Some Notes on TCW’s “Celebration of Dissent”

A flyer for a recent event that took place at the Emmanuel Centre in Westminster:

“TCW” here is “TCW Defending Freedom”; the initials stand for “The Conservative Woman”, and there has been some mockery of the (wearily familiar) all-male line-up. In response, an aggrieved Calvin Robinson has posted photos showing that women were on stage at some points during the proceedings, although he doesn’t identify them.

“Dissent” here of course means Covid vaccination alarmism within the context of broader conspiricist currents: the only person with scientific credentials on the flyer is the UKIP oncologist Angus Dalgleish, although on the night he was joined by Mike Yeadon, as well as HART’s Clare Craig and Ros Jones. A generally sympathetic write-up of the evening on Toby Young’s Daily Sceptic website includes some criticism that Yeadon “strayed well off course on to central bank digital currencies”; the author should be grateful that Yeadon didn’t start talking about the moon landings or Satanic Ritual Abuse, given his range of conspiricist interests.

Despite the advertising, the evening was not in fact “hosted by Mark Dolan” – there was apparently a clash with his GB News show, which perhaps was just as well for him: according to Peter Walker, a journalist who was present (and who wrote the recent Guardian article about Neil Oliver), “GB News got a loud boo because of the way Mark Steyn left the channel”. From online clips, it appears that James Delingpole took over the compèring duties.

The evening ended, suprisingly, with what TCW’s Kathy Gyngell called “a rousing spontaneous audience rendition of #TheLordsPrayer”. However, the person leading the chant added a couple of modifications:

…Forgive us our tresspasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us PFIZER, and lead us not into temptation BILL GATES…

This is isn’t actually a call to “forgive” Pfizer, and Gyngell wrote it up as “save us from #Pfizer who trespass against us”. Thus the Lord’s Prayer is modified into a chant of accusation and ideological denunciation – a distortion so at odds with its intended purpose in Christian worship that the performance must surely amount to blasphemy. Rev. Robinson appeared to be OK with it, though.

The event also included input from members of the public who have experienced vaccine injury, although it’s not clear to what extent they are also on board with the wider agendas of the conspiricist influencers who are using them. According to TCW, Andrew Bridgen now claims that he himself is vaccine injured – if so, this would appear to be something that he has come to realise following his sudden (and conveniently timed) conversion to Covid conspiricism.

One Response

  1. By the way, why does your article refer to:

    “…the military affairs reporter…”

    Did he produce:

    “Formal findings at the end of an investigative process”

    Unlike “The Mail’s hack”?!

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