Christian Concern PR Man Calls for Evangelization of Muslims

Various news-sites have reported on this; here’s the Church Times:

A private members motion about evangelism amongst those of other faiths is set to be debated at the Church of England General Synod. The motion, from Paul Eddy, has the support of the Bishop of Rochester, the Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali. Many bishops are strongly opposed and have apparently urged Mr Eddy to desist. The text of the motion is as follows

‘That this Synod request the House of Bishops to report to the Synod on their understanding of the uniqueness of Christ in Britain’s multi-faith society, and offer examples and commendations of good practice in sharing the gospel of salvation through Christ alone with people of other faiths and of none.’

Apparently, however, Eddy and Nazir-Ali both have Islam in particular in mind, and this has given Eddy some extra media publicity. The Christian Post notes that:

The Church of England is divided over a proposed motion for it to proclaim Christianity as the only way to salvation and offer strategies on how to evangelize Muslims.

Senior church leaders as well as some Muslim figures have voiced anger at the motion proposed by Paul Eddy – a lay member of the church’s General Synod, according to BBC.

“Most Muslims that I’ve talked to say, ‘I really wish that Christians would stop watering down their faith and expecting us to do the same,'” Eddy said on BBC Radio Four on Sunday. “Until we start really saying what we really believe in our faith, there will be no respect.”

This is actually quite clever: on one level Eddy is calling for Muslim evangelization, while on another he is calling for the church to be more like Muslims, defining non-evangelical forms of Christian faith as “watering down”. Eddy doesn’t appear to have any “examples and commendations of good practice” of his own (door-to-door, perhaps, like the Jehovah’s Witnesses? Or what?), and one suspects that this is merely a bit of PR to put non-evangelical Anglicans on the spot.

Indeed, Eddy’s background is in PR, and he works closely with Andrea Minichiello Williams of Christian Concern for our Nation on a number of issues (I blogged Williams a week ago here) – Unity at Ministry of Truth has dubbed him as “God’s own Max Clifford”. Williams, it should be recalled, promotes the views of a man named Sam Solomon, who warns that Muslims are motivated by hatred and that even moderate Muslim neighbours will turn into killers in the right circumstances.

Eddy’s motion has in fact been kicking around for a while; as the Church Times notes, the Telegraph reported on it in 2006:

Mr Eddy, from the Winchester diocese, has now tabled a private member’s motion aimed at forcing the Church to clarify its position on what is potentially a highly sensitive issue.

The motion, which requires a minimum of 100 signatures to secure a Synod debate, has already garnered the general approval of more than 80 members even though it has not yet been posted on the Church’s website.

“My Muslim friends say they can’t understand why we Christians don’t evangelise more, especially as they have a strategy to convert Britain,” said Mr Eddy.

…The last time the Synod debated a similar motion four years ago, the then Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr George Carey, was forced to assuage fears among Muslims and others that the Church had decided to launch a heavy-handed campaign to convert them.

The motion, which was overwhelmingly carried, demanded that the “good news of salvation in Jesus Christ must be shared with all, including people of other faiths or of no faith.”

The support of the Bishop of Rochester has now brought extra notice:

Pakistan-born Dr Nazir-Ali told the Mail on Sunday that, while Church leaders had rightly shown sensitivity to British Muslims, “I think it may have gone too far.”

He added: “Our nation is rooted in the Christian faith and that is the basis of welcoming people of other faiths. You cannot have an honest conversation on the basis of fudge.”

Since he was passed over [for Archbishop], he has felt able to speak more freely about his inter-faith views and has become a talisman for hard-line evangelicals who see Islam as a threat to culture and religion.

In fact, a desire not to be seen to be aggressively targeting other faith groups does not just apply to Islam, and in the 1990s Archbishop George Carey declined to become patron of the Church’s Ministry Among the Jews. CMJ was founded to evangelize Jews, and Archbishops of Canterbury were traditionally its patron. For some reason neither Eddy nor Nazir-Ali have spoken out about this particular bit of “watering down”.

Nazir-Ali caused controversy some months ago when he raised the spectre of “no-go” areas for non-Muslims in British cities, without providing any specific examples.

