Together at Last: Joel Richardson and Glenn Beck

Joel Richardson has finally made it onto Glenn Beck’s show – WorldNetDaily reports:

Fox News talk show host Glenn Beck today said Americans should be alarmed over the revelations of a WND Books product, The Islamic Antichrist, in which author Joel Richardson documents the similarities between the “bad guy” of the Bible, the Antichrist, and the “good guy” of the Quran, the Mahdi.

Richardson’s book discusses his analysis of the Bible’s account of the end times and that of the Quran, including his conclusions about the “Antichrist,” who is described by the Bible as the ultimate enemy of God and His people, the Jews and Christians. The Mahdi, meanwhile, in Islam is forecast to be someone who comes to establish a worldwide Islamic caliphate.

The book has a cover blurb from Robert Spencer, and WND has puffed it on numerous occasions. Further:

Media Matters for America launched an immediate response, called, “Who is Joel Richardson, Beck’s End Times Prophet?”

The Media Matters article can be seen here; it includes as a subheading “Beck’s Media Empire Increasingly Promoting Richardson”, and there is a partial transcript of an interview with Sid Roth, in which Richardson explains the supernatural inspiration that guides his Biblical exegesis:

…Just before my wife and I met, there was a prophetess that prayed over my wife and one of the things she said, was she said, “Your husband, you will marry someone that will have significant insight into the end times, and he’ll release new prophetic understanding concerning the end times to the church and to the world.” And so my wife and I are sitting in this meeting, 7,000 people, large civic center type of situation, in the very back. And before he spoke, he said, “I want to share a prophetic word in order to show that what I want to speak on is from the Lord.” He called us out by name, and then he spoke things to us that no man could know. Things that we had been praying about. Things that only we know, that only the Lord, only God could reveal to a man. And that gets your attention.

Media Matters also notes that Richardson agrees that “Islam is of the Devil“, although it should be made clear that he wrote against Pastor Terry Jones’ plan to burn the Koran. But what of Beck’s Mormonism? Is that “of the Devil”, too? Richardson is personable, and he has occasionally left comments on this blog. He explained his position to me back in July:

As an orthdox Christian, obviously I do not agree with various tenets of Mormon theology. However (in exchange for your reliability with regard to drawing more attention to my writings, I will supply you with an excellent quote for future use) Glenn Beck is one of the most genuinely prophetic voices to have emerged in this nation in many years. If your opinion of him however is formed largely through such biased and extremist outlets such as Media Matters or the Huffington Post (Gog and Demagogue) and if you don’t watch his show regularly, you will certainly fail to see this. End quote.

Of course, Richardson is far from unique in his enthusiasm: most Christian Right leaders in the USA have a symbiotic relationship with Beck, in which they promote him, and, in return, receive huge publicity boosts for themselves. This was seen most clearly at the end of last August, at Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally.

However, while Richardson takes a relaxed view of Mormonism, even though it rejects fundamental aspects of historic Christian theology, he takes a sterner line with Christians who have socio-economic views that he finds uncongenial: Christians with a concern for “social justice” are actually Marxist infiltrators working for the anti-Christ.

WorldNetDaily adds:

Richardson’s book also takes on the popular assumption among Christians that the Antichrist will come from a revived Roman Empire, which many have assumed is associated with the Roman Catholic Church and the European Union.

“The Bible abounds with proofs that the Antichrist’s empire will consist only of nations that are, today,Islamic,” Richardson explains. “Despite the numerous prevailing arguments for the emergence of a revived European Roman empire as the Antichrist’s power base, the specific nations the Bible identifies as comprising his empire are today all Muslim.”

Richardson believes the key error of many previous prophecy scholars involves the misinterpretation of a prediction by Daniel to Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel describes the rise and fall of empires of the future, leading to the end times. Western Christians have viewed one of those empires as Rome, when, claims Richardson, Rome never actually conquered Babylon and was thus disqualified as a possibility.

This is all absolute rubbish. As I’ve written previously, the Book of Daniel, like the other books of the Bible, was written with a contemporary audience in mind; it does not contain secrets that make sense only thousands of years later. The various empires that concern the author end with that of his own time and location: the Hellenistic kingdoms of the post-Alexander period. The author is not interested in Rome, and shows no knowledge of any kind of “Islamic Empire” hundreds of years in the future.  Babylon as a city had already lost much of its historical significance by the time the book was composed, and by the Islamic period the town itself was largely a ruin.

But then again, God hasn’t “released” to me a “new prophetic understanding concerning the end times” that would obviate the need to consider the Bible in historical or literary context – or to use a bit of reason.

27 Responses

  1. If Richardson is kicking around I’d like to ask him what he thinks the, er, “Christendom” should do to repel this Antichrist? The most radical position I’ve heard – aside, perhaps, from occasional cries of “nuke ’em” – is outright separatism but if Muslims were imbued with such demoniac will – and I wouldn’t hesitate in betting my Grandmother’s pension on the claim that they’re not – I doubt border controls would be sufficient.

