Rev. Flip Benham
Here’s one I missed from the end of September – a blog post attributed to none other than Rev Flip Benham, Director of Operation Save America and Operation Rescue and famous as the man who baptized a repentant Norma McCorvey (“Roe” of “Roe vs Wade”), discussing my spiritual state (see here, scroll down – for some reason there’s no permalink):
Richard Bartholomew has the spiritual depth of a pie tin when it comes to understanding the Gospel battle we are involved in. He has a tremendous amount of knowledge but little spiritual depth. He is like a swamp – a mile wide but only an inch deep.
Benham is annoyed at a short blog entry I did concerning Operation Save America’s protest against a Muslim group holding a open-air prayer meeting at the Capitol in Washington DC. He goes on to explain the true spiritual depths of the event:
What took place in Washington D.C., this past Friday, September 25, 2009, was no attempt at all for Muslims to approach Almighty God in prayer. They can’t reach God for there is no other Name by which men must approach God but the Name of Jesus. It was a strategic attempt by the devil to dethrone the God of the Bible. It was an attempt to replace or level the playing field between the living and true God of the Bible with the false god Allah. It was an attempt to declare that God and Allah are one and the same – they are not! Islam is a lie birthed in the deepest pits of hell. It will not be tolerated by God and it certainly must not be tolerated by Christians…When Muslims gathered on the lawn of our nation’s Capital, they were declaring that “Allah is God and there is no other, and Mohammed is his prophet.” This is the first pillar of Islam. It is a contradiction and violation of the first Commandment of Almighty God, “Thou shalt have no other God’s before me.” We Christians have allowed God’s House to become a den of robbers. We refuse to wield the sharp double edged Sword of the Spirit and stand for God’s Truth in the Name of Jesus.
By the way, the backs of the t-shirts are even better…
(Second t-shirt reads “Abortion is Murder; Homosexuality is Sin; Islam is a Lie; Evolution is a Delusion; Feminism is Rebellion; Liberalism is a False Religion; Conservativism is [Pretend] Salt” – thanks to a commentator for identifying the missing word)
Benham’s denunciation comes in the wake of a rebuke from the Official Street Preachers I received in February.
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If these jokers didn’t have homosuexuals and Muslims to hate, what would be the reason for their existence?
Why didn’t Flipper go on and quote the 2nd Commandment?
‘You shall not make for yourself a carved image–any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
Let’s see, JC was born in Palestine, so that probably means he was brown skinned, maybe even black.
So what’s with all the statues, pics and paintings in countless churches, chapels and houses of worship showing Christ with lily white skin and wouldn’t those constitute a ‘graven image?’
And doesn’t a cross also fit into that catergory?
If JC did come back today and start preaching again his Gospel of love and compassion, Flipper and his cohorts would be screaming for his blood.
Oops, forgot. Keep up the excellent work in your blog. If reactionary ‘christians’ like Flipper are worried about you speaking truths and exposing shams, that means you’re on the right track.
“Damn the pie tins, full speed ahead!”
Liberalism is a false religion?
Not nearly as much so as conservatism is …
Either one can be an idol, of course … but it looks like Flip’s got his own golden calf to worship.
The slogan you couldn’t read is “Conservatism is Pretend Salt!” There, you really wanted to know that, didn’t you?
(“Waiter, can you bring me a shaker of Conservatism? My doctor’s told me to cut out salt.”)
I’m with Greg, if you’re getting under the skin by being intelligent and factual and never rude or aggressive, then you’re doing the right thing. Keep it up comrade!
a) flip benham is nutty.
b) is it just me, or does that pic of benham look just like republican house minority leader from ohio john boehner? (
c) any person of faith who would protest another person of faith’s right to practice their religion is guilty of the very religious intolerance they claim the other is suppressing. why is it ok for christians to demonstrate and protest, but not muslims? the country does not protect ‘christian beliefs’, it protects ‘religious freedoms.’
d) see here for satire on this entire debate: (
Let’s see, JC was born in Palestine, so that probably means he was brown skinned, maybe even black.
Actually he was born in the Roman province of Judea.
‘Palestine’ is a fiction bought into by by those expressing their rabid anti-semitism as ‘anti-zionism’
And the populations of the region, prior to being invaded by darker-skinned Arabs, most certainly had lighter complexions than what we see today.
For instance the Berbers, the native inhabitants of North Africa, tend to have much lighter complexions when compared to their Arabo/muslim colonisers.
Britons will no doubt acquire an understanding, in years to come, of just how this process works!
Methinks June doesn’t like the idea of a non-whote Jesus.
You do know he was a Jew right?
then why did the romans call it ‘palestine?’