Incidentally, among his various roles, Nazir-Ali is “spiritual protector” of the UK Grand Priory of “The International Knightly Order Valiant of St George”, a charitable organization founded by a Hungarian dissident from 1956 now based in the UK. From the names given on its website, the “Deputy Grand Master” and the “The Grand Chancellor” are both individuals who were part of the 1980s “libertarian” Young Conservative scene.

Another UK Libel Discussion

A few days ago Tim at Bloggerheads kicked off what will hopefully be a wider discussion on the Brit blogosphere about the problem of UK libel law. He kicked off with the notorious Laurence Godfrey vs Demon case of 1999, which has resulted in immortality for the name of a physics lecturer. Since then:

…it has been generally accepted that ISPs and other providers of web hosting services can under UK law be sued for libel over material transmitted through a largely automated carrier service.

Things are different in the US; Section 230 protects the providers of carrier services and instead puts the legal onus on the true publishers; those who consciously present, arrange, edit, coordinate or create content for publication (e.g. the submitters of comments, the authors of blogs, the editors of portals, etc.)

The practical upshot of this is that libel threats made against ISPs in the UK usually result in the ISP shutting down websites that are the subject of complaints. The most famous example of this was last year, when the billionaire Alisher Usmanov managed to have several blogs (including Tim’s) taken off-line when one made allegations about his past business practices in Uzbekistan; Usmanov happily admitted that he preferred this route to that of going after the author of the allegations, as this way he avoided the publicity of a court case.

Another case, from 2006, deals more specifically with authorship. As the Times reported at the time:

A prominent member of the UK Independence Party won an unprecedented £10,000 in libel damages today from a woman who waged an abusive campaign against him on an internet bulletin board.

Michael Keith Smith, who contested the Portsmouth North constituency at the last general election, brought High Court proceedings against Tracy Williams, who was a contributor to the same Yahoo! discussion board.

Ms Williams, of Tomlinson Close, Oldham, Lancashire, used a pseudonym to post claims that the 53-year-old chartered surveyor was a “nonce”, a sexual offender, a racist bigot and a Nazi.

Addressing him as “Lardarse” or “Lardbrain”, she also alleged that he had sexually harassed a female co-worker, had been charged with soliciting boys and cottaging and that he was a sexual deviant of the most perverted kind.

…[The judge] said that although the libels were available to the whole world through the internet, it was likely that few people had read them and many of those who did would have dismissed them as “ramblings”.

Nevertheless, he awarded Mr Keith Smith £5,000 general damages plus £5,000 aggravated damages to reflect the way Ms Williams – who had met a request for an apology with contempt – had behaved.

The result was hardly surprising, but it did mark a precedent and received considerable media attention: write libellous comments on a discussion board, and you are liable. Even though the readership may be limited, discussion boards are like publications, rather than like private conservations down the pub. One positive outcome of this case, it seems to me, is that the judge set a reasonable sum for damages, rather than the absurdly large figures that have been seen in the past. However, the report does not make clear if everything presented by Keith-Smith was accepted to be libellous: obviously, calling someone “Lardarse” is rather less serious than labelling someone as a sex offender.

Although Williams chose not to defend herself in court, she has made some statements about the case on a new discussion site which she runs. According to her version of events – which is supported by another group member, Ed Chilvers – the libellous comments appeared in the context of a forum in which various members all hurled abuse each other while discussing politics, and the judge was not fully aware of this. If this is in fact the case, then a ruling from 2007 which I blogged here may be of some significance. This was the case of several directors of a football club, who were seeking a court order to reveal the identities of abusive posters to a football discussion forum. The judge ruled that:

“I do not think it would be right to make an order for the disclosure of the identities of users who have posted messages which are barely defamatory or little more than abusive or likely to be understood as jokes,” he wrote. “That, it seems to me, would be disproportionate and unjustifiably intrusive.”

