Christian Zionists Complain of Being Ignored by Bush

From Onenewsnow, a few days ago:

The group Christians United for Israel is calling on President Bush to refrain from pressuring Israel into territorial concessions at an upcoming Mideast Summit in Annapolis, Maryland.

…Dr. Jim Hutchens, the Washington area director of Christians United for Israel, says the president has a noble goal of fostering Mideast peace, but is receiving poor “religious” advice.

“I must believe that there is advice that’s being given to him, probably by clergymen, perhaps even theologians. But the advice would be based upon replacement theology — and that is that the church is the new Israel, and that the Israel of the Old Testament has been superseded. Thus the term ‘super-sessionism’; it’s been superseded by the church,” says Hutchens.

This “replacement theology” can be contrasted with Christian Zionism, which believes that God has a continuing role for Israel – but (on the whole) that Jews who die without converting to Christianity will be going to hell anyway.

Hutchens’ complaint is of interest because it suggests that Bush is not quite as committed to appeasing Christian Zionists as we might think. Indeed, someone might like to break it to Hutchens that perhaps Bush is not receiving ministrations from “theologians” on the conflict at all, but is instead making do with political scientists and such. He’s right to feel let down, though – at the CUFI conference in July (blogged here and here), founder Pastor John Hagee revelled as he read out a letter of support from Bush:

“I appreciate CUFI members and all event participants for your passion and dedication to enhancing the relationship between the United States and Israel. Your efforts set a shining example for others and help lay the foundation of peace for generations to come. Laura and I send our best wishes for a memorable event. May God bless you. George W. Bush, President of the United States.”

Hagee presented a sanitised image at the July CUFI conference. The real deal, though, can be seen in this older sermon. Fasten your seatbelts: