The Day and the Hour
September 2, 2010
It should be pretty clear that the studies found in the book and this website look to this Feast of Trumpets 2010 (September 9th) as the time of the Rapture of the Church. That is less than a week away. Time is quickly running out…
Jerusalem sunset is 1853 on September 9th.
(Hat tip: Bulldada Newsblog Source: Here)
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I certainly believe in the Rapture – this is what the Bible
points to throughout but I always thought that no one knows the time or the hour.
The earth is then left to non Christians ie equality diversity etc. You don’t want to be there in the great tribulation .
But there is lots of debate – are you pre tribulation
, mid tribulation – end tribulation.
But even Jesus said he did not know the time or the hour.
I pray that I am in the rapture even though it will be undeserved.
It’s now the tenth, and I am in an office waiting for the computer speakers to stop feeding back so I can continue listening to Dr Who at the Proms. Not quite sure which of Thomas Moore’s four last things this corresponds to.
Nope. I got raptured. Right on schedule.
Uhhhh …. how am I posting this?
Ummmm … Wi-Fi in heaven?
I’m not all here. Does that count?
Once you are left behind there is no “salt” of the earth
left – ie Christians , as a moderating force have been
removed in the rapture. Mainly athiests are left – but
God does give one last chance according to some
evangelists – only if they do not accept the mark of the beast – ie the employment buying and selling number.
No acceptance of the branding number means no
work , buying or selling since it is a one world banking
system with no cash.
Could you imagine being left behind with billions of
relativistic athiests . AGH !
Where will the liberals go or do ?
The film was so good Tim LaHaye had his name kept off it.
Can you blame him, really?
I endured reading most of that series, but I really couldn’t take the movies. Saw the first one and couldn’t do it.
There are newer versions of Left Behind.
It is not so much about entertainment but
evangelising about Bible prophesy.