WorldNetDaily Columnist Defends Using Neo-Nazi Source in Article

UPDATE: Folger has now amended her piece, with a note repudiating Fields. Apparently these words of support from Gen J.C. Christian failed to make a positive impression.

From the website of Janet Folger, WND columnist and President of Christian-right lobby group Faith2Action:

Right now, people in powerful places want nothing less than to eradicate Christian faith from American society…SPEAK OUT. MAKE A DIFFERENCE. BUT FIRST GET THE FACTS in Janet Folger’s The Criminalization of Christianity.

But from where does this tireless activist “GET THE FACTS” herself? Ed Brayton recently pulled apart one of her WorldNetDaily columns and noticed, among much else, the following quote:

…Dr. E. Fields, in his book “Is Homosexual Activity Normal?”, reveals “41 percent of homosexuals say they have had sex with strangers in public restrooms.”

Alas, “Dr E. Fields” is Edward Fields, a notorious aged neo-Nazi and KKK supporter. Ed emailed Folger with this, and got the following response from her communication director, Ross Conley:

The reference to Dr. E. Fields was found on an internet search for statistics on public sex. Such a reference can be found on a number of websites, including this FreeRepublic article. We honestly had no idea that this E. Fields was the same man who holds such racist views. A Google or Yahoo search on “Dr. E. Fields” shows nothing…

So, Folger pulled a reference off the net without bothering to check out anything about where it came from (let alone consulting the actual source itself). And in fact, if you do Google “Dr. E Fields” you actually get a page of results, including the following:

24) The BM also sent delegates to the Belgian nationalist congress at Dixmuide, and hosted Dr.E.Fields of the extreme anti-semitic National State’s Rights …

Conley’s FreeRepublic reference is also rather underwhelming, being taken from Catholic Apologetics International. Ed initiates us:

CAI is a weird little offshoot of the Catholic Church run by Robert Sungenis. Sungenis is an uber-Catholic who acts like some of the more idiotic Protestants – in particular, with his support for geocentrism. Yes, that’s right kids, he thinks Galileo and Copernicus were wrong.

But Conley (and, we must assume, Folger herself) doesn’t have a problem with using a neo-Nazi for getting information about homosexuality. As he explains to Ed:

…However, if we are going to use such a standard to reject any research by a person who holds racist views, we had better all stop quoting men such as Charles Darwin and Karl Marx. Both held extremely racist views…

And how do we know this?

…as any internet search with their names and the word “racist” will show.

6 Responses

  1. Here is our official response, as also posted on our website and at WorldNetDaily:

    In my WorldNetDaily column from last week (July 24), “News flash! Sex in public still illegal,” there was a sentence where I referred to some research conducted by a Dr. E. Fields. It has come to our attention that Dr. Fields subscribes to a number of racist views of which our Faith2Action ministry was unaware. The research had been previously cited by some seemingly unchallenged sources, that I’m sure were also unaware of his racist views and writings. We sincerely apologize for this mistake. As Christians, we disavow all racism as sinful and would never knowingly promote an advocate of racism. Faith2Action maintains that the problem of sex in public restrooms is a very serious one that Fort Lauderdale and other cities have every right and duty to confront. In the future, however, we will not refer to any research by Dr. Fields.

    We will continue to alert the nation to this reckless, immoral behavior which puts families, children, and unknowing spouses at risk. Janet Folger Faith2Action President

  2. Folger went on to say that god said it was ok to hate the gays.

  3. Yeah, that’s the ticket.
    Racism? Bad doggie. Shame, shame, shame!!! (Well, at least once we got caught quoting one….)

    Homophobia? Well, that’s just what Gawd wants!!!

    “Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.”

    The Commonwealth of Virginia’s take on it in the aptly named Loving v. Virginia, 388 US 1 (1967).


  4. But Arne, did not the creator create boats upon which the races traveled over vast distances so that they could intermingle and what not? If so, then is it not in God’s plan that people of race should fornicate with one another?
    Or should we blame the invention of the boat on the devil?

    This can all be so difficult to deconvolute…..

  5. […] is also a columnist with WorldNetDaily, and I’ve noted her work a couple of times: in 2007 (when she was known as Janet Folger) she accidentally cited a neo-Nazi crank in a column railing […]

  6. This article illustrates ad hominem in action.


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