Anti-Covid Vax Influencers Enjoy “Champagne Reception” at Carlton Club

From the Evening Standard:

The Carlton Club, traditional home of the Conservative Party, hosted a champagne reception last week held by Andrew Bridgen MP and featuring other controversial “vaccine sceptic” figures… Organiser John Mappin invited Robert Malone, a vaccine-sceptic doctor, to give “evidence of the harms that the injections have done to innocent civilians”. Guests included Lawrence Fox and Nigel Farage… Not all got in: Richard Fairbrass, of band Right Said Fred, said he was refused entry for wearing the wrong trousers.

The millionaire Mappin famously co-founded Talking Point UK, although the organisation now prefers to downplay the association, and he is known for flying a “Q” flag above his castle-hotel in Cornwall in support of the QAnon conspiracy theory. Conspiracy influencers who have enjoyed his hospitality include Piers Corbyn, Laurence Fox and James Melville, and there was a previous Carlton Club dinner late last year that included Farage and Turning Point’s Charlie Kirk.

Mappin’s invitation card for the more recent event lists “Dr Aseem Malhotra, Dr Robert Malone MD, Dr Ryan Cole MD, Miss Eva Vaardingerbroek and other luminaries”; other attendees included Amanda Eliasch, Lady Victoria Hervey and Dominique Samuels of GB News, as well as Tonia Buxton, Toby Young, Matt Le Tissier and John Bowe. John Bye adds:

Although Mappin doesn’t mention her, HART and UsForThem spokeswoman Ros Jones appears to be skulking in the background of some photos, and Clare Craig may also have been present. Mappin does boast about the presence of Sir Benjamin Slade though, who seems quite a .. character.

Mappin also refers to Juliet Mayhew and claims that “Members of Parliament were in attendance. Other MPs sent along their parliamentary assistants”. He further boasts:

Ambassadors Representatives and press attaches from international embassies and presidential families were there and plans on how to rapidly inform young people as to the dangers of mRNA injections were discussed.

According to David Icke associate Leilani Dowding, the evening was “for people who were on the fence”, and it appears that the conspiracy influencer crowd made at least one new recruit in the form of Victoria Baker-Harber, a reality TV star who appeared on “Made in Chelsea”.

However, Bye notes that not all the conspiracy crowd were pleased to see their movement’s public face enjoying the trappings of an elite London club: having been denied entry, Fairbrass sniffed that he was “pleased I wasn’t there”, and criticised Malhotra for not mentioning the vaccine injured; meanwhile, Sonia Poulton observed “we are dealing with establishment people here” and complained about Malhotra’s ego. (1)


1. There appears to be an anti-Malhotra faction within the conspiracy movement, comprising Bob Moran, Abi Roberts and James Delingpole. Malhotra recently claimed to be vaccine injured himself, two days after Andrew Bridgen made a comparable supposed self-disclosure – both men originally promoted Covid vaccination, and presenting themselves as having suffered harm as a result of their decision may be a strategy to disarm less-forgiving truthers.

3 Responses

  1. The alleged vaccines do not seem to be that safe or effective. I do not think that is some conspiracy theory but just a saying of fact. Even many medical staff will not have the so-called vaccines. Anyay why have them when the Covid is no more a danger than most strains of flu?

  2. At last!

    Bartholomew’s Notes on Religion finally gets a celebrity gossip column!!

    But I’m still trying to figure out which side in the current scandal exposé reporting is allegedly the cult-like religion.

    Or is it both?!

    Or maybe all three!!!

    • Well, a lot of medical staff did not take the alleged vaccines despite all the cultural and job pressure to conform; that surely says a lot.

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