NY Christians Protest Against Korean Faith Healer

A reader sends me a link to a remarkable set of photos of a protest against Korean evangelist Lee Jae-Rock in New York last week. The protestors were all Christians who believe that Lee is heretical; banners included signs such as “JESUS IS THE ONLY ROCK! NO JAE ROCK!”, and one, from New York Presbyterian Church, even goes so far as to exhort us to “STOP LEE JAE-ROCK’S HERETICAL CRUSADE”.

Other banners I can make out belong to the All National Disciple Church of NY, The Word in Action Church, the NY Central Korean Church of the Nazarene, the Council of Korean Churches in Greater NY and the ominous-sounding “Christian Counter-Heresy Committee” (? – last word obscured).

Lee and his Manmin church have been of periodic interest to this blog several times; he claims to be able to cure all manner of illnesses, and that supernatural signs have followed his ministry. He also has a rather eccentric theology, which involves UFOs and blood transfusions, and 1999 his followers stormed a Korean TV studio to prevent the broadcast of a critical documentary. Recently he held a healing conference in the Philippines which featured David Prentice of the Family Research Council and was supported by Filipino government officials.