Among the statements regarded by the judge simply as jokes was the claim that the directors had spent club money on prostitutes. This defence of “little more than abusive” can also be seen in relation to US libel law, where insults with criminal overtones such as “traitor”, “phony”, and “chicken-stealing idiot” have been recognised as “incapable of defaming because they are mere hyperbole”. Of course, against this it can be argued that comments which are obviously jokes when seen in context may take on a different complexion when seen by someone else months later, perhaps in isolation on the results page of a Google search. And while this defence might cover “racist bigot” and “Nazi”, sliming someone as a “sex offender” can have such serious consequences that even as a joke it ought not to be accepted (Tim rightly denounces Paul Staines and his various commentators for this tactic).

Although the media has since lost interest in the case, Keith-Smith and Williams have continued their dispute on their respective discussion forums. To avoid possible legal hassles, I’ll decline to link to the sites, but neither one is particularly edifying: Williams’ site has some useful information about Keith-Smith’s political activities and associates, but one has to wade through pages of abuse (both against Keith-Smith and against other posters) to find anything of substance, while Keith-Smith’s is mainly a collection of right-wing screeds against the modernisation of the Conservative Party and on the evils of immigration and such.

Keith-Smith has also since the court case reportedly tried to get Williams’ new website shut down on criminal grounds: Ed Chilvers says that in 2006 he was investigated by the police following a complaint by Keith-Smith of “malicious communication”, and Williams just a few days ago reported that she had recently been arrested but that no charges were brought. Indeed, although the site contains much that is abusive about Keith-Smith, I haven’t seen anything that seems to me to be either threatening or an invasion of privacy, particularly given Keith-Smith’s position as a public political figure (another distinction more developed in US libel law than in the UK). The police decisions in these cases may be of wider significance and interest.

Following her defeat in court, Williams declared bankruptcy, and she maintains that Keith-Smith has not received any money from her. This loop-hole in the law allows bankrupts to pretty much say what they like; the Tory MP Julian Lewis – who was in the receiving end of libellous articles by the late Simon Regan, who published Scallywag magazine while bankrupt – has called for more extensive criminal libel laws to be introduced.

As another bit of incidental background, it should be noted that Keith-Smith is known to be rather litigious, and in one previous case he brought the defendant pleaded provocation. This was reported in 1997:

A Tory has admitted throwing a bucket of water over a former colleague in an election day bust up. Mike Keith-Smith, who campaigned for the UK Independence Party, brought the private prosecution after Conservative councillor Frank Worley threw a large bucket of water through his car window. At the time Mr Keith-Smith was shouting four-letter insults against Tory leader John Major through a hand-held megaphone, Portsmouth magistrates court heard. Mr Worley’s defence lawyer said the councillor had faced “enormous provocation”…Worley, a councillor on Portsmouth City Council, pleaded guilty to the assault. The Chairman of the bench said it was a “foolish incident” and gave Worley a conditional discharge for six months.

Why was “Scientology is a Cult” Sign Confiscated in London?

Claim of Crown Prosecution Service advice contradicted

A conundrum: I reported this a few days ago, quoting SchNEWS:

At 11.20, two [City of London police] officers approached one 15-year-old who was wearing a huge-nosed mask and holding a sign saying “Scientology is not a religion – it is a dangerous cult”. He was handed a pre-printed warning by a WPC stating, “The sign you are displaying commits an offence under Section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986. you are strongly advised to remove the sign with immediate effect”.

…Police were clearly out to protect CoS’s reputation with one officer telling us, “Our solicitors at the Crown Prosecution Service have advised us that any signs saying ‘Scientology is a cult’ could be deemed offensive.” He added “They are being treated as a religious organisation for the purposes of today”.

But now the BBC gives us this:

A Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) spokesman said: “In consultation with the City of London Police, we were asked whether the sign was abusive or insulting.

“Our advice is that it is not abusive or insulting and there is no offensiveness (as opposed to criticism), neither in the idea expressed nor in the mode of expression.”

Was the police officer misinformed about the advice from the CPS, and if so, what was the real reason for the confiscation? Or is the CPS – still smarting from the Dispatches fiasco – backtracking? We may find out:

Human rights group Liberty has pledged to take action against City of London Police after the force tried to prosecute a teenager for branding Scientology a “cult”.

…Liberty, whose lawyers have been advising the 16-year-old, is now considering action against the force.

