Contra Ten Commandments

Well, here’s a new argument for Roy Moore and co. to chew over, courtesy of Nichiren Shoshu:

(PRWEB) February 26, 2005 — The Ten Commandments are “imperfect precepts” and should be discarded, according to Reverend Jisei Nagasaka of the Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist sect. Nagasaka further links them to the horrific disasters and confusion rampant in the nation today.

Nagasaka has informed his congregants that they must “discard the imperfect precepts of imperfect religions and ideas such as the Judeo-Christian Ten Commandments.” According to Mr. Nagasaka, if all people were to join his sect “we won’t need precepts such as the Ten Commandments.” Instead he asks his parishioners to “denounce heretical, evil religions and lead the people to the True Law.”

…Nagasaka has posted his remarks on his temple’s website which can be found at,,, and (retrieved 2/18/2005).

Soka Gakkai used to be Nichiren Shoshu’s lay organisation; however, Soka Gakkai was excommunicated in 1991. See here for details, and thanks to Monte for pointing this out.

(Link via Cult News Network)