Anti-Muslim blogger Paul Ray (“Lionheart”) has posted a video of another “anti-extremist march”, this time apparently in Whitechapel, East London. Apparently opposing Islamic extremism means swaggering along a main road belting out football chants, including the inevitable “Eng-er-lund”. The video is difficult to interpret; at certain points the crowd (which includes at least one black member) makes particularly agresssive sounds, but it is not clear exactly why. A few of the participants cover their faces. The whole thing seems to have been at a much smaller scale than the rally in Luton in May, which ended in violence.
From Ray’s tags, it seems this event was down to the “Welsh Defence League” and the “English Defence League”.
Incidentally, Ray has not so far made any comment over the fact that Glen Jenvey, a man whom he has promoted and defended on his blog on a number of occasions, has recently announced his conversion to Islam and willingness to take advice from some notorious extremists.
UPDATE: Ray adds in a comment on his own blog:
We live in a new age, with God doing a new thing on the Earth with His people who are willing to defend Christendom from the hordes of savages in the embodiment of ‘religious moslems’, who have emerged on our land from their Islamic hell holes.
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