Shrimp Cracker

As other blogs have noted, conservative British religious blog Cranmer has decided to publicise the latest conspiracy theory from barrister Michael Shrimpton:

Once again the media have missed the point. Swine Flu, like Avian Flu a variant of Spanish Flu, is artificially-developed, ie a bio-weapon. To the author’s knowledge the British and American governments are aware of this, further to tests at Porton Down and CDC in Atlanta, Georgia…

Germany is an intelligence state, not unlike the USSR, whose intelligence services she set up and controlled for most of the Soviet period (Beria, eg reported to Admiral Canaris). The official organs of the German State, including the BND and BfV intelligence agencies, are essentially a front, real control being exerted from Dachau by the Deutcshe Verteidigungs Dienst, by assassination if necessary (they made effective use of Bader-Meinhof and have always loved using Marxists and other assorted nutters). The DVD exerts significant influence in other countries, usually through fronts like the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group and the Skull and Bones society at Yale (they also recruit at Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge)…

This is vintage Shrimpton; elsewhere, he boasts of how he “expose[d] propaganda operations such as the faked ‘hood’ Abu Ghraib photo”, which was supposedly created by the Syrian secret service, and he claims that French intelligence killed David Kelly. There is also a “Shrimpton Report”, attributed to him but neither confirmed nor denied, which alleges that Madelaine McCann, the British child who went missing in Portugal, was the victim of an international conspiracy. It’s helpfully (and appropriately) reposted on this David Icke forum. His conspiracies also stretch back into the past:

Marx was an agent of the Prussian Secret Service, and Marxism was simply a fake political strategy designed to disrupt British industry, which was successfully adapted as part of Germany’s covert strategy to undermine the Russian Empire, which also involved assassinating Tsar Alexadner, and getting a female German asset to marry Nicholas.

Shrimpton has featured on this blog in the past; in 2008 I noted that he had been a guest speaker at a joint “London Swinton Circle” and “Springbok Club” event. Alan Harvey wrote that:

In his most revealing and powerful address Mr. Shrimpton told something about the international forces which lay behind the abandonment of the British Empire post-World War II, which culminated in the betrayal of Rhodesia, and also gave an in-depth account of some of the little-reported facts about those involved in the recent US Presidential Election.

Harvey’s enemies on the right noticed this event, as I blogged here (scroll down to “Part Four”).

(Hat tip: Harry’s Place)

5 Responses

  1. […] Continued here: Shrimp Cracker […]

  2. I notice that Mr Shrimpton has claimed to be a consultant on the BBC show “Spooks”. This I refuse to believe – I’ve watched every episode of Spooks and don’t remember anything about the Germans being exposed as the hidden masterminds behind a worldwide conspiracy.

  3. I notice that you have decided to publicise the latest Shrimpton theory with the excuse that “conservative British religious blog Cranmer has decided to publicise it”. Your red roots are showing again! (I know that Cranmer is a conservative blog but I feel there’s an insinuation that Cranmer agrees with the theory. You’ll say there isn’t but….why not just publicise the weird theory?)

    • Cranmer brought the story to public attention, so I just wanted to note where he’s coming from. He gives the general impression of agreeing with Shrimpton, although I’ll grant that if he does so it’s not just because he’s conservative (Damian Thompson of the Telegraph doesn’t think much of Cranmer). Of course there are plenty of conspiracy crackpots out there with other political perspectives.

  4. […] – who previously appeared on this blog in 2009 –  is apparently in trouble for allegedly “making false claims to British government […]

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