New Report on Conversion to Islam in UK

A new report published by the think-tank Faith Matters, entitled A Minority within a Minority: A Report on Converts to Islam in the United Kingdom, has garnered some media attention for its claim that there may be 100,000 converts to Islam in the UK. Although this is higher than expected, the author, M.A. Kevin Brice, explains that this is “an estimate only, and as such should not be given a high level of confidence”. Further, “it is not claimed that this figure represents the number of current practising converts to Islam in the United Kingdom” – Brice notes that some will have lapsed or since converted to other religions. Brice also makes clear that, at most, converts make up 4% of the Muslim population and 0.2 per cent of the British population:

There is no evidence of a mass conversion of the population and this is hardly the beginning of the “Islamification” of the United Kingdom as is suggested by some groups (both pro- and anti-Islam).

… which is why the Independent decided to unleash its inner tabloid with this headline about the report:

The Islamification of Britain: record numbers embrace Muslim faith

Brice also has a section on how female converts have modified their dress:

Of females who change the way they dressed, 25% wore more ‘modest’ clothing (covering arms and legs), 55% immediately wore more ‘modest’ clothing and later adopted the hijab (covering the head and neck), 15% immediately wore more ‘modest’ clothing and adopted hijab and 5% adopted the burqa (although later stopped wearing it and wore ‘modest’ clothing).

The Mail chose to illustrate the fact that 95% of women converts never took the burqa and that those who did went on to reject the practice with the following photograph, under the headline “How 100,000 Britons have chosen to become Muslim… and average convert is 27-year-old white woman”:

With the average age of conversion being 27.5 years, the Daily Star went with the headline “Rise and Rise of Islam’s White Girl Converts“.

I looked at conversion to Islam in the UK in the very early days of this blog – see here. One factor I considered then (early 2004) was conversion for the sake of marriage to a Muslim partner (I did once meet a white British man who had converted for this purpose); Brice sees this as something of a “myth”, and he claims that his figures are for “converts of conviction” rather than of convenience.

48 Responses

  1. […] Richard Bartholomew has beaten me to the punch and so do hop over to read his more sober appraisal: Barthsnotes – New Report on Conversion to Islam in UK If you have stumbled onto this blog please do take a few moments to read the following piece:- […]

  2. I think there are far more people Muslims abandonning Islam than Britions converting to it.

    The problem is with immigration, in that discretion when choosing applicants is now denounced as ‘discrimination’. So much so, in fact, that many Muslims immigrating to the Uk are bad candidates and simply can’t adjust, owing to their level of ‘piety’ to living in a secular,civil society.

    Being choosey doesn’t mean being racist.

    • No proof? How strange. When Islamophobes attack Islam, the reasonable people try to learn about Islam, leading to conversions or rejection of the Islamophobic agenda.

  3. When Islamophobes attack Islam, the reasonable people try to learn about Islam, leading to conversions or rejection of the Islamophobic agenda.

    Really? Then why are so many of the islamophobes you so vigorously denounce ex-muslims?

    As of 2005 ( more than 5 years ago) Britian counted some 200,000 ex-muslims. How many are there today? MOst ex-MUslims are quite coy because they understand the murderous stupidity of their ex co-religionists. I bet you’ve got ex-muslims in your entourage, EJ, who hate islam and who are faking it. Why don’t you spy on them in order to determine how pious they are?

    Ya see, we get Magdi Allam, an intellectual heavy-weight, and you got Lauren Booth, a worthless, blubber-butted, bankrupt, alcoholic.

    Just the type of desperate lunatic who’d recognise the “truth” when she saw it!

    What a trophey!

    • Allam a heavyweight? Lauren Booth useless? Allam is just another fool who is regurgitating age old arguments. if you dont believe me, just read 1 book on the Crusades and the arguments presented by the Church to go to war. The only reason he is famous is because he claims to be an ex-Muslim who now supports Israel and wants to, surprise surprise, nuke Muslims. Not because he’s intellectual. You want an intellectual heavyweight who stands against Islamophobia AND extremism in Islam, try As’ad AbuKhalil.

  4. he claims to be an ex-Muslim

    Magdi is an ex-muslim. No one is ‘born’ muslim and individuals can change their religion if they so choose…a position you no doubt disagree with as pertains to apostasy from the Religion of Peace .

    Here’s another:

    Now toddle off and ask Lauren Booth for a loan.

