After a bit of prodding, I’ve received a response from the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (FIEC) about the recent hosting of the British National Party’s Rev Robert West at a Baptist chapel affiliated with them. West’s appearance at this venue was noted on a BNP blog, but specific details were removed after Seismic Shock drew it to wider attention. The FIEC administrator was keen to point out that each church is independent, that the Fellowship does not support any political party, and that it is working to make member churches aware of the dangers posed by political extremists. I was also directed to a related church body called “Affinity”, of which the FIEC is a member and where further details about the chapel are listed.
A local BNP councillor is described as a member of the chapel on the website of the North West Leicestershire District Council. A site run by Searchlight magazine notes that this is:
…a former member of the NF who in August 2000 was fined £400 with £55 costs for possessing an offensive weapon – believed to have been a chair leg.
His supporters claim he was carrying a flagpole.
West, meanwhile, believes that multiracialism is sinful, and that this is the lesson of the story of the Tower of Babel. In 2007 his Christian Council of Britain brought Paul Cameron to the UK.
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