Norwegian television news show TV 2 Nyhetene has a report on Alan Lake, the British businessman connected with the English Defence League. For the first time, Lake admits to financing the organisation:
I mean, I have given some money to help some EDL things happen.
Lake describes Islamists who make provocative and inflammatory protests in the UK as “seditious” and tells us that he would be “happy to execute people like that”. He adds that “I suspect its going to take the loss of a few countries” in Europe “to actually wake other people up”.
There’s also input from Nachum Shifren, the Californian “Surfing Rabbi”:
Alan has had a very decisive role in working with me and people in the United States.
I blogged on Shrifen’s association with the EDL here and here, noting his anti-gay views; my posts drew critical comment from Lake himself.
Lake is of interest to Norwegian television because of his links to Kent Ekeroth, the Swedish nationalist politician; Lake describes him as a “good friend”. Lake also says that he wishes to return to Sweden to give another talk “now that I’ve moved on to the next level.”
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