A double-whammy of prophetic losers today. We’ve just had Hal Lindsey (of course); now, courtesy of the AFP, it’s the turn of Gonzalo Echeverri Uruburu, a Colombian ex-investigating judge and author of a book on Nostradamus:
“The next pope elected will be subsequently murdered in central Italy. Then comes pope number 112, who will flee Rome because of an attack by Muslims,”
…According to Echeverri, the pope will base himself in Avignon, France and another pontiff will take control in Italy, splitting the Catholic church in two.
“There is a very clear prophecy that says the holy father will move to another place, even warning that the French pope will not be able to stay in Avignon due to the Muslim invasion and will flee again to Lyon, where he will be attacked, according to Nostradamus,” Mr Echeverri said.
The clownishness would be amusing, were not for the dangerous Islamophobia and deliberate profiteering from people’s fear and uncertainty. The report notes that Avignon was the home of the Popes in the Fourteenth Century, but makes no comment about the unlikelihood of medieval history repeating itself. Also irritating is the fact Echeverri has been shown up as an opportunistic hustler in the past. Here’s a report from July of last year:
Aseguran que Nostradamus predijo atentado en Atenas
El médico francés Miguel de Nostradamus habría vaticinado en sus escritos un atentado a los Juegos Olímpicos de Atenas que comienzan en agosto próximo, aseguró el experto colombiano en los textos del astrólogo, Gonzalo Echeverri.
In English, Echeverri was using Nostradamus to predict that there would be a massacre during the last Olympics. And as we all know, the only untoward event that actually occurred was an intervention from yet another end-of-the-world crackpot, a mentally disturbed Roman Catholic priest named Cornelius Horan.
Both “prophecies” appear in Echeverri’s book Nostradamus y la guerra Islam-occidente, which can be seen here (along with author pic), and with further details here.
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