    • You don’t know anything about apostasy from Islam.

      As for Magdi, he is just another Caner. Who would care about him if he were just another Egyptian Muslim in Italy? He’d probably get hunted down by the nationalist gangs. What better way to get state protection and the support of the nationalists and Isamophobes then to claim you you were a devout extremist Muslim and now you have been saved by Jesus and how evil Islam is and we need to bomb them all.

  5. You want an intellectual heavyweight who stands against Islamophobia AND extremism in Islam, try As’ad AbuKhalil

    No doubt he weighs as much as Ms Booth…ABD Abu Hamza.


    • Nice fascistic suggestions on solutions for the “Muslim problem” (remember the guys who used the term “Jewish problem”?)

    • There is no Muslim problem, just like there wasn’t a Jewish problem. Or a black problem. Or a Protestant problem.

  6. Muslims who leave Islam face death and harassment, so they have to keep a low profile.

    Whenever I ask my Muslim friends if ‘there is no compulsion in religion’ means that Muslims should be allowed to leave Islam without civil penalty or community harassment even in Muslim-majority countries I rarely get an unequivocal answer.

    If any Muslims here can condemn the earthly penalties imposed on apostates from Islam, I would be relieved to hear it.

    • Here’s a thorough explanation of the different opinions on apostasy in Islam.

      • Thanks Nassir,
        It is comforting to see that some Muslims are arguing for progress.

        Sadly, I personally know of two Muslims who converted to Christianity and who then had go into hiding due to actual violence. If only you were there to correct these ‘misunderstanders of Islam’.

        Unfortunately, Muslims who acknowledge the freedom to leave Islam without civil penalty do seem to be in a small minority.

        Compare the following:

        Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam Article 10
        “Islam is the religion of unspoiled nature. It is prohibited to exercise any form of compulsion on man or to exploit his poverty or ignorance in order to convert him to another religion or to atheism.”


        Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 18.
        “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.”

        Nassir, I take it that you fully support Article 18?

      • I take it you’re “Kinana of Khaybar”, the Robert Spencer fan who has an inherent inability to judge Islam like he judges Christianity or Judaism. But yes, you’re correct in saying that the Muslims who are trying to kill ex-Muslims in Western countries are contravening Islamic law, because traditional Islamic law prohibits vigilantism.

        “Al-Qurtubi said:
        There is no dispute among the scholars that qisaas (retaliatory punishments) such as execution cannot be carried out except by those in authority who are obliged to carry out the qisaas and carry out hadd punishments etc, because Allaah has addressed the command regarding qisaas to all the Muslims, and it is not possible for all the Muslims to get together to carry out the qisaas, which is why they appointed a leader who may represent them in carrying out the qisaas and hadd punishments.
        Tafseer al-Qurtubi, 2/245, 246.
        No one should carry out the hadd punishments without the permission of the ruler. If there is no ruler who rules according to sharee’ah then it is not permissible for the ordinary people to carry out the hadd [corporal] punishments. Whoever does that is sinning, because carrying out the hadd punishments requires examining the matter and requires shar’i knowledge in order to know the conditions of proof.
        The ordinary people have no knowledge of such things, and the carrying out of one of the hadd punishments by the ordinary people leads to many evils and the loss of security, whereby people will attack one another and kill one another or chop off one another’s hands on the grounds that they are carrying out hadd punishments.”

      • @ NassirH No I am not that “Kinana of Khaybar”, Judge me on what I say here.

        You seem to be saying that if the RULER legislates for the punishment for apostates that is OK according to Islam.

        Do you support Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

      • Interesting that you would focus on the Cairo Declaration. Yet, even the declaration only forbids compulsion as a form of converting a Muslim. Maybe that;s what you should be debating instead of asking whether people agree with it or not. What’s more interesting however, is why you did not take the Arab Charter on Human Rights. Maybe you should have gone even further and asked whether people agree with the points set out in Muhammads’ final speeches.

      • @EJ
        I chose the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in ISLAM rather than the ARAB charter because not all Arabs are Muslim. This article is about conversion to Islam not conversion to ‘Arabism’.

        @EJ and Nassir

        Do you support Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in all countries, including the right to convert from Islam without civil penalty ?

        or will you continue to equivocate – like most of my my Muslim friends?

      • Ofcourse not all Arabs are Muslim, but it was a specific response by the Arab states to the criticism of the Cairo Declaration. It’s a much more comprehensive charter from countries where the main scholars of Islam are located.

