Report of Russian Oligarch’s “Secret Meeting” in Vienna With Right-Wing Ideologues

Swiss newspaper Tages Anzeiger has an intriguing article about a “secret meeting” of conservative ideologues and politicians that reportedly recently took place at Vienna’s Palais Liechtenstein under the auspices of Russian oligarch Konstantin Malofeev and his St Basil the Great Charitable Foundation. According to reporter Bernhard Odehnal, topics discussed included how to oppose liberalism in Europe and the “Satanic” gay lobby.

Odehnal has details of the alleged guest list (via Google translate, emphases added):

… the chief ideologue of the Eurasian Movement, Alexander Dugin [more on him here – RB], as well as the well-known nationalist painter Ilya Glazunov. From France, the deputies of the National Front, Marion Maréchal-Le Pen came (granddaughter of the party’s founder and niece of Marine Le Pen) and the historian Aymeric Chauprade. From Spain traveled to Prince Sixtus Henry of Bourbon-Parma, leader of the Catholic-monarchist Carlist movement, from Switzerland Serge de PAHLEN, director of the Geneva financial company and husband of the heiress Margherita Agnelli de Fiat PAHLEN. From Austria, the chairman of the right-wing populist Freedom Party, Heinz-Christian Strache, his deputy John Gudenus and the Vienna FPÖ politician Johann Herzog participated, from Bulgaria, the chairman and founder of the far-right Ataka party, Volen Siderov. Next in attendance were right-wing extremists from Croatia, noblemen from Georgia and Russia, and a Catholic priest.

Malofeev has featured on this blog previously: in July 2013, Austin Ruse of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute wrote about meeting him in Russia and discussing whether “some sort of grand global alliance between the Orthodox and Catholics can be achieved and what effect that might have on the global culture war advanced by the sexual left.” Malofeev made a similar suggestion while attending a World Congress of Families event in Sydney:

Konstantin’s presentation entitled “A New Global Pro-Family Alliance” contrasting the situation in the West with that of the USSR in the 1980s, or as his graphic illustrated, Christians vs Communism.

…Konstantin then contrasted the situation of the 1980s with that in 2010: In the West there were attacks on religious freedom, a “war” on Christmas, atheistic education curricula, political correctness censorship, radical LGBT ideology imposed, ll countries recognized same-sex “marriage” and others are expected to follow.

Right Wing Watch notes:

According to a talk WCF’s managing director gave in February, Malofeev’s St. Basil the Great Foundation was to be a major sponsor of WCF’s since-postponed conference in Moscow this year and Malofeev was a member of the conference’s planning committee.

The WCF’s leadership also works closely with Vladimir Yakunin, a member of Putin’s inner circle who is currently under sanction. The WCF says that it “takes no position on foreign affairs, except as they affect the natural family”, although the group’s spokesman, Don Feder, wrote a piece in March for the American Thinker with the title “Putin Doesn’t Threaten Our National Security, Obama Does”.

(H/T Right Wing Watch; TowleroadAustrian Independent)

PS: Note that German transliterations of Russian names tend to end with “w” rather than “v”; thus “Konstantin Malofeew”