From the UPI:
Jordanian authorities reportedly confiscated copies of the controversial bestseller, “The Da Vinci Code,” for slandering Christianity.
Amman’s daily al-Ghad said copies of the book were seized from a publishing house in the Jordanian capital and its owner, Ahmed Abou Tawk, was summoned for interrogation.
The paper quoted the president of the state’s Publication Department, Ahmed Kodat, as saying other titles were confiscated in addition to “The Da Vinci Code” for undermining religions.
“This book is largely harmful for Christianity and was banned from many countries, including Lebanon,” Kodat said, noting Christian clerics in Jordan demanded the ban.
I haven’t been able to find out what the “other titles” worthy of censorship are. But I think we can assume that one title in particular is not included. From an profile of Jordan (1996):
Until recently, a broad range of Arabic translations of antisemitic texts including The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was widely available. Since the signing of the Jordanian-Israeli peace treaty, however, such material has been phased out of mainstream bookshops and is available today primarily in Islamist bookshops.
Plus from the New York Times (2002):
Stay in a five-star hotel anywhere from Jordan to Iran, and you can buy the infamous forgery “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”
While according to al-Jazeera:
Lebanese officials have rejected US calls to intervene with Hizb Allah over a mini-series on Zionism airing on its television station.
Government officials said doing so would be a violation of free speech.
…The State Department said on Tuesday that it had complained about the series to the governments of both Lebanon and Syria on the grounds that it incorporated elements of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, an infamous 19th-century forgery.
(Tipped from Come and See)
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