        Apart from that, why don’t you bring up any of the other treaties by the Muslims, or the final speeches of Muhammad regarding race, religion and gender?

        And just for added effect, show us the various treaties, pacts and charters created by the Christian right in the USA over the past decade regarding the superiority and supremacy of Christianity over man’s laws.

        “Do you support Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in all countries, including the right to convert from Islam without civil penalty ?”

        Ofcourse. It’s sad that Islamophobes stick to asking such questions when the answer is obvious. But, oh well, let’s play this game: Do you support the freedom of religion which allows Muslims to practise their religion, including praying and wearing what they want? Do you support the freedom of speech of the EDL counterparts like Choudhry?

  7. Nassir, the cat has been out of the bag on this for years.

    All four scholls of islamic “jurisprudence” call for the death penalty for apostasy.

    Shit, darlin’, in Pakistan they,re putting garands of rose petals around the neck of Taseer’s killer. the country’s largest daily and islamist organisaionts that were always considered moderate express no outrage at his murder.

    500, that’sfive hundred of the country’s top clerics and islamic “scholars” have expressed satisfaction with Taseer’s murder.

    Why don’t you go and confront them, and tell them they’re a bunch of ignorant, islamophobic assholes?

    The Son of God once said: “By their fruits ye shall know them.”

    • Unable to refute the argument, Islamophobes turn to what some Muslims might be doing and saying in the real world, unaware of the political reasons behind it. May I suggest you read up on Zia Ul Haq and the father of Benazir Bhutto, who were courted by the then powerless idiots posing as Muslim scholars, promised riches and power if they let them in power. That is what they did, and now Pakistan has to suffer having let people into power who care about getting power and money and anyone who challenges them is in danger.

      Unfortunately, trying to take out these people, as Musharraf tried to do, will draw international condemnation i.e. human rights, because we support the scumbags in the House of Saud who support these people and who are not a big fan of the whole area of Iran to Pakistan.

      Alas, no different than the 12000 killed by Mexican Christians or Palestinians bombed for not being Israeli. But because it’s Muslims, we need to tar all Muslims with the brush of Qadri. Pakistan will wake up soon and kick these idiots out. Why? Well, they’ve been defeated in every debate they hage engaged in regarding Islam with scholars that oppose them. And when they lose, we get stuff like this.

      • @EJ
        Sure, Christians in Mexico have done bad things and some Muslim youths have mugged old ladies …

        But the difference between them and the Jihadis is that when Jihadis behead eg Nick Berg or fly into buildings or blow up non combatants they pray ‘Allahu Akbar’ and believe their actions are pleasing to God and will merit Paradise.

        Ordinary criminals do not believe their actions are pleasing to God. IRA and other terrorists did not pray to God as they murdered.

        No community, including Muslims, can progress if, whenever problems are mentioned, it is treated as eg Islamophobia. Pedophilia by priests cannot be addressed if Catholics just yelled ‘Catholicphobia’ whenever abuse is mentioned.

        Rather than name-calling anyone who points out injustices committed in the name of Islam, you should be trying to correct those injustices by convincing the majority of ordinary Muslims, most Muslim scholars and governments of Muslim-majority countries that Muslims should be allowed to leave islam without civil penalty and to accept Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

      • “Sure, Christians in Mexico have done bad things and some Muslim youths have mugged old ladies … ”

        More than 30000 people have been killed by the Christian gangs since 2006. That’s not just “some bad things”. On top of that, we have Christians active in the rest of the world, from Ukpabio in Nigeria to the militias in India.

        “But the difference between them and the Jihadis is that when Jihadis behead eg Nick Berg or fly into buildings or blow up non combatants they pray ‘Allahu Akbar’ and believe their actions are pleasing to God and will merit Paradise.”

        I must have missed where the Quran says that saying God will get you into heaven, or is some kind of prayer. Indeed, how many Mexican gangs regularly mention Jesus, do you think? Keep in mind that what you are saying is that mentioning God during or before or after the act is what constitutes a prayer. So whenever a Christian gang member in Mexico, or even LA for that matter, says Jesus or God, even if it’s in the form of “Sweet Jesus” or “Holy Mary, Mother of God” or “Thank God”, it means that they are praying to God and showing that they are doing what they are doing for God? Ofcourse not. Why? Because the evolution of language with religion. Saying God/Jesus/Buddha/Krishna in our daily lives doing whatever we are doing has become accepted and part of the language. Even Atheists say all of those sentences regarding God. Does that mean they are doing it for God? No, it’s just become something ingrained in our language.

