Principles Left Behind?

Tim LaHaye, on violence, 1981:

As you compare this description [of the present world] with that of Lot’s day, you will note that both generations produced lovers of violence. Whenever men degenerate sexually to the level of animals, they also adopt the animalistic propensity for violence. (1)

Tim LaHaye (with Bob Phillips), on violent video games, 2002:

This type of sick and violent television and movie programming, filled with “rageaholism”, is sent overseas and represents the United States…There is also a host of violent home video games. Game arcades are filled with violent games. (2)

Tim LaHaye, on the Left Behind: Eternal Forces controversy, 2006 (emphasis added):

These groups don’t attack other violent video games…Their real attack is on our theology. (3)

Jerry Jenkins, on same:

I looked at the violence for the game to be in the (Christian retail) market. It’s not more violent than the Old Testament. (4)


(1) Beginning of the End: Amazing Fulfillment of Prophecies Tell Earth’s Future, p.129
(2) Anger Is a Choice, p.1
(3) In the National Post
(4) In Christian Retailing

9 Responses

  1. A sly one, thank Jerry Jenkins !

    The Old Testament, of course, describes the genocidal obliteration of entire cities.

  2. It’s all about the money, isn’t it?

  3. Some say that. Personally, I think the makers of the game had a mix of financial and ideological motivations but that their religious beliefs clouded their business judgment.

  4. Anyone know how well this abomination is selling? Are the Xtianists supporting it?

  5. Doesn’t seem to be selling too well. All the reviews say that no one seems to be playing the online version.

  6. As a lapsed Christian, I can’t seem to understand what I perceive as a tendency among the fundamentalists to confuse the Old Testament with the New.
    It always has seemed to me that Christ was a Prince of Peace, not a Slayer of Sinners.

    Did I miss something?

  7. […] blogs that discuss the game. Since I’ve mentioned it a few times on this blog (see here and here), I’ve received several of these. “” asks me: Hey, with […]

  8. […] Frichner argue that the game’s violence should be put in a Biblical context, while LaHaye has complained about negative coverage on the grounds that the game is no more violent than other games (the […]

  9. […] and Frichner argue that the game’s violence should be put in a Biblical context, while LaHaye has complained that it is no more violent than other […]

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