Israeli Delegation Meets German Christian Zionists

Here’s one I missed from a couple of weeks ago:

Between April 29 and May 1, a series of meetings were held in Berlin and Dresden between Israeli and German public figures. The meetings were scheduled around the Holocaust Memorial Day commemorating the catastrophe of European Jewry.

The Israeli delegation included Knesset members Rabbi Benny Elon (leader of the National Union opposition) and Shai Hermesh (member of the Kadima ruling party), Josh Reinstein (Director of Knesset’s Christian Allies Caucus) and Dr. Dmitry Radyshevsky (Director of the Jerusalem Summit). The visit included meetings with members of the Deutsche Bundestag (German Parliament), representing different parties, and with senior officials of the German Foreign Ministry.

The visit included meetings with members of the Deutsche Bundestag (German Parliament), representing different parties, and with senior officials of the German Foreign Ministry.

…The Israeli delegation spoke at the biggest Christian pro-Israel event in Germany called “Saxon Christian Friends of Israel”, timed to commemorate the Holocaust Memorial Day. The event was organized by approximately a dozen pro Israel Christian groups based in Germany.

The report – and a short piece in the Jerusalem Post – tells us that Radyshevsky impressed upon the Germans the need “to check radical Islam, which is a reincarnation of Fascism, and the regime of Iran that openly prepares a nuclear Holocaust”.

One wonders if Radyshevsky also expounded some of the strange ideas he outlines in his bizarre book Universal Zionism, which I blogged here, and which goes far beyond opposition simply to Islamic extremism. Or whether far-right politician Benny Elon repeated his call for Palestinians to be expelled into Jordan.