More on Sudan and Joseph Kony

Following on from a recent Christianity Today piece which mentioned links between Sudan and the Lord’s Resistance Army (I blogged it here), Christopher Hitchens reports from Uganda for Vanity Fair:

…The whereabouts of [LRA leader Joseph] Kony are already known: he openly uses a satellite phone from a base across the Ugandan border in southern Sudan. Like the United States, Sudan is not a signatory to the treaty that set up the I.C.C. And it has sponsored the L.R.A. because the Ugandan government—which is an I.C.C. signatory—has helped the people of southern Sudan fight against the theocracy in Khartoum, the same theocracy that has been sponsoring the genocide against Muslim black Africans in Darfur. Arrest warrants look pretty flimsy when set against ruthless cynicism of this depth and intensity. Kony has evidently made some kind of peace with his Sudanese Islamist patrons: in addition to his proclamation of the Ten Commandments, he once banned alcohol and announced that all pigs were unclean and that those who farm them, let alone eat them, were subject to death…

2 Responses

  1. […] More on the Sudan-Kony link, from Christopher Hitchens. Possibly related posts: (automatically […]

  2. […] as with recent developments in Ghana and Nigeria (which we blogged here and here), even talking about gay rights can bring down the wrath of the state: …The government has […]

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