Walid Shoebat Wishes “Nukes” Would “Take Care” of Muslim World

This is rather crude, even for Shoebat:

I would wish that the whole Muslim world would listen to Mr Bakri and fight by the sword literally. This way the nukes will take care of the whole problem once and for all.

Shoebat was speaking on Bassim and Haifa Gorial’s ABN, an evangelical TV station which seeks the conversion of Muslims to Christianity – an aim with which the more sanguinary-minded Shoebat appears to have little patience, despite his supposed adherence to Christianity.

Shoebat was in the news just recently, when the Washington Post noted that he had addressed law enforcement in South Dakota as a supposed expert on Islamic terrorism; Chip Berlet followed this up with a report that Shoebat had given advice at an anti-terrorist conference in Las Vegas about countering extremists that amounted to “Kill them…including the children” (although this wasn’t – as some sources have claimed – a quote by Shoebat himself). Shoebat also claims that Obama is a Muslim working for Islamic terrorists, and alongside his “terror expert” gravy-train he also visits churches to explain that the Bible predicts a Muslim anti-Christ.

Later this month Shoebat will be taking part in a TV event organised by Jeremy Gimpel (whom I blogged here), alongside Jackie Mason, Allen West, and Israeli consul general in Florida Ofer Bavly. In 2006, Mason reportedly judged Shoebat to be the “new Martin Luther King Jnr”. MLK and Shoebat seem to have rather different dreams, though.

(H/T: The Facts about Islam)

25 Responses

  1. Nuking Mecca was something being debated on the EDL forum last year by a user named Geert Wilders. Whether that was the real Wilders or not, fact is that nuking Muslims and Mecca is not something that is off limits on various Islamophobic forums and platforms.

  2. Mecca is not something that is off limits on various Islamophobic forums and platforms

    But Kuffarphobes make it off limits to us Kuffar!

    I think we should puke Mecca. Saudi Arabia is a filthy, backward religious-apartheid state that should be placed in quarantine, and its elites banned from putting their stinky, piggy feet feet on the sacred Kuffar soil of western nations.

    Hey! Just thinkin’ like a Saudi!

    • I’m confident that the portrayal of Muslims as bloodthirsty crazies by Islamophobes is just a bad case of psychological projection.

    • Really? Who have the Saudis nuked?

    • We support their elites. We support their dictators and evil monarchs. The Arabs would rise up in revolt against their dictators if our soldiers and weapons were not there to protect those scumbags. But we want the oil, and puppets like the House of Saud won’t give us any problems with oil, whereas a full nationalisation of the oil industry and the fall of the monarchy in Saudiland would make the Arabs run their country the way it is meant to be run. But, alas, we like the evil dictators far too much.

  3. Really? Who have the Saudis nuked?

    No one.

    We’re talking about a people who are too stupid to cook their own food.

    And i agree with EJ. Let’s overthrow te House of Saud and replace it with the “Bros”.

    That way, Sauid Arabi won’t even have any food to cook. It’ll be like Somalia!

    Besides, the kingdom’s oil reserves, the only think it ever had, are running out, and numerous newly discovered western source could easily take up the slack.

    • “We’re talking about a people who are too stupid to cook their own food.

      And i agree with EJ. Let’s overthrow te House of Saud and replace it with the “Bros”.

      That way, Sauid Arabi won’t even have any food to cook. It’ll be like Somalia!”

      And then you wonder why people call you racist. In those few sentences you have basically called Arabs unintelligent backwards people, referred to black people as “Bros” who when they come into power will make the country a broken country because they are too stupid.

  4. And then you wonder why people call you racist.

    For you EJ, a racist is someone that tells the truth about the islamic world’s utter backwardness, its lack of progress, its dismal failings in every area of human enterprise.

    Did you know that every year Spain transaltes more books into spanish that the Arab world has tanslated books into arabic since the 9th century.

    This utter dearth of intellectual curiosity vis compounded by the fact that a good deal of the books translated into arabic are books…on religion!