Hagee and Olmert

“Then God sent a hunter. A hunter is someone with a gun and he forces you. Hitler was a hunter. And the Bible says – Jeremiah writing – ‘They shall hunt them from every mountain and from every hill and from the holes of the rocks,’ meaning there’s no place to hide. And that might be offensive to some people but don’t let your heart be offended. I didn’t write it, Jeremiah wrote it. It was the truth and it is the truth. How did it happen? Because God allowed it to happen. Why did it happen? Because God said my top priority for the Jewish people is to get them to come back to the land of Israel.”

For Hagee with some other politicians, see here.

Hagee Sermon Uncovered by Talk to Action Forces McCain Repudiation

Great excitement at Talk to Action, where Bruce Wilson’s efforts at reviewing John Hagee’s many sermons finally filtered through to the MSM, obliging John McCain to repudiate the pastor. The Hagee-McCain alliance had already survived a storm when the pastor’s views on Catholicism (“the Great Whore”) had come to light; however, Hagee’s interpretation of the Holocaust were just too much to bear. Bruce dug out a sermon which Hagee explained that God had sent two people to persuade the Jews to move to Israel: a fisher, Theodore Herzl; and a hunter – Adolf Hitler. The idea that anti-Semitism is God dropping a hint to Diaspora Jews that he wants them to return to Israel is not unknown in certain strands of Christianity and Judaism, but the thought of Hitler in a divinely-appointed role is obviously going to disgust most people, and Hagee’s typically bombastic and crass delivery is guaranteed to aggravate the sensation.

However, John McCain’s relationship with Hagee is just part of a wider issue. Through “Christians United for Israel” (CUFI), Hagee has made alliances with a range of conservative figures in both the USA and Israel. Last June I blogged on a CUFI “Night to Honor Israel”; alongside McCain, participants included Newt Gingrich, Gary Bauer and Frank Gaffney. Bauer was a particular enthusiast:

Gary Bauer, who ran for the Republican Party nomination for President of the United States in 2000, also spoke at the rally, saying, “You are Ahmadinejad, Hamas, and Hizbullah’s worst nightmare, because you support Israel. They are telling you to give back land. We are telling you, don’t give back one inch.”

Max Blumenthal, meanwhile, recalls that

I watched with astonishment as [Joe] Lieberman strode to the stage, then compared Hagee to Moses (watch Lieberman’s remarks at 5:30 of my video) “I want to take to opportunity to describe Pastor Hagee in the terms the Torah used to describe Moses,” Lieberman declared. “He is an Ish Elohim. A man of God. And those words really do fit him. And I have something else,” the senator continued. “Like Moses, he’s become the leader of a mighty multitude. Even greater than the multitude that Moses led from Egypt to the Promised Land.”

Hagee himself revelled in his new-found power and status, exulting that

“the sleeping giant of Christian Zionism has awakened”

Certain Jewish leaders were also keen to share a platform:

The evening session also included greetings from President Bush and a benediction by Rabbi Aryeh Scheinberg, a San Antonio Orthodox leader who has been close to Hagee, thanking God for “giving the world community a spiritual leader of the nobility, courage and wisdom of Pastor John Hagee, who personifies God’s living words.”

Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu, appearing by video, told the group that Christian Zionists laid the foundation for Jewish ones.

Hagee also claims that he receives briefings from “top Israeli government officials”, who have told him about “a nuclear showdown between Iran and Israel”.

A few souls, however, have declined to squeeze into bed with him, as I also noted a year ago:

A Minnesota congresswoman declined an invitation to attend “A Night to Honor Israel,” saying the views of the event’s evangelical founder are “repugnant.”

…”Well-publicized statements by Pastor Hagee demonstrate extremism, bigotry and intolerance that is repugnant,” U.S. Rep. Betty McCollum, a Democrat, said in a two-page reply declining a form invitation from Pastor Mac Hammond.

And as for Jewish involvement, the JTA reported that:

Jewish leaders who have been critical of Jewish participation in local “Nights to Honor Israel” say they have been pressured into silence.

“The pressure has been enormous,” said a prominent Jewish leader who said he was contacted by local community officials after he raised questions about a local CUFI event. “I can’t even talk about it now; I feel a real sense of intimidation because people in our own community are saying I’m opposing something that’s good for Israel, that I’m hurting Israel.”