        “Ordinary criminals do not believe their actions are pleasing to God. IRA and other terrorists did not pray to God as they murdered.”

        The IRA and other terrorists are not ordinary criminals. Ordinary criminals are people that steal from the local grocery store, or commit grand theft auto. And are you really saying that the IRA did not think about their struggle as for Catholicism against Protestants? That they never once uttered Jesus or Mary or God during whatever they were doing?

        “No community, including Muslims, can progress if, whenever problems are mentioned, it is treated as eg Islamophobia. Pedophilia by priests cannot be addressed if Catholics just yelled ‘Catholicphobia’ whenever abuse is mentioned.”

        Islamophobia is mentioned when a group or person saying it is standing against extremism, attacks and marginalizes the non-extremists and whose members on its board declare that Islam needs to vanish. You should be well versed in the various comments and posts rom EDL members regarding Islam and Muhammad. If you don’t know what I mean, just ask yourself who you are attacking and hurting when you claim that Muhammad was a paedophile, the Dome of the Rock is of the “debbil”, “Allah out” etc. etc. From that, it becomes quite clear the EDL is not just targeting extremists as it claims, it is targeting all Muslims and also Pakistani’s.

        “Rather than name-calling anyone who points out injustices committed in the name of Islam, you should be trying to correct those injustices by convincing the majority of ordinary Muslims, most Muslim scholars and governments of Muslim-majority countries that Muslims should be allowed to leave islam without civil penalty and to accept Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

        If you read up on what is eactly happening you would know that those countries and the communities in those countries are calling for the government to change the law, as they see it as unIslamic. It’s the legacy of Zia. Another dictator we and the Arabs states supported. But Muslims themselves are working on getting their country to follow Islam instead of Zia’s politics. This can also be seen in the number of people actually executed for changing their religion.

        I spend my time arguing with the racists and Islamophobes that I have to live with. I like to expose their hypocrisy, lies and regurgitation of old racist propaganda.

    • Why don’t you go and confront them, and tell them they’re a bunch of ignorant, islamophobic assholes?

      June, you’re an ignorant, Islamophobic asshole.

      There, just like you asked. Are you happy now?

  8. There are plenty of Muslims who don’t know much about their own faith (ditto Christians, Jews, etc). Why should an “ex-Muslim” have special expertise about Islam/Muslims by dint of being Muslim? Just a thought, but I wonder if there’s an organization for ex Jehovah Witnesses…

  9. There are plenty of Muslims who don’t know much about their own faith (ditto Christians, Jews, etc).

    That’s a fair point.

    I’d respond that many Muslims remain Muslims simply because they don’t bother to investigate and learn about the theology underpinning their faith.

    Those who do have a trendancy to leave.

    The events over the past week in Pakistan should be an eye-opener for many . A progressive, free-thinking, modern individual was gunned down for criticising a senseless, medieval and barbaric ‘blasphemy’ law that is mostly used for gratuitous vendettas against Pakistan’s religious minorities

    Following his murder, 500 of the the country’s top clerics and Muslim “scholars” ( the ones so often portrayed as moderate) praised the assasination. The country’s largest daily gave its tacit approval to the events. But the real kicker is this; the accused was showered with rose petals and had garlands of flowers placed about his neck by crowds of swooning admirerers, admirerers who treated him like he was some sort of Muslim Elvis for transgressing the most sacrted of all the Abrahamic Commandments; ‘Thou shalt not kill.’

    Taseer isn’t really a murder victim. His assasination reminds one of those old tribal, human sacrifices.

    What’s more, the WHOLE world witnessed the disgusting spectacle.

    And people wonder why no one no longer donates money to Pakistan after natural disasters.

    • “The events over the past week in Pakistan should be an eye-opener for many . A progressive, free-thinking, modern individual was gunned down for criticising a senseless, medieval and barbaric ‘blasphemy’ law that is mostly used for gratuitous vendettas against Pakistan’s religious minorities”

      That progressive, free-thinking, modern individual was a proud Muslim himself, with more knowledge of Islam than you ever will have. Which is what allowed him to stand for what ehs stands for.