    You really should get out more and talk it up with ex-muslims

    • It occurs to me that many people in the world are multi-lingual and don’t rely on translations into their mother tongue for all information.

      I am also reminded of what fools Ergun Caner made of so many with his phony gibberish–passed off as Arabic–because they were all too willing to believe that a Swedish-born kid, growing up in America was indoctrinated by his Muslim father into something like the Taliban.

  5. I would just like to add one more “racist” comment.

    The islamic world is so backward and so irrelevant to human progress and development, that even if Mecca were nuked, It’d be months before anyone would even notice.

    At least The Vatican has an unsurpassed library, great art and even an observatory..

  6. “For you EJ, a racist is someone that tells the truth about the islamic world’s utter backwardness, its lack of progress, its dismal failings in every area of human enterprise.”

    No, I call you a racist because you assume all of that without backing it up with any proof. You assume all of that because you cannot read ANY language spoken and written in the Muslim and Arab countries. You rely on dubious sources like MEMRI to translate for you, even though it’s well known they take lots of liberty while translating anything from Arabic to English. You then also rely on people like Spencer and Geller to educate you on the Muslim world. That is like relying on the KKK sites to educate you on immigration, Jews and black people. They are extremely biased.

    May I suggest you take up a course in Arabic so that you can actually read the newspapers and magazines, blogs and news and opinion pieces from those “backward” people? It will make your argument have more punch. Otherwise, people will see you are criticizing the Arabic and Muslim world while you cannot even read what is happening there in their own words.

    “Did you know that every year Spain transaltes more books into spanish that the Arab world has tanslated books into arabic since the 9th century.”

    Proof please. Give me a source. While I’m waiting for a source, let’s assume you are right. Now, let’s try and find various reasons as to why this might be apart from the reason you want to provide, anmely that Arabs/Muslims are stupid people that deserve to be wiped out.

    First of all, how many books from the Arab word or other Muslim countries are translated into Spanish? Or into any of the Western languages? How many books from Africa were translated into Spanish? You see, the reason there is so much translation of books going in the Western world is that we keep translating our own books. English books will be translated into Spanish or German and vice versa. But how many books from outside of our “world” are translated into our languages? The same thing applies to the Arab and Muslim world. It’s a hugw world comprising numerous countries, cultures, religions, opinions and schools of thought. they translate works from their own “world” into the different languages spoken by them. If you could read Arabic or any other language spoken by Muslims, you would know this.

    Secondly, one of the major differences between the Western world and the rest of the world is that they can almost all speak English in some way or other, while the vast majority of people in our countries only speak their own language, i.e. English, German, Italian, French and Spanish. Spanish books need to be translated into English or German and vice versa because we just do not put that much importance on learning and amstering other languages. In the Muslim and Arabic world however, almost everyone can read Arabic, closely followed by Urdu/Hindi, French and English.

    Thirdly, your argument is basically: because they don’t translate our books into their language, they are backwards and inferior. That’s not how it works. Our langiages do not automatically equal progressive thought or superiority, so that even if a random work of fiction is translated, suddenly those lowly and backward Arabs will be that much more enlightened. And you wonder why people keep calling you out…

    Finally, if you actually took the time to read and learn about the Arabic world and Muslim countries, you would see art, literature, philosophy, debate and comedy are all there. We just never hear about it because, well, we don;t speak their language nor do we know their culture. For example, I remember Islamophobes warning us that a Muslim shcolar had issued a fatwa against Mickey Mouse and so he might be killed. In reality, the scholar was making a sarcastic joke about mice, but because we relied on MEMRI, coupled with our lack of knowledge about Arabic culture and comedy, a lot of newspapers carried this ridiculous assertion by the Islamophobes.

    “This utter dearth of intellectual curiosity vis compounded by the fact that a good deal of the books translated into arabic are books…on religion!”

    So, are you saying the Arabic and Muslim world is incredibly interested in knowing about other religions? Or do they translate books on Islam from the Western world into Arabic?

    “You really should get out more and talk it up with ex-muslims”

    I do, but even those ex-Muslims despise the Islamophobes like Shoebat, who are clearly in it for the money.