‘From the fifth century BC, following the historian Herodotus, Greeks called the eastern coast of the Mediterranean “the Philistine Syria” using the Greek language form of the name. In AD 135, after putting down the Bar Kochba revolt, the second major Jewish revolt against Rome, the Emperor Hadrian wanted to blot out the name of the Roman “Provincia Judaea” and so renamed it “Provincia Syria Palaestina”, the Latin version of the Greek name and the first use of the name as an administrative unit. The name “Provincia Syria Palaestina” was later shortened to Palaestina, from which the modern, anglicized “Palestine” is derived.’
the name pre-existed not only the modern state of palestine, but the rise of islam.
the original ‘philistines’ were most likely mycenaean immigrants and part of the ‘sea peoples.’
(i’d refer you to more scholarly articles, but the online and wiki sources make the point sufficiently.)
c) any person of faith who would protest another person of faith’s right to practice their religion is guilty of the very religious intolerance they claim the other is suppressing. why is it ok for christians to demonstrate and protest, but not muslims? the country does not protect ‘christian beliefs’, it protects ‘religious freedoms.’
That’s fine and dandy, but a ‘faith’ that purports to micro-manage every last detail of a person’s life (Islam-is-a-whole-way-of-life) can never claim to be a religion in the sense that we Westerners understand the term.
Islam is an ideology, a fascist political ideology that seeks to order and to dominate every sphere of human activity, be it of a temporal or spiritual nature.
Islam doesn’t have a theology in the way Christianity does. Nor does it have any sense of spirituality in the way Westerners understand the concept. Nearly half the Koran is dedicated to outlining the rules of war and the acquisition of turf
And since it clearly is an ideology, it isn’t necessarilly protected by the U.S. consitution.
And as for that open-air “prayer” meeting? It wasn’t a prayer meeting at all , but rather a very explicit and very aggressive gesture to lay claim to turf.
I’m all befuddled, June. In one breath you Christians are insisting that my atheism is a religion, and now you’re saying Islam is not.
AND WILL YOU PLEASE GO LOOK UP “FASCISTS.” You know not of which you speak.
Yep, June is a bigot, glad she outed herself sooner rather than later.
Well, thank God I’m a white guy and so was Jesus. Because he was white, that means that heaven will be just okay to go in.
I wish, I pray, that Flip is the only person with these views, but he is not. It seems that more and more, his views are being taught in place of the Gospel. It makes me sick.
lol. that didn’t take long…
june, i don’t even know where to begin in my reply to you.
there are no groups of those espousing the ‘christian’ faith that do not attempt ‘to micro-manage every last detail of a person’s life’ and the beliefs others hold? (like you are doing to me right now? i can’t hold this opinion? this belief?? tell me, what religion are you?)
islam is an ideology, but christianity is not? islam is not a religion?
islam does not have a theology???
islam does not have a sense of spirituality?? really? you believe this?
really?? half of the koran is dedicated to the rules of war? half of the koran?? you’ve read it? do you commonly read the holy books of those you believe to be idolators?
islam isn’t protected by the us constitution???
the muslim prayer meeting at the us capitol building was a claim to turf??? do they own it now?
as i said. i simply don’t know where to begin. but do me a favor: don’t ever, ever make the mistake of interpreting others’ unwillingness to respond to you as the inability to correct you or prove you in error. i’m guessing they just don’t want to waste their time…
[i shake my head….]
In AD 135, after putting down the Bar Kochba revolt, the second major Jewish revolt against Rome, the Emperor Hadrian wanted to blot out the name of the Roman “Provincia Judaea” and so renamed it “Provincia Syria Palaestina”
But that’s more than a century after Christ and merely proves my assertion that Christ was born in the Roman province of Judea. And as for the Greeks calling the land Philistine Syria? So what? What is most important to know is what the inhabitants of the Judean part of this land called it.
And they called it Judea and Samaria.
One other thing, I’d be very, very leery and reluctant to glean any scholarly info on “Palestine” ( or indeed islam or Muslims) from wikipedia because just about anyone can edit it.
Wiki’s entry on Islamic inventions, discoveries and science should serve as an example of its total unreliability on ‘sensitive’ topics like this. In one paragraph in the entry ,for example, more than two dozen claims are made about “islamic” inventions, and every claim is accompanied by the small blue-coloured mention “citation required”. In other words, bald-faced claims are being made left and right, no doubt by breathless Islamists, without any tangible proof whatsoever being presented. to back up the boasts.
Eager-beaver ,”Brotherhood” Islamists will readily retro-fit anything and anyone with an islamic identity, if they think they can get away with it.
And at Wiki they certainly are.
and let me just add, i’m sure flip benham is thrilled with your previous post. you are truly representing the movement well. lol.
i sent the wiki articles because i am assuming you don’t have access to jstor…
I’d also mention that Judaism tries to determine its adherents’ every (almost every) action in the realm of what to eat, what to dress, how to have sex (and with whom), exactly what counts as work on the Sabbath, etc. (Although most Jews ignore most of that stuff today). And evangelical Christianity in the U.S. certainly does its best to determine how the rest of us lead our sex lives or marital relationships.
