifkovi?; Sr?a Trifkovi?)
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Your post is yet another good illustration of how close to the surface this overt racial hatred is. I am becoming less skeptical about the idea that mainstream fundies and other right-wingers speak in code and euphimism to transmit their racist ideas while retaining a measure of deniability to the thinking public.
“Racist? who, us?”
I’m concerned that President Obama will encounter this ugliness in one way or another. I hope he keeps his security apparatus fully intact.
[…] preserve Western Civilisation by Sunny on 2nd February, 2009 at 2:39 pm Thanks to Richard Bartholomew I find that a group of activists, bloggers and just plain mad people will hold their maiden […]
[…] them preserve Western Civilisation Feb 2nd, 2009 by Pickled Politics. Thanks to Richard Bartholomew I find that a group of activists, bloggers and just plain mad people will hold their maiden […]
[…] Trifkovic is not a one-trick-pony; in addition to Serbian Fascism, he seems receptive to neo-fascist efforts all over Western Europe (not to mention his routine dissemination of Russian […]
[…] February’s “Preserving Western Civilization” conference in Baltimore. As I blogged in February, this event planned to bring together some of the usual characters from the racialist […]
[…] Trifkovic is not a one-trick-pony; in addition to Serbian Fascism, he seems receptive to neo-fascist efforts all over Western Europe (not to mention his routine dissemination of Russian […]
[…] Trifkovic is not a one-trick-pony; in addition to Serbian Fascism, he seems receptive to neo-fascist efforts all over Western Europe (not to mention his routine dissemination of Russian […]
[…] Trifkovic deltager også i konferencer med særprægede debattører om at ‘bevare den vestlige civilisation’. […]
Great post, thanks! I really love it.
[…] history should be interpreted by considering differences in racial IQs – I discussed this here. Share […]