    “The islamic world is so backward and so irrelevant to human progress and development, that even if Mecca were nuked, It’d be months before anyone would even notice.”

    First of all, replace ISlamic world with African countries, then come and back say that is not a racist statement.

    Second of all, once again Islamophobes prove their true colours by saying that the nuking of Mecca and millions of innocent people would be no problem and no loss to mankind. After all, these are only lowly, brown Arabs and Muslims, followed by…

    “At least The Vatican has an unsurpassed library, great art and even an observatory..”

    …admiration and the importance of a place filled with white Christians… Truly, June, you are not racist at all…

  7. I see where those savy Saudis caught a zionist vulture flying over Mecca.

    Is there anything the eevil Jooos can’t do, EJ?

    Right, I forgot!

    They can’t train sharks to attack tourists in Egypt.

    • Turns out it’s most likely lies spread by the israeli media, again:

      “I have received many links from readers about the alleged Saudi accusation of a vulture of spying for Israel. I refused to post any link for suspicion that this was a regular lie and fabrication of the Israeli propaganda machine. Today, a western journalist in the Middle East, Rasmus, sent me this: “I urge you to look closer at the story about the alleged spy-vulture. As far as I can find out, the original reports from Saudi media says NOTHING about the bird being in the custody of the Saudi security forces nor that they suspect it of having been trained by Mossad. It was just some villagers who got scared by the big bird with the weird transmitter, caught it and handed it over to the authorities (unspecified). All the rest is only to be found in the report from the rightwing Israeli paper Maariv which started the flood-wave of reports in Western media, all saying that Saudi intelligence has arrested a vulture on charges of espionage (or more plainly speaking: once again the stupid, anti-Semitic Arabs makes up wild claims). This story needs to be rebuked.””


  8. Why does anyone still read any of this monkey “june’s” posts?

  9. […] themselves off as experts on radical Islam: there’s no-one as vulgar as Robert Spencer or Walid Shoebat on the […]

  10. […] by destroying the twin towers. But they are able to defeat us by sneaking in their man”), and he wishes that “nukes” would “take care” of the Muslim […]

  11. […] destroying the twin towers. But they are able to defeat us by sneaking in their man”), and he wishes that “nukes” would “take care” of the Muslim world. According the PRA […]

  12. […] destroying the twin towers. But they are able to defeat us by sneaking in their man”), and he wishes that “nukes” would “take care” of the Muslim world. He also teaches that […]

  13. […] as has been documented, detests his Palestinian heritage, and he wishes that “nukes” would “take care” of the Muslim world; this may just be showmanship, or it may reflect a deep hatred he apparently […]

  14. […] It would be nice if we could kill all the Muslims with nuclear weapons: I would wish that the whole Muslim world would listen to Mr Bakri and fight by the sword […]

  15. TO ALL the filty hitler like white supremesist islamophobes genocidal coward PIGS who are hiding behind the keyboard , if you are tough enough go to afganistan, especially to the taliban the will cut off your head before you can finish like the coward you are the sentence nuke mecca, go to the middle east if you’re so taugh and say you want to nuke mecca , you will be dinner for dogs in no time WHY don’t you keep worshiping your man god jesus and satanic christian pegan cult and leave the muslims alone, Go studied islamic civilization and how it enlighted dark europe and for almost 1000 years you filty genocidal PIC, islamic civilization made the so called west what it is today..
    Nuke Mecca??? why dont you NUKE YOU’RE FILTY GENOCIDAL ISLAMOHOBIC MOUTH!!! AND DEATH BRAIN!!! ,the world will be sooooo mutch better OFF since your the backward one ..As for the sorry exuse of a human being” Shoebat ” his alraeady been discredited and only the genocidals like you give this pathetic coward a platform, WAKE UP STUPID his making money out of you

  16. shoebat the “new MLK” so at what point in his famous “I have a dream speech” did he call for the destruction of entire cities because I must’ve missed that part. excuse me while I laugh at this.

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