      “Following his murder, 500 of the the country’s top clerics and Muslim “scholars” ( the ones so often portrayed as moderate) praised the assasination.”

      I for one don’t believe in the “moderate” distinction. For me, there are believers, and then there are the fundies/extremists. The only people who called Ahle Sunnat moderate where the US and their puppets in Pakistan. In Pakistan itself, everyone knows the BS the Ahle Sunnat peddle.

      “But the real kicker is this; the accused was showered with rose petals and had garlands of flowers placed about his neck by crowds of swooning admirerers, admirerers who treated him like he was some sort of Muslim Elvis for transgressing the most sacrted of all the Abrahamic Commandments; ‘Thou shalt not kill.’”

      There was a group of extremist lawyers who showered rose petals on him, and they were extensively criticiized by the Pakistani media and politicians.

      On top of that, 1000s of peoples filled the streets for his funeral procession, burial and funeral prayers. Surely, if they all believed those “top” schoalrs as you call them to be the final authority, they wouldn’t be out there? Oh wait, according to Islamophobes like you and Spencer, those people taht showed up are just modern individuals, while the people that approved of the killing were the Muslims. Funny how that works.

      What bothers me bout this assassination is that Islamophobes are using this to, once again, portray Muslims as being against people like Taseer. I don;t know why I am bothered because I should have expected it. The proof they give for this is the support he seems to have got. Maybe that is the difference between the Islamophobes and the rest of us. Our memories are a bit longer and include a lot more events.

      For example, I remember the fanboys of Scott Roeder. He was praised by many “Christians” on Facebook, YouTube and the internet forums, while “Christian” leaders refused to denounce his acts, some even commending his actions and comparing Tiller to Hitler. For added effect, compare the mugshots of Roeder and Qadri. See any resemblance? Ofcourse, Roeeder wasn’t the only one to commit a good “Christian” act against abortion doctors.

      But let’s not stay with him. I remember the whole Raoul Moat debacle a few months back. A man who attempted an honourkilling, shot an officer and as a criminal by any standard, was venerated as a hero on facebook and other social media sites after his death. All of these had larger followings than Qadri, yet the Islamopobes will never bring them up. I wonder why. Why are Islamophobes so scared of standing against Christian and Jewish extremism?

  10. The Holy one has finished His mystery with His science Rev:10:7 as He prophesy, His code/keys have been given making the way now straight for His return in This Epic generation of Destiny.. For proofs / Truths of this fact go to the proof in the news and science page, the proof in painting and verse page, and on the about and services page of His gathering site of science and theology at it has begun…

  11. Le monde serait plus sécurisé et les humains pourront mieux se déplacer sans avoir à craindre pour leur sécurité le jour ou la PALESTINE aura été débarrassée de l’arbitraire et le déni d’éxister en tant que nation.
    Même les catholique et les juifs orthodoxes sont unanimes à dire cette vérité.
    La cadense des convertis donne la vérité sur ce que pensent beaucoup de non muslim.
    Suis je hors sujet ?
    Que non,nous souhaitons un réel engagement des usa pour mettre fin à cette barbarie israélienne.

    • Ah yes, turns out one of the founding fathers of the EDL is a paedophile. Didn’t they also laugh at the death of a decorated WWII veteran? This after they were ofcourse outraged at Choudhry’s disrespect of soldiers. But eh, are their fellow racists and Islamophobes turning on them?

  12. Ah yes, turns out one of the founding fathers of the EDL is a paedophile

    Oh no! You mean the very founder of the faith was a pedophile?

  13. What bothers me about this assassination is that Islamophobes are using this to, once again, portray Muslims as being against people like Taseer

    So Taseer is brutally gunned down, his assasination is praised and lauded by practically all of Pakistan’s ( mostly illiterate…as Taseer said) religious establishment, and that doesn’t bother you at all?

    Why are muslim Pakistani clerics so islamophobic, EJ?

    And we know every one of them are scared shitless of Christ.

  14. Interesting that you would fail to see my previous post on Taseer. Scroll back up and read it.

    Do you denounce Taseer’s murder?

    Do you denounce the backward and dysfuntional ideology that prompted this bearded nitwit to kill him?

    No, you don’t, and that’s the salient point of your entire shitty, little comment.

    How’s your beard coming?

    • What a bunch of stupid questions and inane accusations. Ofcourse I denounce his murder and I hope the killer gets the death penalty.

