Alex Jones Promotes Andrew Bridgen’s Child Trafficking and Organ Harvesting Claims

From disgraced former MP Andrew Bridgen, in interview with William Coleshill of “GB Resistance”:

I passed details of people who are engaged in child trafficking into the UK. Names, names of all those. Nobody wants to act about it. It’s big, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds… They’re flying them in to small airports that haven’t got fences round them. Lots of them in the UK. I gave the government the names of the  people, and the name of the company they’re laundering the money through, where the children are being taken to have their photographs taken. They thought they were going to go to school. These were for selling them to paedophiles. Nothing. It’s gone to MI5, it’s gone to the National Crime Agency, no-one will act. And when you see the names, you see why. They are known names. I’m told that they use them in the sex trade for about three years and then they’re worn out and then they organ harvest them.

This is par for the course from Bridgen, who has a history of making extravagant claims that are never backed up with evidence or even plausible details. Back in January 2023, for instance, he asserted that “people who’ve recently left security services around the world” had told him that they had been warned in September 2019 that Covid was going happen, and they should avoid the vaccine – that one was reported in The Times, although there was less media interest when two months later he followed up with social media posts in which he claimed to have been “informed that the US DoD were responsible for both the virus and the vaccines” and that “many politicians and officials” would be facing criminal proceedings “by the end of the month”.

Just before losing his seat in the July 2024 general election (which he has attributed to the result being “rigged” rather than the fact that he ran as a discredited independent rather than as the official Conservative Party candidate, as previously) he claimed that “intelligence sources” had told him that NATO would be waging war in eastern Europe within “days or weeks”; his assertion was amplified by US nepo-baby politician Robert F. Kennedy Jr, who cited it as evidence that “The White House seems to be on autopilot heading for a hot war with Russia”.

Bridgen’s interview with Coleshill has also now received an American boost – this time from Alex Jones, who currently remains at the helm at InfoWars despite the Sandy Hook defamation judgment. The interview clip had been circulating since the summer (passed around social media by the likes of David Atherton), but a recent re-upload by Jones with added commentary has brought in more than 20 million extra views so far.

It seems likely that renewed interest in the clip owes something to Elon Musk’s recent campaign of vilification against British Labour Party politicians. Musk’s intervention was welcomed by the Conservative Party, but Kemi Bedenoch’s strategic deployment of the grooming-gang “cover-up” smear (even adding a wrecking “reasoned amendment” to the second reading of the Children’s Welbeing Bill so that she could afterwards say that Labour had voted against a national inquiry) was always going to unleash new waves of conspiracising. However, given that Jones has also claimed from “British sources” that young girls were murdered in the presence of former Conservative PM Edward Heath (inevitably, procured for him by Jimmy Savile), this perhaps isn’t something they can keep control over.

UPDATE: The Bridgen interview clip has also now been promoted by Dan Wootton (uploaded via a “VIP paedophile” conspiracist, whose Twitter/X username is shown at one point), who complains that there was “total silence” from the media about it. Wootton also cites a number of old media reports about Labour councillors and workers being convicted for child sex-related offences as evidence that the media covers up such crimes and that Labour is “a party of paedophiles”, and he alleges that this explains the lack of a national inquiry.

One Response

  1. I am losing faith with you, look, whereas I appreciate your desire is to decry political claims, GB or whatever, what you cannot deny is the substantial evidence behind these claims. Don’t be too hasty to decry Musk, he has done our international criminal Prosecutors team a favour by internationally drawing attention to real cases. We don’t have any evidence of organ trafficking, as such, but for U.K. Crimes against Humanity The Child, and extensive Denial of the Truth Crimes we have 200,000 multi-cases documents. Between 1953 to 1959, the evidence we have is of church of england, colluding with councils, sterilisations of children for quote ‘moral purposes’. In my own cases, the church of england, with Notts Council, trafficked me from my age of eleven days, as a lab rat, to a dangerous psychotic being experimentally sterilised – and in that sense was organ removal – to see if sterilisation quote “balanced psychosis” . It has taken the international criminal investigation team to procure 13,000 documents in my cases, particularly the medical evince of attempted murders of me, and beatings of my head daily, causing PNES, refused by the NHS and ‘police’ from 2002. From long-term microfiche storage the records, marked “to never be given to the patient”, thanks to Prosecutors actions were finally released 2022. The ‘police’ wrote “not in the national interest to prosecute”. The medical records record I was violently tortured over 40 years, with sex abuse. You cannot tell me all these claims are wild. We have evidence that councils 2023 are still abducting children, not for safety, but for profit – these councils have to meet government quotas to continue receiving government funding. Many abducted children are placed in appalling conditions, in lock ups to stop them escaping. If you read the quality Press, you will see these reports. I refer to my cases, but we have many others, why doesn’t a journalist stop decrying and ask me for a Summary File. There are no juries to influence at the U.N. CaT, nor ICC OTP, so stop being afraid, and report the evidence. Journalists have run away from us, they fear the police who threaten us with violence, and my “health” going international, against their lying, text-changing, hiding evidence, destroying copies of evidence even from a NSPCC File, but that is interference with true reporting. Why do you think the current gov only wants to consider 3 recommendations vaguely “in the spring”of the CSAI IICSA Inquiries, I was registered at both, so 2014 to 2022, so late after winning last years’ election ? Where are the Hillsborough Law, 80 new abuse courts pre-election promised ? Not even mentioned now. Why not ? Because it would expose the labourtorylabour Parties of torture. None of them want to introduce a National Anti-Corruption Command for abuse, where the evidence we have – proven already at a U.N. fact-finding Tribunal, New York, proves inter-colluded corruption. The O.U. Study is called “The Silence is Roaring” – Why that if all is to be decried ? Actually there are 7,000 university reports on abuse and cover ups. For the State’s sterilisation experiments involving children, we will be invoking the already Precedent in 5 cases December 2024, Nuremberg Statute, rather than the Conventions against child torture by the State, or Rome Treaty Art. 54 (1) for the extensive Denial of the Truth Crimes we will be Prosecuting over 2025 2026, because the evidence we have is the British Eugenics Movement copied these experiments from Auschwitz (and before). It is sad to see that some British journalists refuse to get their teeth into the evidence, preferring instead, to knock anyone who talks about them. Over the two decades of our international criminal investigations, the evidence proves that inter-colluded corruption between constabularies / authorities / judges has evolved into being more, not less, acute and rife. Both main political parties are a national disgrace, because they do not want to stop the cheap option of lying and hiding. 2014 Radford Report – a minimum of eleven million abused. 2017 HMIC 41 out of 43 regional constabularies corrupted child abuse cases, now nearer 98% of abuse cases covered up (ex-CPS Prosecutor last year). Of all abuse categories around 20 million @ 98% covered up. We have the evidence of the mechanisms of cover ups, but no journalist in the U.K. responds. Much more fun to decry victims and anyone who exposes. The British Government and corruption chains will be Found Guilty in due course, as I have now just finished Complying with the Directives to me / us of the Office of the Prosecutor, International Criminal Court, the Findings in due course, globally reported. Then what will you say here ? International prosecutions take time, but get there in the end. Be patient…

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