GB News Smears Muslim Woman Who Met Keir Starmer

From GB News:

‘Did nobody vet this lady? Why does she have direct access to our Prime Minister?!’

@PatrickChristys reacts to Keir Starmer meeting with “Muslim leaders” to discuss his “plans for change”, including Saima Aslam, who tweeted in 2015 that “Islamophobia is more dangerous than ISIS”

The Tweet was first noted by GB Politics, and then amplified by Nigel Farage with the added question “What on earth is @Keir_Starmer doing?”. Christys purports to be some sort of journalist, but the brief here was not to look into the matter but simply to reinforce the material handed to him on a plate – thus he lists off some ISIS terrorist atrocities, which he infers that Syima Aslam (to give her correct spelling) wants us to ignore.

Here’s her 2015 post in full:

Islamophobia is more dangerous than ISIS, ISIS will burn out but Muslims are underestimating the far right threat @hamzayusuf #ImamsOnline
1:05 PM · Mar 26, 2015

The context is not immediately obvious: at that time, Tweets could not be threaded, and anything related she may have posted just before or after does not appear. However, there are some clues, in the reference to Hamza Yusuf and the “IslamOnline” hashtag. It doesn’t take much effort to follow up these leads, and to see that Christys’ interpretation is both implausible and vicious.

The hashtag refers specifally to a launch event for a magazine called Haqiqah, which was put together by Imams Online to oppose ISIS. As was reported the day after Aslam’s post:

A new online magazine has been launched with the aim of “reclaiming the internet” from extremists.

Haqiqah, external – “the truth” or “the reality” – has been created by British Muslim scholars who say they want to do more to educate young people about the reality of extremist movements.

They say it is a direct response to the threat of radicalisation from groups such as Islamic State.

IS extremists have widely used social media to spread their message.

More than 100 imams gathered in London for the launch of the magazine, which has been started by the website Imams Online.

“Someone has to reclaim that territory from ISIS, and that can only be imams: religious leaders who guide and nourish their community,” according to Qari Asim, senior editor at

The comment from Hamza Yusuf that is quoted by Aslam (she’s since clarified that is what it was) is most sensibly interpreted as a contemptuous assessment of ISIS’s geopolitical pretensions – at the time, ISIS controlled a big chunk of the Middle East, but Yusuf correctly predicted that its supposed “caliphate” had no long-term prospects – unlike the far-right threat. Yusuf in fact has been so outspoken against ISIS that the terrorists responded by targeting him as an “apostate”. A search of Aslam’s posts further shows her own unequivocable opposition to ISIS. Christys’ inversion of all that is grotesque.

Aslam is a public figure who has been rightly commended for her contributions to civil society in the UK, most notably the Bradford Literary Festival. That goes some way to answering the question posed by Christys and Farage about why she was meeting Starmer, although I doubt they actually want to know.