  2. The problem I have with this segment is that Beck has omitted facts so crucial that no one who has researched this topic could have possibly missed them. The first is that the “Mahdi” in the Islamic texts of hadith is the ally and supporter of Jesus Christ after his return. The second is that the Antichrist is named in Islamic texts and is a completely different person: “Dajjal”.

    I would contend that Beck and his guests are fully aware of this information and are deliberately misleading their audience.

    • You assumed falsely.

      Richardson speaks of “Issa” (the Islamic version of Jesus, who in Islam is NOT the Son of God, did NOT die for sins, and di not atone). He expresses belief that Issa is the false prophet.

      As to Dajjal, Richardson posits that this is in actuality either Christ himself (the TRUE Y’shua, not Issa)or perhaps the two witnesses of revelation.

      Your contentions were completely wrong.

  3. […] supports access to abortion, as part of a plot to weaken the USA. Shoebat has also worked with Glen Beck’s “end times prophet” Joel Richardson to spread the idea that the Bible predicts the […]

  4. […] Beck’s “end-times prophet” Joel Richardson has a new article at WorldNetDaily, explaining how turmoil in Libya will […]

  5. […] promoting abortion in order to weaken the USA, and he promotes the increasingly popular (thanks to Glenn Beck) idea that the Bible predicts the coming of a Muslim anti-Christ. Of all the figures who have […]

  6. […] one needs no introduction: Richardson has now been endorsed by Glenn Beck, and his Islamic Antichrist title (which carries a blurb from Robert Spencer) was recently a New […]

  7. […] Japan’s “idol worship, atheism, and materialism”, while Glenn Beck’s “End-Times Prophet” Joel Richardson has knocked off a pseudo-geological screed for WorldNetDaily in which he […]

  8. […] Church in Raytown, Missouri, expounding on just this point in an event alongside Glenn Beck’s End-Times Prophet Joel […]

  9. […] blogged extensively on Richardson, and I’ve had some congenial banter with the man himself. He told me that he regards Beck as “one of the most genuinely prophetic voices to have emerged in this […]

  10. […] previous meeting, in 2009, caught the imagination of Joel Richardson, who is today famous as Glenn Beck’s “End-Times Prophet”. Richardson is the author of a book (endorsed by Robert Spencer) about how the Muslim world will […]

  11. […] 2: Glenn Beck’s “End-Times Prophet” Joel Richardson has entered the fray, in a piece for the birther-conspiracy […]

  12. […] report (see here and here). Richardson used to leave the occasional comment on this blog before he became famous as “Glenn Beck’s End-Times Prophet”, and although he promotes ideas which I […]

  13. […] that Perry is God’s chosen candidate: writing at WorldNetDaily, Glenn Beck’s “End-Times Prophet” Joel Richardson complains that Perry has links to the Aga Khan, whose moderate Islam is of […]

  14. […] links with the Aga Khan have also been raised by Glenn Beck’s “End-Times Prophet“ Joel Richardson, writing at WorldNetDaily: …cause for deep concern is an apparently […]

  15. […] Richardson (widely known as “Glenn Beck’s End-Times Prophet“) has a new book coming out in the autumn: Mideast Beast: The Scriptural Case For an Islamic […]

  16. […] written a number of blog posts on Richardson, and the man himself has occasionally stopped by to leave comments; […]

  17. […] the series appears to be exploiting the popularity of the “Muslim Antichrist” theory, as expounded on Glenn Beck’s TV show by Joel Richardson (who occasionally stops by this blog to make a […]

  18. […] series appears to be exploiting the popularity of the “Muslim Antichrist” theory, as expounded on Glenn Beck’s TV show by Joel Richardson (who occasionally stops by this blog to make […]

  19. […] Beck’s End-Times Prophet Joel Richardson responds to my recent post deunking his claim on WND that “51 […]

  20. […] with Muslims in their communities and around the world”. Among those attending with be “Glenn Beck’s End Times Prophet” Joel Richardson, with a presentation on Islamic apocalypticism: Islam and the End Times; […]

  21. […] one person who was unimpressed was Glenn Beck’s End-Times prophet Joel Richardson: Joel Richardson… said he was skeptical that there was an Arabic script on […]

  22. […] one person who was unimpressed was Glenn Beck’s End-Times prophet Joel Richardson: Joel Richardson… said he was skeptical that there was an Arabic script on the […]

  23. […] coup for “Glenn Beck’s End-Times Prophet” Joel Richardson: “In The Islamic Antichrist, Joel Richardson reveals that the return […]

  24. […] Lindsey is also an enthusiast, although “Glenn Beck’s End Times Prophet” Joel Richardson, who also writes for WND, dismisses the document as a “proven […]

  25. […] Pope“; Jonathan Cahn’s Harbinger polemics;  the Muslim Anti-Christ” theories of Glenn Beck’s End-Times Prophet Joel Richardson; and several other ”Last Days” […]

  26. […] that the Bible predicts a Muslim anti-Christ, as predicted by the likes of Joel Richardson (“Glenn Beck’s End-Times Prophet“) and Walid […]

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