Bobcargill, you needn’t be so heravy-handed with the interrogation marks.
One after each phrase will suffice.
Islam dissolves the separation between the spiritual and the temporal, and in doing so becomes a self-proclaimed ideology and not a religion.
And it is a very worldy, a very material and a very acquisitive ideology that lays claim to, and has designs on, the entire planet.
The attacker at Fort Hood had availed himself of the same ‘spiritual’ advisor as two of the 911 highjackers.
Now, would you consider Major Nidal’s gesture, not to mention those of the 911 19, to be “spiritual” in nature?????
I mean, just what kind of Buddhism is this, Otto?
And evangelical Christianity in the U.S. certainly does its best to determine how the rest of us lead our sex lives or marital relationships.
In Islam, sex lives and marital relationships are neither here nor there.
One marries (I’m talking women) whom one is ordered to marry, and one has sex for no other reason than procreation.
The widespread practice of FGM in the Muslim world, although not totally limited to the muslim world, attests to that.
As a general rule, the terms “women” and “sex life” cannot be used in the same sentence in Islam.
June, can I recommend a very nice forum where you’ll feel right at home? The exact URL has slipped my mind for the moment, but just google “Stormfront”….
well said bob. and mrs grimble.
The exact URL has slipped my mind for the moment, but just google “Stormfront”
Mon dieu que t’es fort!
Stormfront are the ones who fly planes into office towers and shoot up military bases, aren’t they?
Have you ever read the Koran, Mrs Gimble?
When Geert Wilders portrays the Koran as being a work of hate along the same line as Hitler’s little opus, he is quite correct.
When a belief system dissolves the separation between The Temporal and The Spiritual, ceasar doesn’t render his belongings up to god, rather god renders his up to ceasar, and so the entire belief systeme morphs into an worldly ideology.
I first read the Koran way back in ( Bart’s favourite decade) the 1970s, at a time when all anti-fascists were were just Lady-Marmalade obsessed with Anita Bryant, her Christianity and her anti-homosexual statements.
But wait!
They still are!
And these days, a ‘fascist’ is just a conservative who’s winning an argument against a liberal.
For those who think the vast majority of Muslims are moderate ( take note of the support for strictsharia law).
hey Richard doll, who’s dissing you? We’ll back you up.
(ps pay no mind to my coz, he’s one angry man:))
I find it comical to see men parading around as Christians when they in fact had abandoned the teachings of Jesus Christ for the Talmud. Americans Christians are now convinced that its wrong to assume Christianity supersedes Judaism, hence must accept Judaism as the anti-Christians argue that Jesus lived with Jewish ethics and traditions.
So where do we go from here if we have one alien people now dictating to Christianity?
Christian spirit has been killed by lobbies and false academics, and I hope people wouldn’t blame Christianity for these false peoples behaviour.
I was raised on Dr. Dobson, and have just sent him a letter requesting his assistance to help me stop loosing faith in the Christian Church. My Mom respects Dr. Dobson as much or more than any other Christian leader, and she is interested to see his response. I only started learning the truth about the 9/11 attacks last fall. It took me an entire year to convince my own parents to listen to me, and begin reviewing the evidence for themselves. Now that they have thoroughly and objectively taken a fresh look into all the available evidence, they too are now aware of how badly we have been deceived. They now fully support my mission to find out what really happened to 2,993 of our fellow countrymen that fateful September morning. My mom is very interested to see if/how Dr. Dobson will respond. Please read my open letter to Dr. Dobson and share your thoughts at………
Does Christ’s Church really stand for TRUTH & JUSTICE? That is the question!
Daniel Edd Bland III
Wow, Daniel, from one blog to the next, huh? Guess you gave up on posting on mine?
Islam doesn’t have a theology in the way Christianity does. Nor does it have any sense of spirituality in the way Westerners understand the concept. Nearly half the Koran is dedicated to outlining the rules of war and the acquisition of turf
Just like the Old Testament, filled with tales of gore, butchery, theft and mass murder, all to honor by God or commanded by the same.
Not to mention the stories of drunkeness, incest and rape.
Right lively book that would probably make a book burning festival’s “To Burn” list for its sordid contents.
Didn’t a passage in the New Testament say that Jesus had wooly hair, like a lamb’s?
Sounds like JC’s a ‘bro’ to me.
Better clean out all those false idols and statues of JC and get rid of those graven images, like the cross if you want to honor the 10 Commandments.
The surveys were conducted between December 9, 2006 and February 15, 2007 using in-home interviews. In Morocco (1,000 interviews), Indonesia (1,141 interviews), and Pakistan (1,243 interviews) national probability samples were conducted covering both urban and rural areas. However, Pakistani findings reported here are based only upon urban respondents (611 interviews); rural respondents were unfamiliar with many of the issues in the survey. In Egypt, the sample (1,000 interviews) was an urban sample drawn probabilistically from seven governorates. .