Possibly that pressure has now eased somewhat…

UPDATE: McCain has also now repudiated Rod Parsley. Mother Jones reports:

After issuing a statement dumping Hagee, McCain told the Associated Press that he also was now refusing Parsley’s support: “I believe there is no place for that kind of dialogue in America, and I believe that even though he endorsed me, and I didn’t endorse him, the fact is that I repudiate such talk, and I reject his endorsement.” McCain and Parsley had campaigned together in February in Ohio, and at a rally McCain had hailed Parsley as “one of the truly great leaders in America, a moral compass, a spiritual guide.”

…It’s worth remembering that McCain held on to Parsley for as long as he could and that he renounced him not because of his extreme anti-Islam rhetoric–which McCain was well aware of months ago–but only because Parsley had become extremely politically inconvenient.

Meet Mikhail Morgulis

Back to ASSIST and the neo-Pentecostal “International Christian Medical Conference” I blogged a couple of days ago. A new report on the ASSIST website notes the presence of US-based Ukrainian evangelical leader Mikhail Morgulis. This site has an overview:

Mikhail Morgulis, founder of [Christian Bridge International], is a well-known writer in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and throughout the CIS countries. While still living in the Soviet Union, he was awarded the First Prize in Literature by the communist government in 1972. He underwent a spiritual transformation to become a prominent Christian leader who in 1987 was the first to broadcast Christian programs on state-owned radio stations inside the USSR. Prior to that his message was heard on many Christian radio programs in the world, and millions of believers and nonbelievers in the CIS are familiar with his voice.

Morgulis moved to the USA, where he established Christian Bridge International and developed what he calls “the Spiritual Diplomacy project”. In 1991 this project brought 18 American evangelical leaders – including Philip Yancey – to visit officials in Russia:

“…Finally, the then President of Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev invited us to the Kremlin. When we were with Mr. Gorbachev, I asked him it was would be possible to pray in the Kremlin. He told me, ‘Mr. Morgulis, the Kremlin is not a church,’ and then, after pause, he said, ‘but why not.’ So I started to pray about his mother, my mother and all people and I prayed ‘In Jesus Name!’.

No doubt this story has helped to fuel the rumour that Gorbachev is a secret Christian (as it happens, he just recently reasserted his atheism).

Morgulis has also met various other political leaders:

“So Spiritual Diplomacy is a new spiritual political concept. After meeting in the Kremlin, we were in Ukraine. We met with the president of Ukraine and also the president of Georgia, and four times with the president of Belarus. We’ve also met with the Prime Minister of Israel before Mr. Sharon. Also, I have even prayed in the Knesset in Israel.

I prayed with Palestinian Muslim leaders and this is all spiritual diplomacy. The idea is to stop any conflict religion, political, social, ethical conflict with use of the Christian message from the Bible.

Morgulis explains further in another article.

“We don’t punish or force people. We try to change the hearts of the leaders of these countries with love and respect. By changing the hearts of the leaders we change the situations in these countries.”

As the former prime minister of Israel Ariel Sharon put it, “Spiritual Diplomacy is the one last realistic chance to find peace on this earth.” Leaders of the Palestine Authority agreed that Spiritual Diplomacy proposes a practical way for reaching peace and understanding. In his presentation in front of the Knesset and the Palestinian leaders, Mikhail said that Spiritual Diplomacy will not make them love each other right away, but will teach tolerance. The flowers of love will have a chance to blossom on the roots of tolerance.

This all sounds rather like Frank Buchman and Moral Re-Armament. And as with Buchman, one wonders whether Morgulis is being used for PR by those he wishes to convert. Here he is on Europe’s “Last Dictator”, Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus:

We also try to improve the relations between the United States and Belarus. I spoke before the U.S. Congress and addressed the Helsinki Commission. I said: “If you do not like President Lukashenko, you don’t have to love him. He is not an angel; he is just like all of us. Not one of us is an angel; otherwise we would be in Paradise. I have not seen any angel-presidents. Neither George Bush, nor Vladimir Putin is an angel. To make matters worse, President Lukashenko, with his charismatic character, expresses himself in much stronger terms than he really means. You need to love the people, even if you do not care too much for the leader”…I also met with President Lukashenko several times and discussed spiritual subjects with him. He is nothing like the media wants us to believe. He has a capacity for making deep judgments. He can understand you. Lukashenko is not at all a blunt farmer, as some want to portray him. He is a historian; he majored in history and has a fine knowledge of world events and the history of religion.

