From Right Wing Watch:
In an appearance last week on VCY America’s Crosstalk radio program, [Pamela] Geller pulled out all the stops, suggesting that President Obama didn’t really want to kill Osama bin Laden, and “doesn’t respect or even like our armed forces.” She even claimed that fact that the president’s staff screens questioners at events shows that he is “obviously incompetent” and the “quintessential affirmative action project.” Geller also looked abroad, entertaining the idea that Prince Charles may be a secret Muslim.
This is not the first time that Geller has claimed that Obama authorized the operation to kill bin Laden only very reluctantly: in 2011 she drew attention to a pseudonymous website run by a self-styled pastor named Anthony Martin,who, as “Ulsterman”, claimed to regularly receive information from a “White House insider”. The swipe at Prince Charles, meanwhile, was probably inspired by her recently-declared lawsuit against Queen Elizabeth.
VCY America has featured on the blog before, after WND editor Joseph Farah made an appearance in 2011. Farah used his interview to make the salacious and prurient claim there is “a lot of circumstantial evidence” to suggest that Ann Dunham was actually Obama’s half-sister, adopted by her to help her mother cover up the scandal of his birth.
As I noted at the time, VCY promotes old-school fundamentalism; shows have included a critique of animal rights with the gloriously Landover Baptist-esque title “Worship Not the Creature”; other offerings I noted in 2011 included “Growing Government Tyranny” (“The Obama health care logo looks similar to the Nazi logo”); “Spiritual Warfare and New Ageism” (including the “role of the Jesuit Priests” and how Oprah Winfrey is “helping to lay the foundation for the coming of a one world religion, a one world political structure, a one world leader, and the new world order”); and an attack on Rick Warren entitled “Purpose Driven Islam: Rick Warren and the Muslims”.
It should also be noted that Geller’s interviewer, Vic Eliason, is a also a vicious gay-hater, who in 1990 persuaded the UPI to fire a lesbian reporter named Julie Brienza on the grounds that as a UPI subscriber he should not be “helping finance Brienza’s work for a publication aimed at homosexuals”.
These kind of associations have brought Geller trouble in the past; in 2010 Geert Wilders withdrew from a film premiere that Geller and Robert Spencer had organised in his honour after he became aware of the involvement of a group called the Christian Action Network.
However, not all Geller’s religious associates are fringe fundamentalists: back in September, she was endorsed warmly by Rabbi Daniel Korobkin of Beth Avraham Yoseph of Toronto (
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