Obsession DVD Pundit Glen Jenvey: Conversion to Islam Announced, Thanks Given to Extremist

Following on from yesterday’s blog entry, Dave Bones of Malung TV News has had further correspondence with Glen Jenvey, who for several years has been cited in the media as an expert on Islamic terrorism and as an “anti-Jihad” activist. Jenvey has apparently announced his conversion (or “reversion”, to use insider terminology) to Islam through the guidance of a notorious extremist:

im fine looking forward to tell the world they should imbrace islam as well.i will be putting the wrongs of my past right and helping all muslim prisoners as a muslim.

may allah guide me and thank omar bakri for his bring me into the fold of islam.

glen aka omar hamza jenvey

This is written in Jenvey’s trademark dyslexic style; the story has also been confirmed by Bones through a contact at Salafimedia.com, and Jenvey has just deleted his “alimasharli” YouTube channel, which carried videos attacking Islamic extremists. Just a couple of weeks ago Jenvey posted a phone interview he had made with Omar Bakri, in which he had posed as a journalist in order to elicit some (predictable) inflammatory quotes.

Jenvey used to run a fake extremist website as an undercover operation, and some are speculating this new development is of the same sort. However, it should also be noted that the media declined to pick up his Omar Bakri interview, and he was recently angered by an unflattering passing reference in the Daily Mail. He has also acted erratically since the Sun withdrew an article sourced from him in January.

Of course, there’s also a chance that Jenvey’s email and YouTube site have been hacked by a talented impersonator, but the previous statements I blogged yesterday have been around for a few days now unchallenged.

UPDATE: A new statement has appeared:

Let it be known MI5 and the Daily Mail newspaper are full time over paid trash!…The Daily Mail were un-ware in their badly researched story I was under cover collecting information for a British MP and Newspaper for them to pass on to the police to stop public disorder offences from Feb 2009.

…Omar Bakri has invited me to Islam and i will be converting in early July I will not be working for any intelligence service from this date against Muslims or any other group.

over the years i have found the police racist and MI5 full of interbread public school boy’s i declare complete contempt for the Daily Mail’s LIES and after the PCC result if not fair will be taking them to court…over the years i have worked along side several intelligence services and will be sharing this secret info with my friends and Muslim Brother.

There’s also a link to an audio of “advice by my Brother in Islam Sheikh Omar Bakri”, in which Omar Bakri discusses Jenvey’s wish to convert.

Also, Dave Bones adds:

I have seen emails from Aranis solicitors asking why Mr Jenvey is withdrawing his evidence and enquiring about his change of heart.

Muddassar Arani is Abu Hamza’s solicitor.

19 Responses

  1. Either this is Genuine or something very carefully planned out with Deceit.

    How it currently stands at the moment (Before his reversion)
    Jenvey at the moment is screwed from All Sides,
    Official Police Investigation,
    Legal Case
    PCC case
    all initiated by Ummah Forum administrators and it is still ongoing

    Now if indeed this is genuine im fairly certain that the whole lot of it will be dropped if Jenvey
    does indeed apologies for stitching them up then he will be in the Clear again and have nothing to
    worry about.
    Either Jenvey has staged this all to crawl out of the deep hole he is already in

    or Jenvey is probably really peed off about everything Daily Mail allegations about him and just wanna
    move on..
    who knows..

  2. This reminds me of Stephen Schwartz’s “conversion”.

    • Selams

      I have no idea why my name should be introduced into this discussion. My becoming Muslim is not doubted by anybody in the Muslim world, alhamdulillah; I speak in mosques and lecture in Islamic faculties from Bosnia to Singapore. Only in Britain do slimy radical apologists try to smear me.

      Omar Bakri is a “dissident” Wahhabi who follows Wahhabi precepts but hates the Saudi regime. Not at all unusual — the dissonance between Wahhabi claims to purity and their historical corruption and anti-Muslim alliances with the West drives a lot of people in their ranks crazy, e.g. Bin Laden.

      Stephen Suleyman Schwartz
      Muslim since 1997, and if you doubt it read my books and websites

      • I doubt it.

        Like Mr.Jenvey you’ve built up a career spreading Islamophobia, and conjuring up mythical “Wahhabi” boogeymen (not to mention supprting Neocon wars).

        Anything and everything not completely super-secular/sufi/pro-Israel is “Wahabi”-inspired to you.