In 2004, Morgulis reportedly opined that “the US president would like to enjoy the popularity rating Lukashenka has”.

Documentary Looks At UK Christian Right

We’ve heard God’s complaint this morning. His complaint is abortion, immorality, adultery, homosexuality. The issues that are leading our nation to hell. We do not want to be part of a church that sits back, afraid to speak, afraid to take action, afraid to be anti-gay. We speak to you Satan, we command you to lift your hands off God’s people right now. And Satan, you fall at the name of Jesus, now, today, Amen.

So speaks the prayer leader at small women’s prayer group in a private house in Sussex, in the south-east of England. The invocation appears in In God’s Name, a new British documentary about the Christian Right in Britain, directed by David Modell and broadcast on Monday night as part of the Dispatches strand.

The programme covered a lot of ground in less than an hour, taking in anti-gay protests, Creationist education, anti-Muslim rhetoric, and the anti-abortion lobbying efforts of the Lawyers’ Christian Fellowship, which enjoys financial support and other assistance from the USA Alliance Defense Fund. The media- and politically-savvy LCF was profiled alongside some rather more homespun efforts, particularly the constant round of ineffectual public protests that make up Stephen Green’s Christian Voice organisation.

An early part of the documentary dealt with protests in Parliament Square a few months ago against the 2007 Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations, which conservative Christians claimed would force them to act against their consciences. Many of the banners carried the CCTV logo of the now-defunct Christian Congress for Traditional Values; no mention was made of the fact that the CCTV’s leader, the neo-Pentecostal Bishop Michael Reid, just recently fled to Arizona from Essex after admitting an affair with his director of music.

One protestor expressed himself with a typical British coarseness which sounds a bit odd if you’re more used to the American Christian right:

If you look at the human genitalia, they’re not for digging the garden, or painting the wall, are they? They’re for making babies. And the bottom line is, I’ve got twenty grandchildren, and I don’t want the boys being told that it’s OK to get shit on penises, ‘cos that’s what it’s about.

The scene then moved to Bristol, and the Carmel Christian Centre. Carmel is a Word of Faith “Prosperity Gospel” church, although this was not explored in the programme, which instead focused the church’s Carmel Christian School (officially, and weirdly, written as carmel: christian school). Here, children are taught to be grateful not to be living in Old Testament times, when people were punished by God by being turned into pillars of salt, and the American science textbook expounds Young Earth Creationism. A description of the 1969 moon landing includes the detail that:

When scientists eagerly studied the moon soil and moon rocks, they found that the moon appeared to be about 6,000 to 10,000 years old.

The school’s headmaster, David Owens, was happy to accept the “fundamentalist” label, but reluctant to admit on camera that he actually believed this, instead mumbling about not being a scientific expert and there being more than one theory. He was, though, pleased with the political climate:

We’re Ofsted [the UK schools inspectorate] inspected, we’re government registered. We believe it’s the time for us – a time when people like Tony Blair opened the door in this whole debate of faith schools.

Schools such as this have been the focus of some controversy, as I noted here.

The most significant activist, however, was shown to be Andrea Williams, Public Policy Director of the Lawyers’ Christian Fellowship. We saw Williams organise an anti-abortion rally next to Parliament, where her efforts to present a dignified protest were slightly thwarted by a man ranting about repentance and heckling against counter-protestors from none other than the eccentric self-styled nun Sister Ruth Augustus, who has an amazing talent for popping up in newspapers and on TV (I blogged her here). Williams also worked hard to shift away some BNP members left over from a previous protest in the same space.

