Together at Last: Newt Gingrich and Jonathan Cahn

From the Bullard (TX) Banner News:

Pastor Dan Cummins of Bridlewood Church in Bullard, and founder of “Come Pray with Me,” has, for the second consecutive year, been granted use of Statuary Hall in the nation’s capitol as the venue for “Washington A Man of Prayer 2013” by Speaker of the House, John Boehner.

This is only the second time in over 100 years that a private Christian organization has been granted this privilege, both times to Pastor Cummins.

…This year’s keynote address will be given by Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.

Mwanwhile, Jonathan Cahn writes on Facebook that:

I need to ask you for your prayers and intercession On Wednesday night, May 8, there will be a special gathering held for Members of Congress. Newt Gingrich will be one of the speakers, Michele Bachmann, Tony Perkins, and a few others. To help close the event, I have been asked to speak.

Cahn’s rise to the Christian Right A-list has been rapid and unexpected; up until relatively recently, his religious teaching was somewhat esoteric, and based on claims to special insight into supposed Biblical “Hebrew mysteries”; however, he hit the big-time with the Harbinger, which links the failure of God to prevent the 9/11 attacks to the USA’s sins; Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson famously expressed the same sentiments back in 2001, but Cahn has constructed an apocalyptic narrative which fits 9/11 into a Biblical template designed to appeal to alienated conservative Christians in Obama-era America. His book has become a Christian bestseller, promoted by Joseph Farah at WND and by Stephen Strang at Charisma (Strang has explained that the book came about “as a result of prophecy”).

Cummins’ first “Washington – A Man of Prayer” event was held last year, and was sponsored by Louie Gohmert. Cummins is the Director of Church Relations for Jim Garlow’s Renewing American Leadership (ReAL) organization, and Garlow is involved with the event; as I noted previously, ReAL was created to facilitate the ludicrous spectacle of Gingrich’s incorporation into the Christian Right ahead of his 2012 presidential election bid. Cummins is also the author of He Shall Confirm the Covenant: Keys to Unlocking Daniel’s 70th Week, which promises “the most significant key in unlocking the timing of the events” of the Book of Revelation.

6 Responses

  1. […] On Wednesday, Religious Right activists and members of Congress gathered together for a prayer event held in Statuary Hall at the US Capitol called “Washington: A Man of Prayer.” […]

  2. […] On Wednesday, Religious Right activists and members of Congress gathered together for a prayer event held in Statuary Hall at the US Capitol called “Washington: A Man of Prayer.” […]

  3. […] On Wednesday, Religious Right activists and members of Congress gathered together for a prayer event held in Statuary Hall at the US Capitol called “Washington: A Man of Prayer.” […]

  4. Bravo, Dan! Keep standing strong!

  5. The righteous voice of the people of God isn’t going away, until Jesus return for His church. We will not be intimidated or denied to bring this nation back to Jesus Christ! Keep strong Pastor Dan & God bless!

  6. […] DC (which also included a pastor who says he regularly prays for Obama’s death), and in May he was at a prayer event alongside the ludicrous Newt Gingrich. If you would like to see the Farah […]

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