A press release from GOD TV (H/T Bene Diction Blogs On):
Todd [Bentley] has been touring South Africa this month and many healing miracles have been documented. These include a girl who was born deaf in both ears and mute, who spoke for the first time and a man blind in his left eye who was instantly able to see. Over 10,000 people have attended the meetings in Durban and hundreds of Muslims and Hindus have committed their lives to Christ.
I noted Bentley’s planned schedule for South Africa at the end of February. Bentley himself adds:
My wife, Jessa, was healed of a severe fever on the first day of the Great Awakening, South Africa meeting. Her healing came after a shower. The glory fell and her whole body was covered in gold. The gold was in all three hotel rooms where we stayed and now it is showing up in the meetings. It is now appearing on local muslims and hindus. After the gold came, six diamonds were discovered.
The press release includes an endorsement from Rick Joyner:
“God showed me when I first met Todd what he was called to do. He is going to lead many millions to God and he has just started. Lakeland was only a preview of what the Lord is going to do through Todd Bentley. Those who have been forgiven much, love much.”
Joyner recently concurred with Bentley that the death of a British MP from cancer was due to the MP’s opposition to Bentley coming to the UK. Joyner is a significant link between neo-Pentecostalism and “the right” more generally, with close links to the likes of Jim Bakker, Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin, and Alan Keyes.
Bentley is controversial for a number of reasons: his Lakeland revival ended with an apparent sexual indiscretion; his healing method, by his own account, on at least one occasion involving kicking someone in the face; and his claims to supernatural empowerment are not just extravagant but also rather odd, in particular involving an angel named “Emma” (Bentley was also a juvenile sex offender before his conversion, and served time in prison).
However, none of this is putting off GOD TV:
GOD TV is once again interrupting its schedule to carry Revival LIVE as it happens, this time from Durban, South Africa where Canadian evangelist Todd Bentley has seen an outbreak of miracles in his meetings. Hosted by Rory Alec, the Great Awakening Healing Revival will air LIVE on Friday April 12 through Sunday April 14 at 1pm (EST) daily with replays in prime time.
…Todd Bentley was with Rory & Wendy Alec for ‘Revival Alert’ in Jerusalem in January where he shared his heart for revival and his take on what happened five years ago at Lakeland.
GOD TV began in the UK and is now based in Jerusalem; the Alecs, however, have a background with the South African Rhema movement, and one of Bentley’s events is at a Rhema church. I wrote about the organisation here; it broadcasts a wide range of neo-Pentecostal and evangelical material. GOD TV’s Facebook page carries a number of posts about Bentley in South Africa, including a photo of a yellow smudge of some sort which “seems to reveal the outline of a glory angel alongside the lady who is worshipping”.
In the UK, the GOD TV broadcasts are being streamed to Trevor Baker’s Revival Fires church in Dudley.
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I wish you didn’t mention Bentley’s past in this post. While I can’t know your intentions, putting that snippet about his having served time as a sexual offender has diminished the intent of your post.
It’s like you have placed the blood of Jesus on trial to have the effectual capacity to actually have not washed Todd clean of those offences and that someone’s past history.
As for the current saga which in ongoing all I can do is sigh and ask our Lord to have mercy. On a another note – in regards to healing’s and miracles – its not hard to see it happen in Africa – an ex pastor whom I know well, from Sydney Anglicans runs a Bible College in Nigeria for the Nigerian Anglican church, and they often see the Lord’s hand in healing’s and miracles.
Your magic sky fairy may have washed him clean, but I haven’t.
Given the amount of liars, thieves and con-men (i.e. Faith healers) surrounding your Christ, it’s quite obvious that he has pretty low standards.
Prayers is compulsory for every human being on the surface of the earth.In
62;6-7 the lord gave a command to men on how to pray harder at all
time.I have set watchman upon the walls O Jerusalem which shall never
hold their peace day or night.
It was very hard for me to
believe that GOD exist? My name is LINDA BARNETT CARLTON Barren for 45
years, without kids and i was also having difficulties in my
marriage.This is my life testimonies.I was searching through internet
,i came across Pastor .Enoch .A Adeboye [said you shall be made
whole],This article was published by one of his Pastor [PST.WILLIAMS
He told me that E.A .Adeboye is the founder /president of Redeemed christian church of God[RCCG]
I emailed pastor WILLIAMS OKODUDU E.M
I told him much of my problems,He said GOD is awesome and he told me that he is going for 3[three] days dry fasting for me, within the next 2[two] months.I went to Hospital to see a Doctor, he confirmed I am 3[three] weeks pregnant and also God arrested my husband, to GOD be the glory he is born again christian. Today i have two kids.
Are you broken hear ted or confused
Are you going through difficult experiences and you need advice and encouragement?
Are you having some spiritual matters you need clarity from?
Are there some sexual and emotional issues you are struggling with?
Miracles and healing
Supernatural turn around through soul winning
Deliverance’s,Anointing and solution.
Financial break through
————————————————-PST WILLIAMS OKODUDU E.M
I want to specially appreciate you all in the name of lord,love and
kind permission to invite you to share my greatest testimonies and to
give honor to omnipotent GOD
Richard, can you recommend any academic studies (books rather than journal articles) that explore contemporary neo-Pentecostalism?
I’m not sure about the most recent literature, but I think a sociologist named David Martin is still the doyen of the subject. For a critical take of how the movement relates to ideas of power, I’d recommend Martyn Percy’s Words, Wonders and Power, which was published in the 90s. I’d also recommend anything by Paul Gifford – his focus is Africa, but he fits things into a wider context and there is much that is generally applicable.
My heart sank when I heard that Todd is at it again. We fought against this false doctrine and false prophet when he came out in Lakeland, the the Lord gave us His grace to withstand the vitriol that rushed out of the followers of Todd Bentley. But the world of God prevailed over falsehood.
But it seems that we are gearing for a second, and hopefully final round against this evil being perpetrated against the body of Christ, and bringing shame and reproach to the name of Jesus.
I am appalled at the lack of discernment and solid biblical teaching in the Western church. My God! Why follow false fire when we have the real Holy Spirit?
It boggles the mind.