Men “Constructed Movie Set” at Site of Noah’s Ark Find

Back in April,  reports went around the world that some Hong Kong evangelists from Noah’s Ark Ministries International (NAMI, var. Noah’s Ark Ministry International) and The Media Evangelism had found Noah’s Ark in Turkey. I blogged on the story here.

So, what’s happened since? A blog called Bible Places has the latest:

…Yesterday Randall Price posted a letter he received from two men who state that they were involved in constructing a movie set at the location of the discovery.  Only later did they find out that the film would be used as documentation of Noah’s Ark.

You can read the letter and its translation here.

The link also takes us to lengthy criticisms of NAMI by Price, Don Patton, and David Liang. It should be noted that these persons are themselves Biblical literalists – they object to NAMI’s specific claims, not to the notion that the whole world was covered in water several thousand years ago and that all humans and non-aquatic animals are descended from a handful of survivors who emerged from a big boat in Asia Minor. Further criticisms are outlined by Price and Patton here.

Price in particular will have been alarmed by people being taken in by the NAMI claims: he runs Noah’s Ark Search LLC, and makes appeals for money on the promise that he is very close to finding Noah’s Ark.

(Hat tip: Paleojudaica)

7 Responses

  1. Yeah, and Malaysia once had a sect that worshipped teapots, remember?

    A harmless sect that liked teapots, but which was brutaly shut down by the country’s islamic authorities.

    Nothing beats that! I mean, both Judaism and Christianity at least talk of Noah’s ark.

    Near my hometown there’s a Christian theme park that has a huge Noah’s ark that serves as a restaurant.

    Ive eaten there several times and the food is excellent and reasonably priced. Everyone goes there, even local Jews, Sikhs and Hindus

    The waitresses are not forced to cover their heads, have intact genitalia and the freedom to marry whomever they like.

    Amazing, eh?

  2. Christianophobia?

  3. “A harmless sect that liked teapots, but which was brutaly shut down by the country’s islamic authorities.”

    You mean they didnt have permits to build, much like the mosques bulldozed by Israel?

    “The waitresses are not forced to cover their heads, have intact genitalia and the freedom to marry whomever they like.”

    Funny, I’ve met Muslims in Muslim areas just like that! How weird!

    “I mean, both Judaism and Christianity at least talk of Noah’s ark.”

    You might want to read up on Noah in Islam. Or you can go on ranting like an old crackpot.

  4. You mean they didnt have permits to build,

    No, all the building permits had been obtained and the and zoning respected. It’s just that he site was retroactively declared ‘unislamic’ by clerics with views similar to those praising Taseer’s killing, and so was destroyed.

    Malaysia practices a ‘moderate’ form of Islam, you know.

    So moderate, in fact, that it felt threatened by a teapot.

    You might want to read up on Noah in Islam.

    There is no Noah in Islam because Islam isn’t Abrahamic. It is heathen and tribal, its supposed ‘martyrs’ merely pagan human sacrifices.

    Please, read Magdi Allam to know more.

    How’s your beard coming? Using rogain?

    • “No, all the building permits had been obtained and the and zoning respected. It’s just that he site was retroactively declared ‘unislamic’ by clerics with views similar to those praising Taseer’s killing, and so was destroyed.”

      Strange, the same argument was applied in that other incident.

      “There is no Noah in Islam because Islam isn’t Abrahamic. It is heathen and tribal, its supposed ‘martyrs’ merely pagan human sacrifices.”

      Seriously, are you that ignorant or just trying to be. Oh wait, I get it! You’re going for the Best Islamophobic Troll Award! ^ ^ Quite a feat concerning the people involved in the Islamophoboc movement.

      “How’s your beard coming? Using rogain?”

      Not really. I try and keep it old school like Moses and Jesus.

  5. I knew it. If you watch the original youtube clip you can see that the snow inside the ark is little styrofoam pellets and you can’t see anyone’s breath. Obviously a set.

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