Williams enjoys some political connections, and she was shown meeting Lord Tebbit and liaising with Nadine Dorries MP. Dorries is well-known for her strong anti-abortion views, and her push for the legal limit to be reduced to twenty weeks is currently under political consideration (Dorries’ reliance on emotive images has come under critical scrutiny, particularly her use of a photo which she claims shows a fetus grasping a surgeon’s hand while the mother underwent an operation). Related to this is a campaign to “defend the embryo”, as Parliament debates hybrid embryo research (as of writing Parliament has just a few hours ago rejected a ban). Protestors – again near Parliament – donned animal masks, as if the research were going to be undertaken by Dr Moreau.

With the help of Jeffrey Ventrella of the Alliance Defense Fund, Williams has also fought a few legal battles on behalf of Christians: two cases mentioned were that of Andrew McClintock, a magistrate who says he was forced to resign due to his opposition to gay adoption, and Lydia Playford, the schoolgirl who fought for the right to wear a “Silver Ring Thing” “purity” ring at school. Williams is also keen to warn Christians about the dangers of Islam, and one LCF event gave a platform to Sam Solomon, a former Muslim who teaches that Muslims are brainwashed to hate, and that the situation in Nigeria shows that hospitable Muslim neighbours are likely to become killers. However, Williams was reluctant to say much herself about Islam besides her view that it was a “false religion”, and she also only very reluctantly admitted to believing the world to be about 4,000 years old.

Throughout the programme, comic relief was provided by Stephen Green, who first gained media attention protesting against performances of Jerry Springer: The Opera. Green and his small group of followers hand out leaflets at gay pride events, and sing hymns and pray at a site in east London which has been earmarked as the location for the controversial “mega-mosque”. Green believes that Allah is Satan, and that Islam will lead to civil war in the UK. He comes across as rather unbalanced: one minute he is chatting and joking with the documentary-maker, the next moment he becomes aggressive, forcing away the camera and complaining about “persecution”. In one particularly bathetic moment in Brighton, just as he offers up a prayer a seagull leaves a prominent dropping on the front of his shirt; Green is not amused, and he demands that the documentary-maker not make fun of him – perhaps the fact that certain internet scoffers insist on nicknaming him “Stephen ‘Dog Shit’ Green” after he compared Jerry Springer to treading in dog excrement meant that this touched a raw nerve.

The documentary claimed that the fundamentalist movement has two million followers in the UK, which seemed to me rather exaggerated. Most British evangelicals do not wish to be associated with the US “religious right” or with “fundamentalism”, and the movement as a whole is better represented by the likes of moderate leaders such as Steve Chalke or Jeff Lucas. Green in particular looked like a figure from another age, his followers holding placards with Biblical slogans that were designed decades ago and doubtless baffle most people who see them. However, we also saw Williams speaking to a roomful of Elim Pentecostal leaders, urging them to become more involved in politics. The LCF has been around since 1852, and she has clearly steered it into an aggressive direction; might she not convert some other Christian groups?

UPDATE: The programme is on YouTube in five parts, here, here, here, here and here.

UPDATE 2: carmel: christian school is profiled in the Bristol Evening Post.

Neo-Pentecostal Doctors Claim Miracle Healings, Resurrection of Dead Patient

ASSIST Ministries reports on the 5th International Christian Medical Conference, in Norway:

…These doctors, from places like Bolivia, Brazil, Burundi, China, Indonesia and Vietnam, were all Christians who believe in the power of prayer and the fact that there are times when medical treatment has to give up – and then God’s Power takes over.

…They met under the auspices of the World Christian Doctors Network (WCDN) and Dr. Yoon-Seok Chae,

…During the two-day gathering, doctors took turns in presenting case studies of miracles they had experiences with the date flashed on a big screen and then allowed questions from the medical audience.

These ranged from a man being raised from the dead, to a detached retina being healed, to other diseases both large and small.

Dr. Armando Pineda, who is now based in Florida and is Director of the World Christian Doctors Network USA, spoke passionately about the need for doctors to pray for their patients, citing the example of many Cubans he had been ministering to being set free from witchcraft.

A local revivalist also got involved:

…Dr. Jenis av Rana, Director of WCDN Scandinavia said, in hosting this year’s conference; “We don’t just want this conference to have an impact on the doctors attending but also on the people of Trondheim, which is why we have invited a healing evangelist Pastor Svein Magne Pedersen to hold an evangelistic healing meeting during the conference.”


