Shoebat Announces “Partnership” With Sister Hatune Dogan

An announcement on Walid Shoebat’s website, written by his son Ted Shoebat:

We would like to announce that Rescue Christians will now be expanding into Syria, Iraq, Turkey and Jordan. This is a very significant step in our endeavor to deliver Christians from this current holocaust that is incessantly increasing in violence and cruelty everyday.

This expansion in our mission is due to our recent partnership with Hatune Dogan, an Eastern Orthodox nun.

That’s quick work: a few days ago, T. Shoebat embedded a YouTube video uploaded by someone else which showed Dogan speaking at a press conference in Vienna on the persecution of Christians in the Middle East; T. Shoebat added a blurb that gave no indication that Rescue Christians had any personal connection with her or with her Sister Hatune Foundation, instead referring to her as merely “a nun in Germany” (sic).

Dogan’s presentation included an account of meeting a man who claimed to be an ex-Jihadist turned-Christian who had bottled the blood of murdered Christians for sale to rich Saudis at $100,000 apiece; this caught the eye of the Examiner website, and both the Examiner and Shoebat’s site were subsequently referenced in a blog hosted by La Stampa. Although Dogan’s name appeared on a name card in the video, the Examiner originally described her as “unidentified”, but updated its account after looking at my own blog entry on the subject.

Rescue Christians is the vehicle by which Walid Shoebat and his associates say they are helping persecuted Christians in Pakistan – Shoebat’s handler Keith Davies recently appeared on Fox News to discuss the group’s activities. Much of the work on the ground is done by unnamed “partners”, and it’s difficult to assess the effectiveness of the organisation. However, Shoebat’s site has uploaded videos in which locals have expressed their thanks for support from Shoebat and from Rescue Christians, as well as hospital receipts relating to treatment given to victims of the September Peshawar church bombing.

Rescue Christians is somewhat aggressive in its view of other Christian groups working in the same area – in 2011,  Davies left a comment on this blog in which he attacked Open Doors in particular as wanting only “to collect money to pay their directors wonderful salaries”, and the Rescue Christians website carries a notice proclaiming that

…Most organizations have a mission for alleviating Christian persecution by predominantly focusing on providing Bibles, evangelizing non-Christians and sending representatives around the world to inform others about persecution.

We are unique from most others in that we focus ALL our efforts on actually saving Christians from being liquidated.

In the wake of the Peshawar bombing, Shoebat and Rescue Christians launched an attack on the Anglican Bishop of Peshawar, accusing him of “fraud” and urging people not to make donations to the diocese.

Rescue Christians’ fundraising rhetoric is similarly overheated; particularly bizarrely, Ted Shoebat recently asked for donations by comparing Christians in Pakistan with – erm – Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty fame (H/T Right Wing Watch):

What the homosexuals want to do to Christians in America is what Muslims are already doing to Christians: slaughter and enslave them. This is why we must fight this evil, and help save persecuted Christians in the Muslim world. Donate now and save Christian lives.

Which brings us back to the issue of people being “liquidated”, as T. Shoebat goes on:

…When we read that sodomites must “be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense” (Lev. 20:13), or, as we read from St. Paul, that homosexuals do things that “are worthy of death” (Romans 1:32) we either ignore these words, or explain away their significance. As long as we keep tolerating the homosexual, the more they will advance.

UPDATE (2 January 2014): Dogan has now given an interview to US birther-conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi for WorldNetDaily, in which she elaborated on the “bottled blood” story:

The blood spurting from their necks is captured in basins and then bottled.

“The Muslims sever the necks and collect the blood in vessels to sell the blood. The Muslims believe that if they kill a Christian and wash their hands in the blood of the Christian, they will go to heaven,” she explained.

Corsi adds:

Shoebat has begun accepting contributions through a foundation he created for Hatune,

But not even Shoebat is claiming that Rescue Christians was “created for” Dogan, so one wonders where Corsi has got this from.

5 Responses

  1. Neither “the Shoebat Foundation” nor “Rescue Christians” are registered as non-profit organizations in any state. They have no transparency or accountability whatsoever. Yet ironically, their method of raising support is to attack other well established Christian ministries that are both transparent and accountable. Davies himself is not even a Christian and lives in a very large and lavish home. If any group is not accountable or transparent, then stay clear! This is the next Jim Baker fiasco just waiting to happen. As soon as the group is genuinely investigated, the whole thing is going to blow up.

    • I do live in a large a lavish home which I have done since 1999 long before I ever met Walid Shoebat or founded Rescue Christians. I have been blessed with wealth through hard work prior to founding any charities.

      I take no salary and remuneration for my work for Rescue Christians

      Rescue Christians and Walid Shoebat Foundation are dba s. They are funded by Forum For Middle East Understanding a 501 c 3 establihsed in 2006/2007 which files its 990 each year with the Federal government and also in the state of PA

      We have audited accounts.

      We have posted on the Rescue Christian web site many of the victims testimonies. The Associated Press will be running a story that we helped them with and quoting us too.

      The journalist who is doing the story is a liberal like you and will confirm that we are a very legitimate organization doing very courageous work (our partners in Pakistan). For obvious reasons we need to keep their identity secret.

      We also have a letter of endorsement written by the anglican Bishop of Karachi who made many complimentary remarks about our work. see the letter here:

      If you are serious about being fair we are happy to provide better copy which includes the Bishops email and cell phone which you can call to verify yourself.

      We only started work with Sister Dogan three weeks ago. We plan to help her organization in a big way. Sister Dogan is very reputable and has been awarded the Order of Merit by the German Government.

      You guys love to smear people. If you like to call us and discuss and ask legitimate questions we would glad to provide you with answers. However you are not interested in truth just slander just like your buddies over at CNN

  2. […] » Shoebat Announces “Partnership” With Sister Hatune Dogan Bartholomew’s Not… on Walid Shoebat’s Handler Attacks Open Doors and Other Christian Charities […]

  3. If you dig deeper into the internet, you can find more truth. Here is a personal account and reflections by Sister Hatune about her work. See what she says about

  4. […] a foundation he created for Hatune,” — but Bartholomew notes that Shoebat has not claimed credit for this […]

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