      I do denounce the idealogy that motivated and led the killer to doing what he did: the idalogy of Zia.

      Now, do you denounce the murder of Muslims in Pakistan by Christian drones? Or how about the murder of Muslims in Iraq for nearly 7 years? Or how about the murder of Muslims in Palestine? Do you denounce those and the idealogy behind them? Ofcourse you don’t. You see, Islamophobes are quick to throw around accusations of non-Islamophobes suppporting terrorism and murder, but they themselves will never denounce the murder of people through terrorism they consider to be right.

  15. Below is a stellar example of just how backward and idiotic the Muslim world can be.

    That progressive, free-thinking, modern individual was a proud Muslim himself, with more knowledge of Islam than you ever will have

    You’re quite correct in saying Taseer had an in- depth knowledge of Islam.

    And that in-depth knowledge of the *faith* was precisely why he so disliked it.

    Perhaps you should read some excerpts from his 2009 book.

    • Reminds me of that mentally challenged woman who was executed for being controlled into helping kill her husband.

      But this article does acknowledge something. Even Muslims know that this law is used for petty rivalries and almost never does the person actually get executed.

      Also, I think you might be confusing Salman Taseer with his son Aatish Taseer. He was raised in India by his Sikh mother and was estranged from his father. Ofcourse, he hit out by blaming the “others”: Muslims and Islam.

  16. A lot of response on this conversion issue in England, it is sad that the muslim and others do not realize that science has found the it of many names they worship! Before the islamic began their false religion by stealing the Words of christ 600 years after His walk through Jerusalem, they worshiped the “it” of many names under such false names as baal/baalzebub/satan/death! They follow a mans word who had a unclean spirit/Jinn/Genie that told him in the beginning that it was the big deceiver! Jesus fought the big deceiver in the desert Matthew:4:1-10, and told us in John the 8th Chapter that it satan is the author of lies/big deceiver! So muhammad was told by death/satan that it was deceiving him as he spoke to muhammad but due to the infection called death/satan all mankind has, muhammad and many since cannot wake from the authored lie of the it of many lies/names! Who does a big deceiver first deceive?? Itself, and any who believe follow or worship it! The muslim is not the only ones who worship the filth called satan/death/big deceiver, as stated sad that they all do not realize they worship what has killed their family and people since the beginning of earths Life! Many proofs of this finished mystery of God on the website for the gathering of science and theology to now end that which has blinded many Rev:12th Chapter/deceived the world the it of many names/Dragon…Who do you believe and follow He who came and fought death/the big deceiver, or the people who had stole His word 600 years after His walk and then added their desires to the truth for the “it” of many names/death now found by Gods science?? much respect

  17. I do denounce the idealogy that motivated and led the killer to doing what he did: the idalogy of Zia.

    Now, do you denounce the murder of Muslims in Pakistan by Christian drones?

    Two things:

    1)Taseer’s murder eropenly admits his actions were influenced and motivated by Islamic sermons. those sermons quoted the Koran and Hadith, not some dead Pakistani mafioso.

    2) Since when the fuck does an inanimate drone have a religion?

    Do canaries and salamanders beling to a religion as well.

    Are Daleks Buddhists?

    Or are they Hindus?

    You’re “Arizona” insane. Circumcised at one end and lobotomised at the other.

    • And since Taseer was killed by bullets, and bullets don’t have a religion any more than drones do, we can now declare Islam 100% innocent of his murder! Blame the inanimate objects!

    • Maybe you should educate yourself on Qadri and the political situation ever since Zia in Pakistan:

      So you are not going to denounce the 1000s killed by Christians piloting drones in Pakistan? Or the 1000s killed by Christian soldiers in Iraq? Or the murder of the Palestinians? Typical. The islamophobes will alwaysask you whether you denounce horrible acts, but they themselves will never denounce any horrible act tied with a group they support.

  18. This number is quess work based on the Scottish census of 2001 which asked what religion one was born into and what religion one currently belonged to. Optional. It also as mentioned does not take into account of apostasy from Islam, numbers which have been bandied about in the media at 200,000. What the source of that number is i dont know. The research conducted also claimed that many women (majority of converts are women) dont do so out of marriage. In other words the majorty do convert through marriage.

  19. I was unhappy about Islam, so I read the Koran to find out more – at least I read it till I got to the bit about when a husband is allowed to beat his wife. I didn’t bother with the Koran much after that.

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