…Veteran journalist and broadcaster, Dan Wooding, is hosting a TV special for the Global Christian Network (GCN) based in Atlanta, Georgia, about an extraordinary conference at which medical doctors from around the globe presented case studies and answered questions from their colleagues on miracles.

…Among others that Wooding interviewed was Dr. Chauncey W. Crandall IV, who serves at the Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, who recounted that after he had prayed for a patient who had died and was being prepared for the morgue, was brought back to life after prayer.

For some reason, however, Wooding neglects to mention the man behind both the World Christian Doctors Network and the Global Christian Network: a controversial South Korean faith healer named Jaerock Lee, whose teachings and activities have alienated him from other Christian groups in Korea and brought him critical media scrutiny, which he tried to suppress in 1999 by sending his followers to storm a Korean TV studio. Lee’s theology includes a belief in UFOs, and he claims to be able to perform a range of miracles, of which dramatic healings of the sick is just one kind. Wooding previously reported that when the Global Christian Network was launched in New York, God advertised the event with a “glowing cross” which “suddenly appeared in the darkened sky above the towering Empire State Building”. Lee and his Manmin Church have held events in a number of countries, including (as I blogged at the time) the Philippines, India, and the USA (where he faced protests from Christian groups). The event in the Philippines – as with Norway – was a medical conference, and David Prentice of the American Family Research Council was among the attendees.

As for those mentioned in relation to the latest conference, Chauncey Crandall’s account of raising someone from the dead was reported on a US news programme a few months ago (a sceptical analysis is available here). Pastor Svein Magne Pedersen, meanwhile, has a website in English here; however, at least one Norwegian website is unimpressed, claiming he has only a “5% suksessrate”. Dr. Jenis av Rana runs a Christian political party on the Faroe Islands called the Centre Party, or Miðflokkurin; he has been associated with Lee’s WCDN for several years.

UK Police Warn that “Scientology is a Cult” Signs are Illegal

Took Advice from Crown Prosecution Service

UK anarchist newsletter SchNEWS reports on an anti-Scientology protest at the Church’s centre in the City of London:

At 11.20, two [City of London police] officers approached one 15-year-old who was wearing a huge-nosed mask and holding a sign saying “Scientology is not a religion – it is a dangerous cult”. He was handed a pre-printed warning by a WPC stating, “The sign you are displaying commits an offence under Section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986. you are strongly advised to remove the sign with immediate effect”.

…Police were clearly out to protect CoS’s reputation with one officer telling us, “Our solicitors at the Crown Prosecution Service have advised us that any signs saying ‘Scientology is a cult’ could be deemed offensive.” He added “They are being treated as a religious organisation for the purposes of today”.

Of course, offering the police advice about public criticism of religion is not something in which the Crown Prosecution Service has shown much competence: just days ago it was announced that the CPS and the West Midlands Police had issued an apology and paid damages to the makers of a Channel 4 documentary on Islamic fundamentalism in the UK; the CPS had advised the West Midlands Police to complain about the programme to UK television regulator Ofcom on the (bogus) grounds that the documentary-makers had edited footage of ranting Islamists in a way that created a “distorted” negative impression.

The protestor concerned, who goes by the name of “The Epic Nose Guy”, was issued with a court summons, as he explains here:

SchNEWS adds:

In October, a £24 million Scientology centre opened in the heart of London’s Square Mile…Up to 20 officers in the City of London Police – from constables to superintendents – have accepted hospitality worth thousands from CoS, including invites to a £500-a-head charity dinner where the guest of honour was Tom Cruise. One senior police officer appeared in a Church of Scientology video and another, Chief Superintendent Kevin Hurley, spoke at the opening of the new “mission” saying the cult was “raising the spiritual wealth of society”.

I blogged on this here.

Meanwhile, in Toronto, the Scientology PR machine tries to win over some protestors in its usual slick manner:

John McCain’s Two Horsemen of the Apocalypse

See thisTalk to Action story by Bruce Wilson for the background on John Hagee, and this piece by Jeff Sharlet for Rod Parsley.

UPDATE: McCain has now ditched both pastors. See here.