        I’m sure you’re sincere in whatever it is you think you converted to, much like all those New Age American “Buddhists” that have been popping up across American cities since the mid-90’s. Except for you it’s “Sufism”, dervishes, and the poetry of Rumi.

  3. !

  4. May Allah guide me,im meeting brothwer Anjem in early July that’s when i will convert on film.it is true that im in touch with brother Sheikh Omar Bakri you can call him on 0096170957759 yourself to confirm this fact. i call on the release of sheikh abu qatada and sheikh abu hamza as it’s my view the police and fbi case is full of holes with out my statement working for the defence and the FBI has invented eviendence.

    james ujaama was in fact in charge of setting up the Bly training camp not Sheikh Abu Hamza who did not have a passport at the time. and i have video showing james ujaama telling abu hamza about muslims in north america not the other way round.
    i do not see the big deal in me praying Allah.

    And ask Allah to forgive me of all my sin’s in the past.and ask Muslim brothers and sisters to allow me to learn about Islam with them.it’s my view we need to talk with al-qaida for this world to become a better place and a safe place. Sheikh Omar was wise in his call on this subject and im pleased he has invited me to Islam.

    glen aka Omar Hamza Jenvey

  5. This reminds me of the white BNP supporter who, some years ago, converted to Islam after meeting some Muslims. He converted to an extremist sect that allowed him to continue to be an ignorant fascist spouting anti-semitic poison; he claimed that being a Muslim somehow made him not rascist..
    What kind of sect does Sheikh Omar Bakri belong to?

  6. Dear Glen

    If you have converted indeed then good luck

    First of all we need to clear this thing that happened over at Ummah.com – Like i have mentioned there is a lot of things goinng on Involving Lawyers etc [Redacted]

    Im willing to let you register and Post on Ummah if need be – (Register there if you want and PM me, I can assure you i will not disclose your ID or anything to anyone)

    Ummah Forum

    • Salaams, Br Sajid,

      Have you forgotten the role that Tim Ireland played in exposing Jenvey’s smear of the Ummah Forum to be the pack of lies that it was? As you’re no doubt aware, his pains resulted in this:


      Jenvey appears to be wholly unrepentant about this. [Redacted]



      • Cairene,

        If you are on Ummah Message me – There is certain things I cant mention on Public forum – i’ll be happy to explain fully what i mean[t]

        As for Glen Jenvey then until I hear anything from him things are still going on how they are. Despite my previous comment to him he decided not to respond – the Longer he stays silent about it then the more suspicious we will get

        Of Course Alan Sugar Vs The Sun that case is going on and we will continue to aid them. “Police Investigation” that is still ongoing these things takes ages

      • Cairene Shoe Fancier;
        didn’t have you down as down with the Deen.

  7. http://www.sendspace.com/file/fce83s

    —–Original Message—–
    From: Muddassar
    To: glenjenvey@aol.co.uk
    Sent: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 15:48
    Subject: RE: Abu Hamza FBI Statement


    Can I please have the full statement as this would be appreciated I was only sent two pages it appears that the statement is longer than the two pages.

    Can you confirm why you want to withdraw your statement and what has made you want to take such a step?

    Why this change of heart?


    Kind regards

    Arani Solicitors

    • So Glen are you just gonna Be silent and just ignore it or you going to talk ?

      First thing remember if you are really a muslim as you have claimed the First thing you do is APOLOGIES to people you have hurt in the process this includes the Likes of Ummah and Also Tim

      Havent you been taught this yet?

  8. […] that Glen Jenvey, a man whom he has promoted and defended on his blog on a number of occasions, has recently announced his conversion to Islam and willingness to take advice from some notorious […]

  9. […] in Luton that angered him, and which so upset his long-time associate Glen Jenvey that Jenvey has announced his intention to convert to […]

  10. […] is so far the only right-wing “anti-jihadi” to have commented on Jenvey’s conversion to Islam; Jenvey’s other ex-allies are all studiously ignoring the subject – including Paul Ray, […]

  11. […] it is also rather weird: Jenvey announced his intention to convert to Islam only in June. This followed a Daily Mail article which mentioned him in passing in a story about football […]

  12. […] saga of Glen Jenvey occured last summer, when the former “terror tracker” announced his sudden conversion to fundamentalist Islam and was received into the religion by members of an Al-Muhajiroun front […]

  13. […] conversion to Islam occurred at a time of great personal turmoil, following a passing reference in the Daily Mail to […]

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