KA Paul and Walter Fauntroy Join Forces in Libya

Among those recently trapped in (and now freed from) the Rixos Hotel in Tripoli was none other than the supposed “Billy Graham of India” KA Paul. Paul at the hotel with Rev Walter Fauntroy, who was in Libya as part of a “peace mission”.  The Daily Telegraph reports:

Speaking last night, Rev Fauntroy warned that he and the journalists may soon be in danger.

…”As a minister who believes in the fervent and effective prayers of the righteous, I have joined with Dr KA Paul in an appeal to people … to pray for deliverance for not only us, but the press corps with whom we have been quartered here, in an effort to carry out our peace mission.”

[Fauntroy] is president of the Global Campaign for Middle East Peace, a group seeking the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.

Paul has a knack for inserting himself into bigger stories: in 2006 he turned up giving advice to Dennis Hastert about the “congressional page sex scandal”, while in September last year he popped up in Gainesville, acting as a mediator between Pastor Terry Jones and Muslims. Paul also claims to have persuaded Liberian President Charles Taylor to step down, and he is reportedly “incensed that Condoleezza Rice and Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo” took all the credit. Taylor has apparently confirmed Paul’s version of events.

Fauntroy, meanwhile, is known for his long association with the Unification Church: in 2009 he shared the stage with Rev’s Moon’s son Hyun Jin Moon at a Global Peace Festival in Washington. It’s a topic he could perhaps share with Saif Gaddafi, should the opportunity arise; a 2008 article on the Unification Church website, blessed with the somewhat less than prophetic title of “The Gentleness of Change in Libya“, tells of how

The younger Gadhafi happened to be visiting the Philippines recently, on invitation from the government, at the time that Hyun-jin nim was holding the Global Peace Festival I there. Through an introduction by the Philippines Government, Mr. Saif Gadhafi, seen as the second-generation leader of the future Libya, was able to meet Hyun-jin nim in Manila! We are deeply grateful that such developments were able to take place, as a blessing also from Heung-jin nim in the spirit world.

More background on that here.