A recent notice from Michigan:
Lt. General William G. Boykin (Ret.), “A Patriotic Briefing From a U.S. Military Hero,” doors open, 6 p.m. and program, 7 p.m. March 24, Reeths-Puffer High School Rocket Center Auditorium, 1545 Roberts. Boykin is also involved with Christian ministries. Presented by The Oak Initiative, Muskegon County Prayer Initiative and Transformation Michigan. Donations accepted.
Boykin of course is well-known for his warnings against the evil intentions of American Muslims and the need for the religion to be suppressed by law. Here’s a typical tirade:
We need to realize that Islam itself is not just a religion—it is a totalitarian way of life. It’s a legal system, shari’ah law; it’s a financial system; it’s a moral code; it’s a political system; it’s a military system. It should not be protected under the First Amendment, particularly given that those following the dictates of the Qur’an are under an obligation to destroy our Constitution and replace it with shari’ah law.
In November, Boykin joined Walid Shoebat and Robert Spencer at an “alternative” Fort Hood massacre memorial event in Texas, sponsored by the International Counter-Terrorism Officers Association (ICTOA – I blogged on this outfit just recently). He is also a board member of the Oak Initiative, which is headed by the neo-Pentecostal evangelist Rick Joyner; the two men and some other board members are also (rather weirdly) members of a chivalric order, as I blogged here (Boykin is the “Grand Chancellor”, no less).
The local Michigan context is of interest. The Muskegon Chronicle reported in February:
A nationwide effort is under way in West Michigan and throughout the state to get Christians unified in continuous prayer.
“Transformation Michigan” is a branch recently formed in “The Oak Initiative,” which is a network of churches, ministries and individuals who are committed to launch a prayer and Bible reading “network” in all 83 counties in Michigan.
The Oak Initiative is based on the scripture Isaiah 61, which describes Christians as “oaks of righteousness.”
That’s awkward reporting: although some Christians may understand it this way, Isaiah 61 is actually describing Jews at the start of the Second Temple period – Christians would not appear until hundreds of years later.
Last week, ministers and lay folks gathered at Maranatha Missionary and Bible Conference to hear more about how to get involved.
…The “Transformation Michigan” movement — “Uniting the body of Christ by inviting the presence of God and His kingdom to transform Michigan” — has caught on elsewhere in Michigan, with many ministries and prayer groups from St. Ignace to Saginaw to Dearborn coming on board and committing to prayer.
Transformation Michigan has a website here; it is headed by Rick Warzywak and it has actually been around for several years. The third organisation involved in bringing Boykin to Muskegon is also referenced (link added):
…Spearheaded by [Rose] Armstrong, the newly formed Muskegon County Prayer Initiative is seeking individuals from across cultures and denominations to participate in a prayer hub in Muskegon County.
…Although there are many prayer groups that already exist, but this is unique because it is a unifying, consistent effort across the region, according to Mike Prins, one of the pastors at Oak Crest Church of God in Muskegon, who attended the gathering at Maranatha.
Like the Oak Initiative, both Transformation Michigan and the The Muskegon County Prayer Initiative define their strategy in relation to a concept called “the seven mountains”; this refers to the seven domains in modern society (“government, business, education, arts and entertainment, family services, media, and the church”) of which Christians should seek to take control. Bruce Wilson has some background here, including links with Sarah Palin.
How this relates to Michigan is explained more fully on the website of Generals International, which is headed by Oak Initiatve board member Cindy Jacobs. Michigan’s history is explained in terms of spiritual causality (with a particular side-swipe at Roman Catholics):
Our nation’s first factory was built by the Native Americans in Alpena Michigan. It was mainly a thunderbird god factory. They manufactured and traded icon trinkets from Canada to the western United States and south towards to Florida. This set a precedent for religious spirits being linked with manufacturing, to establish it outside of the presence of the Lord as did Cain.
