The Writing on the Sign

The cause of religious free speech rouses the Center for Law and Policy to action; Agape reports:

A federal appeals court in New York will once again be hearing arguments in a case involving a church in Staten Island that was banned from displaying a billboard because it contained a Bible verse condemning homosexuality.

Mike DePrimo, senior litigation counsel for the CLP, is appearing before the Second Circuit to present the case. He says the case is a clear-cut example of religious censorship. “The city cited their anti-discrimination law as the basis for their action,” DePrimo explains.

…In fact, however, the city was promoting religious intolerance, says the attorney. “What we like about the case is that this is not the pastor’s personal sentiments; this is pure scripture,” DePrimo says. “He simply quoted the scriptures [and] put them up on the billboard. And, essentially, the city’s attack is on the Holy Bible; it’s not on religious speech as such. It’s on the Holy Bible itself.”

You tell ’em, Mike:


Of course, DePrimo is actually defending a different sign (as reproduced by Agape below), but one assumes that he holds all verses of “pure scripture” to be equally holy and worthy of public display.


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