Eye Suggests Murdoch Motive for Ban on Cruise Book

The latest Private Eye magazine (1202, p. 26) has some extra context as to why Andrew Morton’s new biography of Tom Cruise is unavailable from Angus & Robertson, the Australian bookshop chain. The obvious reason is the fear of a libel action (as I blogged here), but the Eye also notes that Angus & Robertson is Murdoch-owned, and that Rupert and his son Lachlan are close to James Packer, son of the late Kerry Packer and a friend of Cruise:

Packer is not only Australia’s richest man but also a dedicated Scientologist, having been recruited by Cruise himself – as Morton reveals in his book. No doubt Packer is greatly relieved that his mates the Murdochs are helping to prevent Australians from reading Morton’s scurrilous book about his mate Tom.

Back in May, Packer’s Nine Network was accused of running a “soft” story on Scientology timed to spoil more critical piece on the Seven Network.