“‘The majority of the Illuminati infants go through induced premature birth, from 26 weeks onwards.”
The Australian Daily Telegraph reports:
A PSYCHOLOGIST who helped perform exorcisms on his patients and believed in “satanic abuse” has been banned from practising by the state’s health watchdog.
Father-of-six Mark Edward Tynan, of the western Sydney-based Christian group Servants of Jesus, was found to have blurred his spiritual beliefs and professional duties, placing clients in “grave risk of harm”.
…The clients, who were also part of the 500-member community, were forced to discuss satanic abuse and supernatural events.
…Three of his patients complained about their treatment while he was working for Community Care Inc, a non-government funded charity set up by the Servants of Jesus.
The full report of the tribunal can be seen here. It explains that the Servants of Jesus is an ecumenical Christian community, 90 per cent Catholic, and that (link added)
Within The Community is the Bread of Life Fellowship (BOLF), part of the international Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Covenant Communities and Fellowships and answerable to the Bishop of the Diocese.
The bishop is Kevin Manning of Parramatta.
The tribunal report also tells us that Tynan had been influenced by Clare Harris, a fellow counselor at Community Care Inc, and a certain Sally Grant:
The Tribunal notes that a number of papers the Respondent says he received from Mrs Grant were attached to his October statement. The main document is called ‘Healing from Trauma’ published by the River of Life Ministries… Another document details the manner in which ‘Illuminati’ children are ‘programmed’ from eight weeks past conception in a document headed ‘Prenatal Primal Dissociation’. The document states that ‘programming’ of a fetus (sic) can commence from eight weeks after conception by exposure to ‘hostile chemicals’ by ingestion by the mother or by injecting it into the amniotic fluid and poking with needles. Under a sub-heading of ‘15 to 20 weeks’ it is noted that experiences such as high voltage shock and injection of hot or cold fluids may overwhelm a foetus and produce the ‘child’s first death/near death experience and the first sense of intense fear or terror’. The document states that ‘The majority of the Illuminati infants go through induced premature birth, from 26 weeks onwards.’
…Some of the content of these documents is best described as sinister, bizarre, sadistic and without scientific basis or psychological merit.
He was also “influenced” by the teachings of a Baptist minister named Ed Smith, who promotes a “Theophostic ministry”; however, Tynan denied that he employs Smith’s methods.
Tynan also allowed a person named Julie Chircop to attend therapy sessions; according to Tynan’s statement:
Mrs Chircop was asked to be involved when it was clear significant spiritual/demonic realities were present. Mrs Chircop has had long experience and significant expertise in dealing with realities such as these as well as being a gifted and insightful counsellor in her own right. Clare and I have experience and expertise of our own in this area but we though Mrs Chircop’s particular gifts would be beneficial to [Client A].
This was seen to have compromised confidentiality – and we learn that Chircop liaised with the Bishop about an exorcism. Chircop is the wife of the co-founder of the community, Joe Chircop.
The report ends by suggesting that Tynan should have a “full psychological, neuropsychological and psychiatric assessment” before he can be reinstated.
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