June, that’s from the survey you linked to – a total of 7,284 respondents in five third-world countries are supposed to represent every Muslim everywhere? And if you think that they do, go back and read the bits about how most of them want a democratic system and freedom of religion for all.
You read the Koran thirty years ago, so that makes you an expert on Islam? Big deal. I’ve read the Bible a number of times throughout my life (and keep one on my shelf for reference), but that hasn’t made me an expert in Christian theology. And neither the Old Testament’s smiting-, stoning- and slaughter-porn, or the New Testament’s Pauline bigotry, have made me anti-Christian.
I instead recognise that what makes one person a saint and another person a genocidal psychopath has nothing whatsoever to do with religion. The Hutus didn’t massacre tens of thousand of Tutsis out of religious fervour, the Khmer Rouge didn’t murder thousands of teachers, doctors and civil servants because they followed some Holy Book telling them that they would get to Heaven that way; the Nazis didn’t kill millions because some God told them to do it.
I won’t respond to any more of your trollings. It’s now clear that you’re not in the least interested in learning anything.
Bollocks! I’ve been trying to get idiot religious kooks to write nasty things about me for years, and here you get flak and vitriol without even trying.
go back and read the bits about how most of them want a democratic system and freedom of religion for all
Yes ‘democracy’, but the thing is when you want STRICK sharia law, then you cannot possibly have democracy as WE understand it. Just because the term ‘democracy’ is appropriated and harnassed to the cause of sharia doesdn’t mean that those using the term understand it the way we do. Sharia enshrines harsh discrimination based on gender and religion, and that kind of discrimination is irreconcilable with the basic principles of democracy. 35 years ago the buzz word was ‘socialism’ and Islamic countries that described themselves as socialist were busy implementing sharia in successive steps.
I instead recognise that what makes one person a saint and another person a genocidal psychopath has nothing whatsoever to do with religion. If you take a quicklook-see at Nidal Hasan’s powerpoint presentation you may change that view. You claim to enjoy learning. Then again, it’s much easier and far more comforting to just prattle on about Leviticus.
Below is a link to a statement made by Trukey’s president about the existence of “moderate” Islam, the holy grail of leftists. Erdogan is an islamist, the president of one of the world’s largest countries and a devout Muslim, and so he must know what he’s talking about.
Erdogan’s blurb is very “islamophobic”.
Didn’t a passage in the New Testament say that Jesus had wooly hair, like a lamb’s?
Didn’t a passage in the New Testament say that Jesus had wooly hair, like a lamb’s?
Er, actually yes, Revelation 1:14 but John was off his face on crack at the time but Daniel 7:9 also echoes the wool thang.
Oh June, you don’t even know the bible do you? Bless you you racist!
Didn’t a passage in the New Testament say that Jesus had wooly hair, like a lamb’s?
Like it’s already been said, it’s in the Book of Revelations. Some might argue that Revelations is part of the NT, others not. But that’s like arguing about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.
Yep, sounds like JC definitely has ‘soul.’
And what difference would it make to true Christians if JC was black, yellow or green, except it would put to shame all those ‘whiter than white’ false idols of JC most churches have.
A white Jewish anthropologist named Maurice Fishberg in an article he wrote called “The Jews: A Study of Race and Environment” stated that the Ancient Hebrews possessed largely black features such as woolly hair, dark skin, thick lips that folded, large heads, and projecting jaws…
The derogatory term “Aunt Jemima” comes from Jobs daughter named Jemima, who was in the bible described along with her sisters, as being the most beautiful women of their era.
As soon as the shock subsides, we can talk about how the title of the “Book of Genesis” is actually taken from the “Gene of Isis,” the goddess of fertility.
And what difference would it make to true Christians if JC was black, yellow or green, except it would put to shame all those ‘whiter than white’ false idols of JC most churches have.
However, why does it make such a difference to you?
You keep bringing up the question of Christ’s phenotyype as though it had any importance. In Central america the Virgin Mary is portrayed as a Latina and in subsaharan Africa and Eithopia she is often depicted as Black. And in the Far East she is portrayed with epicanthic eyefolds
Ditto for Christ
And had it ever occured to you that there are many many roman mosaics etc depicting people of that era, and so we have a pretty good idea of how people looked back then.
And your ‘expert’ Maurice Fishberg in describing Black features reduces them to something akin to what one sees in old racist cartoons.
Do you often source your info from such people?
Do you have any idea what “pretend salt” means? Makes me think of “monkey tennis” more than anything else…
Stop mistaking anti-racism for anti-patriotism!
Stop mistaking anti-patriotism for anti-racism!
Stop mistaking patriotism for racism!