Back in 2004 (as I blogged here) BBC Radio 4’s Face the Facts ran a piece on Archbishop Gilbert Deya and his “miracle babies”. Deya, a Kenyan Pentecostal minister based in the UK, claimed that women in his congregation with fertility problems – and, indeed, post-menopausal women – could be made pregnant with miraculous babies which would come to term in a matter of weeks. Pregnancies would be diagnosed by Deya himslf, and the expectant mother then sent to a special backstreet clinic in Kenya to give birth. By coincidence, this clinic also took in unwanted babies.
The programme elicited some sceptial response, but Deya’s own 57-year-old wife then showed up at a hospital in Nairobi with a new-born baby and a placenta – doctors said they had found no medical evidence that she was was the mother, but Deya explained this was because they had been threatened by the authorities. The “miracle babies” also had DNA which did not match that of the parents.
While this may seem simply preposterous, the consequences have been tragic. The Guardian reported on one case in September 2005:
An infertile couple who claim to have given birth to a “miracle” baby are to go to court in an attempt to win back custody of the child from social services.
The couple, who cannot be named, are going to the high court to oppose the baby being put up for adoption. The authority, Haringey council in north London, will resist the application.
…The legal battle over the fate of Baby C has already cost more than £1m. He has had six care placements in less than two years, and two adoption attempts have fallen through because attempts to clarify his status have taken so long.
…The 38-year-old woman told the high court that Baby C was the second of three “miracle” babies born to her after prayers, and she was pregnant with him for just 27 days. She said the first of her babies died soon after birth in Kenya and the third was taken by Kenyan authorities.
The upshot of the scandal was that Deya’s wife was arrested and jailed for child trafficking, while the Archbishop was the subject of an extradition request from Kenya. In 2008, I noted a report which said that he had lost his appeal to stay in the UK. However, the BBC now tells us that he is still here:
A self-styled archbishop who claimed he could give infertile couples ‘miracle babies’ is still living and working in the UK despite his extradition to Kenya being ordered three years ago.
The Home Office has said it is still considering representations from Gilbert Deya’s solicitors that sending him to Kenya would breach his human rights.
…A call to his offices in London resulted in him telling us the BBC was “evil” for what had been broadcast about him previously. He told us never to call him again.
He’s not always media shy, happy to appear on his own TV channel, Deya Broadcasting Network, which screens his church services and phone-ins via satellite TV across Africa and Europe.
Deya’s website is here, where he puts his side of the story:
Although the ministry has recently faced a lot of opposition especially from the media, some people have slandered our name by calling us child-traffickers but this has not stopped this great move of spreading the Gospel. ” They have taken away my children and put them into care, my wife has been jailed but still the favour of the Lord is upon us,” Archbishop said. He further explained the injustice and cruel action taken against his wife by the Kenyan authorities. “We cannot understand how somebody can steal a child from an unknown parent, it is sheer propaganda and persecution.” So far, the British Scotland Yard and the Charity Commission have done their investigation but they could not find any criminal evidence to convict the Deya family and therefore closed their investigation.
One person who has been keeping an eye on Deya is comedy writer Robert Popper, who has drawn attention to a number of Deya’s videos, such as this:
In 2004 Deya’s videos listed for sale on his website included Jesus Healed a Woman with Three Breasts; Ambassador Carrying a Snake in his Belly Delivered in Jesus’ Name; (Witchcraft) 14 Year Missing Baby Born in the Womb (The Mother is 51 Years Old); and The Walls of Jericho Came Tumbling Down and Killed the Witches.
(Hat tip: Cult News Network)
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The first reaction is to laugh at these people but, on second thoughts, are they a joke? Do we need (or want) these sort of people in our Country? I am NOT a racist OR biased towards any specific Religion but this is the sort of crap that feeds the likes of the BNP.
[…] Gilbert Deya, who astonishingly has still not been extradited to Kenya for his part in the tragic “miracle babies” scam. I noted his obsession with witches back in 2004, and his teaching on the subject: With my […]
This is simply unbelievable. how does a woman who “give birth” 3 times in such a limited about of time believe such codswollop? Your fanny isn’t hurtin… you don’t have stretch marks… the kid looks nothing like you… SHE KNEW or she is mentally ill… This is madness!!!
[…] I first blogged on media reports about the “miracle babies” way back in 2004, and in April 2010 I was depressed to note that Gilbert Deya was still in the UK, despite an extradition request from […]