Michigan is surrounded by key waterways and inland trails which made it a important locations for Natives to council and establish trade from our resources. Eventually First Nations people sought to control those resources through war. Over the course of time, conflicts broke out among the First Nations over the land and resources. This turned Southeast Michigan into a warring, treacherous and murderous territory. Curses were laid upon the people and land to such a degree that we find these curses active today.
…Religion Mountain
Michigan’s waterways and land – in its early years of French exploration – was dedicated to the Queen of Heaven. Detroit at its founding, built under a spirit of Cain vs. of pleasing the Lord. Today the Detroit area and the city of Dearborn MI is home to the largest concentration of Muslims outside of the Middle East. God has entrusted us with the nations in Michigan (over 120+ are represented here)…
Michigan has a powerful and influential Jewish community who funds the largest missionary outreach to Israel. Chuck Pierce in March 2010 prophesied that a highway would open up to both Jews and Muslims in our state and we would see both nations come to the Lord. Michigan says, “SELAH!”…
Education Mountain
….We ask the Lord to raise up Christians who will make a strong stand for good materials and against the new age, pro-abortion mindsets, anti god and homosexual friendly curriculum, and loose morality that is being forced upon the students. (Isaiah 30:20-22) 3. The influence of Islam is being taught in our schools. Michigan is the Islamic capitol of the USA. There is an over-abundance of Islamic schools in Southeastern Michigan…
Media Mountain
Over the past year Michigan has seen media report various accounts of miracles taking place through the venue of prayer. This includes a Detroit pastor praying for and seeing reports of healings and miracles and in Saginaw a child came back to life a result of prayer. Pastors of this city shared with us, the next day high school students heard of this report and over 30 students accepted Christ then were baptized in the spirit…
And so on.
Some background to Armstrong can be seen here (links added):
Reverend Rose Armstrong, Prophet, Intercessor and Teacher, is a woman of God with a passion for people, ministry, prayer and intercession. Her heart is given to men and women who serve in the ministry and the call to pray for those in authority. Ordained as a Minister under Bishop/Prophet William Hildreth of Faith Christian Ministries, she is anointed to teach and preaches with power and wisdom. Concerning the power of prayer in the life of a believer, she believes that God moves through the power of prayer and the impact in people’s lives is nothing short of supernatural.
Reverend Armstrong is an ordained minister, wife of over 40 years, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. She walks in authority of the Spirit and is under submission to and serves Apostle Richard E. Williams of Outpouring Worship Center in Ravenna, MI, in the prophetic office. She is also minister/coordinator of prayer and spearheads a strategic and dynamic intercessory prayer team there. Reverend Armstrong is her pastor’s lead intercessor and also is coordinator of MAPPS Intercessors (Muskegon Area Pastor’s Prayer Shield), a group of intercessors committed to praying for the pastors and leaders of the city and region. Additionally, she serves as Prayer Chairperson for the Muskegon Chapter of Women’s Aglow International, as well as a member of the Prayer Committee of the “Unity Music Festival”.
Pastor Rose is founder of “Mended Vessels Ministries”, a ministry dedicated to ministering healing to women coming from broken and abused backgrounds.
There is also overlap with a more established Christian Right organisation based in Michigan, James Muffett’s Citizens for Traditional Values.
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Dearborn has the largest concentration of Muslims outside the Middle East? Have these people ever heard of Indonesia?
Or India, or Bangladesh, or Malaysia?
[…] in the Order. Boykin and Papanicolaou are in turn both members of Joyner’s “Oak Initiative” Christian Right organisation, and Papanicolaou recently wrote a book for the Oak […]
[…] Boykin is particularly associated with the neo-Pentecostal evangelist Rick Joyner, and with Joyner’s MorningStar Ministries and Oak Initiative. […]
[…] including links with Sarah Palin. Another “Seven Mountains” organisation is the Oak Initiative – this is a Christian Right outfit in which Gen William “Jerry” Boykin is a central […]