A breathless report in the Telegraph:
Anders Behring Breivik trial: the ‘real’ Lionheart
Anders Breivik has insisted at his trial that he attended a meeting in London in 2002 in which his violent right-wing group, the so-called “Knights Templar,” was founded.
…Three days after the Norway attacks, the Daily Telegraph identified and tracked down a British man calling himself Paul Ray, who admitted that he could have been the inspiration for Breivik, although he denied ever meeting him.
British and Norwegian investigators are convinced that Breivik’s Knights Templars do not exist but say it is possible that he was inspired by information he found on the internet. If he was, Ray appears to be the man he modeled himself on.
In his 1,500 page manifesto, Breivik wrote that his “assigned mentor” at the founding meeting was “referred to as Richard (the Lionhearted).”
This was all raked over last year; the theory of Ray as Breivik’s model collapses under scrutiny. Ray uses the name “Lionheart” on his blog, but that’s not the same as “Richard the Lionhearted”, and “Lionheart” is obviously the first name that would come to mind to anyone who wished to identify with Crusaders. Ray and Breivik also regard Serb nationalists and Liberia’s Charles Taylor as Christian champions against Islam, but again, these are shared generic sympathies rather than evidence of influence.
Further, Breivik claims to have met his “mentor” in 2002; Ray’s anti-Islam activism dates from several years later. According to evidence from Breivik’s current trial, credit card records show that Breivik visited a café London in 2002; by his own account, he attended a meeting which consisted of “four sweaty men in a basement”. However, even if a meeting really happened, there is no reason to suppose Ray was present.
Ray was one of the founders of the English Defence League in 2009, although he was sidelined soon afterwards and broke away. Ray’s blog fulminates against the current EDL leadership, and against Alan Lake, who has also been accused of having influenced Breivik. Ray has revealed details of an EDL planning meeting at Lake’s apartment in 2009, and he has published an email from one of Lake’s associates (“Kinana”, discussed here) which mentions that another person present at this meeting also uses the name “Richard the Lionheart”. While it would be interesting to know who this person is (“a big ginger-haired guy from London”, in Ray’s recollection), again, there’s no reason to extrapolate from this to a link to Breivik.
The Telegraph continues:
Ray went on to become a member of a group calling itself Order 777 that appeared to advocate a violent struggle against Muslims.
Order 777 posted videos online featuring a depiction of a Templar Knight and footage of a variety of armed gangs, including Serbian nationalists and Liberian fighters such as Charles Taylor.
…Both the videos and [Breivik’s] manifesto featured a man called Milorad Ulemek, a former commander of a unit of the Serbian security services who was arrested in 2004 and convicted of the assassinations of Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic and former Serbian President Ivan Stambolic.
The Telegraph also makes a few other connections:
Mr Ray, who later moved to Malta, is originally from Luton, Bedfordshire, a place that Breivik referred to repeatedly in court.
Lastly, the videos featured a thumping trance music soundtrack, exactly the kind of music Breivik listened to obsessively as he prepared his attacks.
Despite the similarities, Ray pointed out that the right-wing anti-Muslim movement did not begin in Britain until 2006 – which by coincidence is the same date Breivik claims to have started writing his manifesto.
Luton is also known as the original centre for EDL activism, so once again there’s no need to make a link to Ray; the other “similarities” appear to be incidental.
However, “Order 777” is genuinely troubling, even without the Breivik element; the “group” represents Ray’s association with Nick Greger, a reformed neo-Nazi, and with Greger’s friend Johnny Adair, a well-known figure in Northern Irish Loyalism. There is a website which purports to belong to the group, which contains the following blurb (1):
The Order 777 is a Paraintelligence Service structured in Special Operation Units (SOU).
Task of The Order 777 is to fight the threat of Islamic Terrorism on 3 Levels:
– Operations to expose Islamic Terrorists, their Networks and Activities.
– spiritual Warfare to fight Islam itself.
– assistance in founding Citizen Militias with purpose of self-protection of Communities which are directly terrorized by Jihadists.
Members of The Order 777 are operating alongside different Secret Services in various Countries.
The Order 777 is an Christian Brotherhood,
outside Europe especialy dedicated to support Christians in:
Democratic Republic Congo,Nigeria,Liberia,Sierra Leone,Casamance Region in Senegal,Egypt,southern Sudan,Armenia,Lebanon and Israel to name just some of them .
You find a few Samples of how The Order 777 operates in our Video Section with Explanation to the Operations written amongst the Videos.
Members of The Order 777 are in general reformed Characters who converted to Christianity,dedicated to protect Christendom against the onslaught of Islam.
Further Task and Goal of The Order 777 is to build an save Haven for its Members aft, er their Retirement. A save Haven in Form of a Settlement on private Property in a secret Location. A Vision which The Order 777 Mentor Lonnie Earl Johnson once described as *Building the new Jerusalem in the Heart of Darkness…a Light to inspire others to follow our Example*.
The reference to “Mentor Lonnie Earl Johnson” is particularly bizarre. Johnson was executed in Texas in 2007 for the fatal shooting of two teenagers in 1990; Johnson claimed to have acted in self-defence from a racist attack (he was black and the two teenagers were white), but one cannot see what the case has to do with Ray and Greger’s concerns. The quote attributed to Johnson cannot be found anywhere else, and he does not appear to have had any interest in Islam.
The site is owned by someone using the name and image of “Danny Archer” (the protagonist of the film Blood Diamonds), and dates from 2011. The owner is listed as having joined in August, so presumably the site dates from then – which was a month after Brevik’s massacre. At this time Ray was complaining bitterly that he had been misunderstood and unfairly associated with violence; his appearance on a sinister site alongside photos of Eugene Terre Blanche and Ulemek (among other figures, including Adair and Johnson) seems an odd way to dispel such impressions.
UPDATE (16 June): This is rather alarming; despite Ray’s repudiation of Breivik, Greger has now uploaded a video to his “madnick77” Youtube account vilifying Breivik’s victims and describing Breivik as “Commander Anders Breivik”:

The video’s text notes the AUF’s support for an economic boycott of Israel, and explains that
Utoya island youth camp was politically organized, multi-cultural camp for leftist youth and black immigrants. Ideas of multicultural neo-marxism, feminism, antifascism.. were injected into young people here. There have been no innocent children in the marxist political training and brainwash camp of Utoya. they have been radical political activists who have been fully aware of what they are plotting. it was the next generation of a ruling class who is directly responsible for the destruction in our countries and communities.
The video includes images of Crusaders, the grave of the Serbian warlord Arkan, and ends with an Orthodox icon. Although the video is clearly authored by Greger, “Order 777” is listed as a “supporter”, along with the names “Rebels for Christ” and “RMJ” (the latter symbolised by a clenched fist and a Star of David). There is also a mysterious low-resolution photo of a blonde woman.
Greger has also engaged with a commentator on YouTube:
This video kinda ruins everything Paul said to the norwegian police, doesn’t it? – flasKamel
no it dosent as the video is just a information of what the media doesn not tell the public and we just support that people have to get access to all informations surrounding breiviks motivation.by the way,paul rays opinions are paul rays opinions.me myself i did never hide that those people in utoya havent just been innocent kids playing football in a summer camp and thats the point. – madnick77
(H/T Julie Blackadder and Nemesis Republic)
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