Update on Rev. Moon’s UPF in the UK

From a press release: A recently-appointed “Ambassador for Peace” from the UK is to make an official visit to Pakistan this week. The Lord Mayor of Birmingham, Cllr Abdul Rashid, will be visiting the troubled Asian Republic at a time of heightened political tensions. The official tour will include visits to the Punjab and Azad Kashmir […]

Pepsi Nepal and UPF Promote “One Family Under God”

A couple of weeks ago on my Universal Peace Federation sub-blog I noted a UPI report from Nepal, which described how two major business groups from Nepal — Pepsi Co. and the Chaudhary Group — have joined hands with two key nonprofit NGOs — Project Healing Touch of India and the Universal Peace Federation of […]

Report: Canadian UPF Given MLK Award by US Consul General

Strange (and slightly confusing) news from the Canadian Gazette (emphasis added): Emmett (Pops) Johns, the Roman Catholic priest who ministers to Montreal street kids, Gemma Raeburn-Baynes, a veteran black community activist, and a former child soldier from Sierra Leone, Alusine Bah, are this year’s local recipients of the Martin Luther King Jr. Legacy Award. The […]

David Cameron, the Pig Story, and the Media: Some Thoughts

I’d be lying if I said that I haven’t been amused by satirical responses to a recent report that Prime Minister David Cameron, while at university, once indulged in a prurient initiation ceremony – or, alternatively, a drunken prank – that involved placing his genitals into the mouth of a severed pig’s head. There has also […]

Claim: “Over 100 Leaders” Expected at School of Economic Science HQ For Conference

Keynote speakers include Walter Schwimmer, former Secretary General of the Council of Europe The “Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative” (GCGI) has details of its second joint conference with the School of Economic Science, due to take place at the SES’s Oxford headquarters in September and entitled “The Value of Values: Spiritual Wisdom in Everyday Life”: This […]

George Galloway Claims that Police Officer with Role Investigating “Radical Muslim Groups” Engaged in Dirty Tricks Against Him

George Galloway writes to the Home Secretary: I am writing to you to ask you to investigate the behaviour of a senior member of the Metropolitan police’s counter-terrorism squad SO15 who, I believe, has been carrying out a campaign of vilification – a dirty tricks operation – against me in my constituency using police facilities and […]

Legislators Attend Scientology National Office Opening: Associations Overlap with Nation of Islam and Unification Church

From the Daily Caller, last week: Three U.S. congressmen and a top-level government official attended the opening of the Church of Scientology’s National Office in Washington, D.C., Thursday. …Lawmakers in attendance were Texas Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, Indiana Republican Rep. Dan Burton and Illinois Democratic Rep. Danny Davis. Liz Gibson, Senior Program Manager at the […]

A Universal Peace Federation Pundit on Press TV and Russia Today

From the website of Russia Today, 13 December: With international rhetoric hardening against Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, peace activist Dr Maher Salloum tells RT the West is not really seeking a dialogue with the Syrian regime. …The world community is not doing enough to ensure a dialogue between Damascus and its opponents, believes Dr Maher Salloum, […]

Jerry Boykin to Address Ocean City Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast

From the Ocean City (Maryland) Dispatch: The commander of the infamous Black Hawk Down has been announced as this year’s Ocean City Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast speaker. Ocean City Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast Director Bruce Spangler expressed excitement this week about Lieutenant General William G. “Jerry” Boykin of the US Army, retired coming to Ocean City next […]

Rev Moon Coming to UK Parliament

CORRECTION: It seems that, contrary to the Daily Mail report, Rev Moon did not himself attend the meeting in Parliament, although Mrs Moon and family members were present. Rev Moon instead spoke at the Hilton Metropole. Details in update below. From the Independent: This week the Unification Church leader flew into Britain with his son as […]